Breakfast is becoming a problem.



  • 20-grain toast with lemon marmalade from the farmers market, and a cup of coffee. Then if I get bored I have a vanilla shake instead (high-fibre).
  • I'm also a big fan on the peanut-butter/Banana sandwich on whole weat toast!
  • Supermel
    Supermel Posts: 612 Member
    awesome ideas :)
  • hamiltonba
    hamiltonba Posts: 474 Member
    Just because it's breakfast does not mean it has to be bfst food. Think outside the box. But, if you want bfst food, how about whole wheat english muffin with non fat cream cheese, egg beaters mixed w/cinnamon and milk and make french toast using thin sliced whole wheat bread. Unfortunately we can't eat the way we'd like to - isn't that why we got fat to begin with? Yes, you will need to make some lifestyle changes if you want to be successful.
  • I like to have 1/2 C 2% fage greek yogurt w/ 2 Tbs grape nuts and some fresh fruit. It usually comes in around 250 calories depending on the fruit. I get great texture from the grape nuts, but keep my carbs in check by making them into a topping instead of the main event.
  • I usually do cereal, a mini bagel, or cereal bar for breakfast.
  • WendiMac2Be
    WendiMac2Be Posts: 15 Member
    I do a lot of cooking on Sundays and store it for later use. My favorite breakfast option is a mini quiche made with eggs, fat free sour cream (makes it fluffier), low fat mozz, fresh spinach, paprika and (optionally) turkey sausage. I pour them in muffin cups and bake, then freeze them in individual ziploc bags. Takes about 30 secs to re-heat in the mornings when you are on the go.

    I think South Beach Diet's web site has a free recipe for something similar on there.

    Lately I've made a turkey bacon wrap using 2 slices, plus a whole wheat tortilla and some lowfat cheese.
  • Hi, Liz! I totally understand when you say you are tired of the same breakfast every day. I'm just new to MFP today, but I have already lost 90 lbs that I know of (I didn't weight myself for 1.5 mos after I started dieting ... too afraid of the scale! LOL!). Anyway, I mix my breakfasts up with the following:

    1. 1 slice of 100% whole wheat bread topped with 1 T low-fat cream cheese or marscapone cheese, sprinkle with cinnamon and then top with 1/2 medium banana.

    2. 1 cup of steel-cut oats mixed with cinnamon and Splenda and low-fat milk. Sometimes I add raisins or banana to it. I make a big batch (plain) of it the night before so that all I need to do is warm it up in the microwave for breakfast the rest of the week ... I just need to add whatever topping I want that day.

    3. 1-1.5 bisquits of Shredded Wheat cereal and add cinnamon and Splenda. I do my own adding of cinnamon and Splenda so that I don't get all the sugar that the readymade cereal has in it. Sometimes instead of cinnamon/Splenda, I will add sliced strawberries and/or blueberries.

    4. 1 cup of Rice Chex and Corn Chex mixed together. I top with cinnamon and Splenda or sliced strawberries and/or blueberries. BTW, cinnamon is very good for lowering cholesterol, Type II diabetes, cancer and arthritis.

    5. 1 whole egg or 1/4 cup liquid egg whites scrambled with fresh mushrooms, onions, spinach, 1/8 cup 1% cottage cheese. Sometimes I will change out the veggies for whatever veggies I have leftover from dinner the night before (i.e., mixture of roasted broccoli, roasted cauliflower, roasted onion, roasted garlic, etc.). This is good stuffed inside a 100% whole wheat tortilla if you want some kind of bread with your breakfast.

    6. 1 100% whole wheat waffle topped with a poached egg. Sometimes I will have the poached egg on top of a slice of 100% whole wheat bread instead.

    7. 1 cup plain non-fat yogurt mixed with a variety of berries and a little honey or Splenda.

    8. Cantaloupe with 1% cottage cheese.

    All of these breakfasts are fast and filling.

    Liz, I hope this gives you a few ideas. Now I'm getting hungry for breakfast! LOL!

  • bethinagain
    bethinagain Posts: 282 Member
    If you like pancakes....give this receipe a try:

    Just made these the other day and to my surprise all my kids and my husband ate them. 1 cup of old fashion oat meal, 5 egg whites, and 3 table spoons of fat free cottage cheese. A pinch of brown sugar and sprinkle some cinnamon. Blend it all up in a blender or a magic bullet, until you have a pancake batter. Then fry them up in a pan with some Pam. You can drizzle some sugar free syrup or honey on them and/or spray butter.

    or you can try

    Egg white omeletes - swiss, mushrooms and spinach! Good Luck!
  • I am a huge cereal person.... total raisin bran gives you almost all of your daily vitamins in one serving, and its super filling!

    Also, to switch it up, I have a double fiber english muffin, 1/2 a tablespoon of light butter, and 2 servings of reduced sugar jelly ontop. That keeps me going all morning, that I almost forget to have a snack before lunch!

    I do have to suggest the wheat pancakes and blueberries too, they really do work well and aren't as many calories as you think!
  • light whole toast with 2tbsp of fat free cream cheese. soooooooooooooooooo goooooooooooooood
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Currently: cup of 1% milk, ice, banana and protein powder all blended up with my magic bullet

    How about a poached egg with half a slice of lowfat cheddar and a piece of canadian bacon on top - all melted together in the oven. I make 5 on Sunday so I have them for the whole week so they are convenient to grab and go

    Or baked oatmeal with peaches and strawberries in it. You can add protein powder to the mix too, just make sure you stir it frequently.
    I'm thinking of making a variation of these for the coming week.

    Good luck!
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