rencawdor24 Member


  • Wow, that is amazing progress, congratualtions!! Congrats on your babies too!
  • Really interesting for me to see, that so many of you continue to power through your period as normal in terms of exercise/calories. Keep it up ladies!!
  • I don't have cramps every day during my period, but I tend to have it first day or two and the heavy flow last about 3, sometimes 4 days. During heavy flow, I am so tired, can barely move and craving high fat comfort food. So during period, I am eating loads more and moving very little. This period, I'm going to try doing…
  • It's interesting to hear that most of you still continue with your exercise regime....I might give that a go when I have my period this time. I can't eat less at that time as that is when I crave junk like maaad! If anything, I tend to go over my calorie goals at that time. This combined with no exercise can create a dent…
  • I agree with you about stomach appearing to stick out more even though it might not actually be bigger. By the way, what is IMO?
  • I always gain 2lb without fail during period. Then I lose it straight after (unless I have eaten loads and gained 2lb during the period).
  • I have had anxiety and had to see a psychologist regarding it. I find with anxiety, just take each day as it comes. Don't think too far ahead. Like you, I can't imagine counting calories for the rest of my life, but I am going to deal with that once I have achieved my goal. And maybe by then counting calories will become…
  • That's great! I found that when I started exercising I started sleeping much better too. Although recently my 4 year old has started disturbing my sleep as she is scared of monsters...
  • For me, if I don't get my workout in during the morning then I found that I don't tend to do it. After dinner, like you I am normally tired and just can't get off the sofa most days. I always loved my sleep and never thought that I could wake up at 6am to exercise. But I have been doing it. I changed my sleep time slowly…
  • Good to hear from others about belly being last to go.... means I just have to keep doing what I am. Thanks all for your help.
  • My tummy looks like I'm pregnant sometimes too. I agree, I think as you get smaller, sometimes the stomach sticks out more. That is how it is for me now. And when I've had a big meal, then it bulges out even more!
  • I think I'd be too embarassed to take a picture of my tummy, it's not a pretty sight!
  • It could possibly be bloating, especially as I seem to have a lot of carbs! How would I get rid of bloating if it is that?
  • I agree with you. Bad posture can make your stomach bulge out. But my tummy sticks out even when I am standing straight. The only way it goes in is if I pull it in and hold it.
  • I was hoping to lose 17lb by Christmas, but not sure how realistic that is as Christmas fast approaching, but I'll try and get as far as I can. cw-157 gw-140 Height-5ft 3inch
  • I've suffered from anxiety and still do sometimes. The things that helps me most to beat anxiety is exercise. I've discovered Jillian Michael's dvds and although the first few times I do them, it is very tiring, i find it really helps with the anxiety over time and helps me sleep much better! I am too sleepy and tired to…
  • Ramadan Mubarak everyone! Yesterday I found that after I'd had some dates, a bowl of fruits and milkshake, I was pretty much full!
    in RAMADAN Comment by rencawdor24 July 2014
  • Just wondering, it did come back within a month or two or did the weight take time to come back on?
    in RAMADAN Comment by rencawdor24 June 2014
  • Also, after Taraweeh, I eat something if I feel hungry. I just go with what I feel. And as its hotter now, I try and drink lots in the evening as otherwise my migraine might get triggered.
    in RAMADAN Comment by rencawdor24 June 2014
  • I am also a Muslim and fast every year. Over the last couple of years I have lost a few pounds during Ramadan. This is entirely possible if you fast the correct and healthy way. I tend to lose 7lb during the month and then gain 3lb soon after Ramadan (I think this is water weight. that I gain back). I don't exercise at all…
    in RAMADAN Comment by rencawdor24 June 2014
  • Hi, 20lb is a lot to lose in one month. If you don't mind me asking, what was your starting weight? I am 161lb and need to lose 21lb to hit my goal. Would be amazing if I can do it in one month!! What did you do other then open your fast with an energy drink?
    in RAMADAN Comment by rencawdor24 June 2014
  • wow, so inspirational. That is a lot of weight that you managed to lose in just a year!
  • Hi, I have a four year old and had lost the weight I had put on with her and more by the time she was 18months. However, soon after I lost the weight, I had a miscarriage and was unwell, which I found very traumatic and turned to food for comfort. So I piled on the weight. Since last April I have been trying to lose the…
  • I need to lose 22lb before my get within the normal bmi, so please add me.
  • One of my reasons for losing weight, alongside being healthier and avoiding preventable disease is to have a healthy pregnancy and recover quicker after pregnancy, so feel free to add me! I have a 4 year old at the min and plan to start trying maybe later this year. Would be amazing if I could be goal weight by then, but…
  • I have come across this before and it sounds like a good diet to me, although I can't exercise everyday. I might use this plan later in the year when I have more time on my hands to plans meals. I would be very interested to hear of other's results using this. I have 22lb to lose AND WOULD LOVE TO LOSE IT BY CHRISTMAS!
  • 1. I want to be confident in my appearance 2. I can wear what I want and not look for flattering clothes 3. I want to avoid all preventable deseases 4. I want to have the energy to lead an active and fulfilling life 5. I want to feel lighter 6. Confidence again as that is a big issue for me (and weight loss will help with…
  • Thanks for this. But the problem is, my work is paying for my acvomodation and food in the hotel.
  • I had that recently and what I'm trying out now is to reward myself when I lose the next 7lb. Your reward doesnt have to be weight related but might be a reward if you continue to work hard for another two weeks?
  • London :) Feel free to add me.