I'm a bored eatter

Ang8178 Posts: 308
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Well, I don't have a job. No kids. It's winter. One car (husband has the car all day for work) So I'm stuck in the house all day, alone, well , I have a boxer but it's too cold to walk him. I now realize I get hungry when I'm bored!!!!!!!! I know I can always find something todo other than eat, but it's just sooooo feakin' tempting to look in the fridge! I've been good today, but I am getting ready to clean the walls so I don't snack all afternoon!

When I had a car I was gone all day! Shopping, at the dog park, sort road trips... etc.... I don't even feel hungry, but I want to eat. I never knew what kind of "eatter" I was untill today. I'm a bored eatter :laugh:


  • I eat when I am bored as well. Try chewing gum and drinking lots of water. When that doesn't work I have a zero calorie drink (Coke Zero, etc.). It that doesn't work, I hit the fridge, but I have eliminated most processed food from my pantry. So, when I do give in to boredom, I have limited choices for a quick fix. Try grapes, berries or other natural snack foods that take time to eat - meaning eat one grape at a time, not by the handful - so you eat slower and ultimately less food. I also like 100 calorie SmartPop.
  • Ang8178
    Ang8178 Posts: 308
    I love pop corn because it does take time to eat :happy: I just got to thinking, maybe I should buy some pomegranets, lost of time to peel and pick out those little fruit seeds! :laugh:
  • mvl1014
    mvl1014 Posts: 531
    Have you thought about dropping him off and picking him up so you have the car all day?

    And who says it's too cold to take the dog for a walk? My dogs always love to go on walks! Get your boxer a jacket.
  • Ang8178
    Ang8178 Posts: 308
    :laugh: MV I'm too cold for the walk! LOL He needs the car, most days anyway. I get it once a week. Part of my weight gain is from being able to do what ever I wanted for a year and a half (husband was deployed) now having to totally change it. People don't really think about it, but when the way you live is drasticly changed, your weight may be affected. I'm just trying to make the best of it.

    OH we also live in a crazy stupid place! KENTUCKY! (sorry if anyone likes it here, I don't, no offence to you) I can't walk anywhere in my neighborhood with out being on some stupid hwy! Neighborhood is nice, I just wish there was a park close by :cry:
  • trmiller21
    trmiller21 Posts: 6 Member
    Ang8178, you need a hobby you can do indoors. I eat when I'm bored too. Diet soda really helps curb the need to snack but it doesn't help the boredom. You can try things from organizing closets (my personal favorite), do it yourself projects like painting the walls a new color, or sewing costumes (i love this one too and you can sell them for a lot of money on ebay). You just need to find something to occupy your time, whatever that may be. Good luck.
  • mvl1014
    mvl1014 Posts: 531
    :laugh: MV I'm too cold for the walk! LOL ...

    LoL maybe you need a jacket! ;-)

    Bob from the Biggest Loser recommends gum (specifically sugar free) in these situations.

    My wife gets cabin fever really quickly. She resorts to cleaning the house. You could clean the house and chew the gum! :-D
  • A hobby -- it might sound old fashioned but knitting or crocheting is a great hobby and it keeps both your mind and hands occupied so you cant eat. Or try drawing or painting....
    I am also from a military background - my husband was in the Navy in the beginning of our marriage - he was gone 3 weeks, home 1, gone 2 months, home 2 weeks etc etc - I found that finding other wives in the same position as you are -- start a book club or something like that for others like you -- you can find someone that would donate time to military families and get a knitting lesson for you and other women
    Well, you get my drift - but staying home - alone isnt going to help - you need to find other things to do that doesnt involve mindless eating.
    Good luck!
    PS..i bet you could even go to the base and find oher women like you (trying to lose weight) and start a support group of some sort. Put yourself out there -- you will be surprised at the response you get.
  • angelwings2000
    angelwings2000 Posts: 357 Member
    I am not a bored eater.....I just never have time to be bored. I am an emotional eater. When I am sad or depressed I eat more. I am also a celebratory eater. Life to me is about the family gatherings, the nights out with friends, the tme with my sweetie & everything revolves around food. We just need to figure out our weaknesses and arm ourselves with an arsenal of knowledge to battle against our eating demons! Good luck in the battle................ by defining you are half way to victory!
  • Have you considered a Bike? Get your fitness in while biking to where you want to go. Kentucky is cold, but snow shouldn't be an issue. A bike would work well. Just my feedback.
  • look at http://www.maxkirsten.com/ (or in app store)
    He helped me quit smoking (absolutely amazing). I've been looking at the weight loss program ... it looks like he gives you good suggestions on how to beat the useless cravings. The $7.99 I spent on my iPhone app for smoking has paid for itself about 1000 times over now ...... so maybe the weight loss app/download can help your scenario ..... that or get a job :P ;)
    I plan on trying it.
  • I have a question... How much TV do you watch? I find that when I watch TV I get hungrier so I almost stopped watching it (I mean cmon! A guy needs to watch the news + lost and survivor are back on this week!!). Since I started readin and playing XBox more my extra snacking went to 0!!
  • tanzmitpalmer
    tanzmitpalmer Posts: 124 Member
    OH we also live in a crazy stupid place! KENTUCKY! (sorry if anyone likes it here, I don't, no offence to you) I can't walk anywhere in my neighborhood with out being on some stupid hwy! Neighborhood is nice, I just wish there was a park close by :cry:

    I would never have guessed... you don't strike me as the Kentucky type! Then again, neither do I, but I've been here all my life. Ha!

    Best thing I can come up with is have some gum on hand. I'll pop a stick when I get the boredom-munchies, and within five minutes, I've forgotten I was ever "hungry". Pop helps with that, as well... yeah, it's not the greatest thing to drink, but the fizz activates my palate enough to curb the cravings. So... it's the lesser of two evils IMHO.

    Cleaning the bathroom helps, too. Those can never be too clean.
  • jana1124
    jana1124 Posts: 39 Member
    watermellon... squish it up and make pop sickles!
  • genann
    genann Posts: 236
    I'm a bored eater too! Guess that shows by my weight gain this week...3 lbs. Next week WILL be better...
  • I'm an emotional eater too. On a day like Super Bowl Sunday, parties and pizzas, etc. are the norm.

    I enjoy walking. I haven't worked much when it comes to "pedaling away" on a stationary bike
  • I forgot, I could have put this in my earlier message.

    I have "The Fat Book" by Karen J. Bellerson, a book on Healthy Eating by Dr. Andrew Weil, and some books in the "Eat This, not That" series.
  • genann
    genann Posts: 236
    I love walking and I am sooooo looking forward to spring. I don't have a treadmill and all its done around here is snow and its really cold, so its really hard to get outside and walk. I have a lifetime passt to our local gym where theres a walking ramp around the top of the gym. Its really nice, they keep it heated in the winter and airconditioned in the summer. Gets really boring going around and around all the time, but at least its exercise.
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