

  • Darn it! I was doing so well avoiding the sweets at the office and then I totally flaked and had some girl scout cookies I found in the freezer! Oh well. At least my calories were in check today! :-)
  • How do I follow you guys? When do you post April's challenge? It seems like a good way to hold myself accountable!
  • Well, I ended up going with the beef stew. The stew itself, based on the ingredients I could identify, came in around 500 calories w/ 6 fat. I also had 2 slices of baguette with the smallest pat of Irish butter and 1/3 of a slice of cake (birthday celebration). My calories were just under 750 - not too horrible since I…
  • Unfortunately no nutritional into.
  • I dedicate a portion of Sunday to cooking for the week and either freeze or refrigerate depending on how things keep. I usually make soup or chili, which I eat as lunch #1, and then some form of dip for lunch #2 with veggies, of course! I am partial to hummus with varying background flavors - olive, sundried tomato,…
  • I know you say you want to go "cold turkey" but if I know anything from living with smokers (not being one myself), this seems to be the roughest way to quite. My husband smoked for years and has had real success with an electronic cigarette. When the prices rose he fist started rolling his own with American Spirit organic…
  • Thank you all for the feedback. I suppose I will continue with my current method and just ask when I am really at a loss for an ingredients list (like the soup I had). Go local establishments!
  • I do my official weigh in on Saturday with a check-in on Thursday. I do the Thursday off the record to keep myself motivated for Thurs/Fri when I am prone to going out to lunch w/ friends and co-workers. If I have a bad day and "fall off the wagon" I weigh myself at night, when we are heaviest, and that helps snap me out…
  • I struggle with depression and OCD and like to eat when I am emotional or bored. So, I understand where you are coming from - I really do. I recently read "Eat Your Way To Happiness." It talks about food and how certain foods literally affect your brain. I have been implementing the teachings of the book along with this…
  • I agree with most of what I have read here. 1200 is already low. If you are exercising, eat at least 3/4 of those calories back. And, make sure you are getting ample protein for building muscle. Remember, muscle is heavier than fat, so that could also be a factor. But, my guess would be that you are in starvation mode,…
  • I like to have 1/2 C 2% fage greek yogurt w/ 2 Tbs grape nuts and some fresh fruit. It usually comes in around 250 calories depending on the fruit. I get great texture from the grape nuts, but keep my carbs in check by making them into a topping instead of the main event.
  • I struggle with this same issue and recently discussed it with a friend who is diabetic. After our conversation I felt like sugar overall was not my enemy. ADDED sugar and PROCESSED sugar are the enemy. So, while I will indulge in a piece of dark chocolate each night and a cookie or ice cream on occasion, I limit my daily…
  • I eat when I am bored as well. Try chewing gum and drinking lots of water. When that doesn't work I have a zero calorie drink (Coke Zero, etc.). It that doesn't work, I hit the fridge, but I have eliminated most processed food from my pantry. So, when I do give in to boredom, I have limited choices for a quick fix. Try…
  • I am guessing this schedule you are keeping is not going to last forever. In the meantime, why don't you try to sneak in your exercise. Take a 15 minute walk at lunch, use the stairs instead of the elevator, park at the opposite end of the parking lot when you go to the store. It's not the same as doing your morning…