sillymesillyyou Member


  • If you're riding in cold weather, I would consider getting a long sleeve top and maybe some windproof gloves. Windchill really seems to get to those parts. I mountain bike and have a combination of proper cycling gear and normal sports gear. I think some of the cycling gear helps in some areas, but some of it is a little…
  • I would suggest walking, but as you can't really go outside, maybe marching on the spot. You could aim to do it in front of the tv for the duration of your favourite tv programme, then the time will pass quicker.
  • I wouldn't do a workout because it will raise your blood pressure and temperature and may make it worse. If you feel up to it, go for a gentle walk outside (fresh air may help). If not, just rest.
  • I have these snacks through the day: Slice of gouda/edam Falafel Low cal crisps: e.g. skips, velvet crunch, quavers, pom bears, weight watchers crisps
  • Congratulations. I reached the same point a few weeks ago and have the same end goal, but since then I've started to feel a bit rough at times. I think possibly my blood sugar was dropping a little low or something like that. Maybe when you're in the "healthy" range it's harder for the body to burn fat and so there is less…
  • You can get a special storage bag from Lakeland Plastics which keeps fresh fruit and veg for longer. Have a trawl round their website.
  • I have a sedentary job. Some jobs are that way. It's just the way it is. I try to get for a walk in my lunch break most days. I think that has helped my weight loss and fitness (alongside the exercise I do outside work hours).
  • That depends on your weight. For me it's about 170. It is in the exercise database (spelt "pilates" btw) so you can add it and see what you've burnt for your weight.
  • You're comfortably in the healthy bmi range and pretty near the middle of it. I would suggest not worrying about that figure anymore and shift your focus to fitness targets, toning, etc.
  • Rihanna - can't stand her shouting all her songs at me. Why not try singing them? Also, tea and tomatoes.
  • Go to see your doctor. Could be a sympton of a urine infection, which would easily be cleared up with treatment.
  • I think that the odd one or two a week is fine. Everything in moderation. It keeps us sane. If I completely stopping consuming everything that anyone has ever found reasons why it's bad for you, I'd go mad, or at very least fall off the healthy eating wagon all together. One tip though, when you do have these types of…
  • Liverpool FC
  • Try Good sports equipment website.
  • Avoid pre-packaged food and ready meals. They have lots of salt in as a preservative. Try to cook from basic ingredients - e.g. plain meat, veg, fruit, etc - nobody's added salt to these. Don't buy ready made sauces (e.g. bolognese), make your own from tomatoes and similar. Avoid cured and processed meat - e.g ham,…
  • The doctor also told me to avoid having dietary supplements like vitamin or mineral pills, as they could make things worse. My migraine triggers are: - Fizzy and sugary drinks - Alcohol (even in small amounts) - Dehydration - Tiredness - Stress - Being in poor quality air-conditioned buildings - Irregular sleep patterns…
  • I too suffer from headaches and migraines. The headaches (not migraines) have been much worse on days after exercise. I usually exercise immediately after work and feel fine in the evening, but then the headache develops through the night. It feels very much like a hangover, which would suggest dehydration. It also seems…