

  • Thats the daft sort of thing I would do!!! but at least you caught it early its always worth listening to those nagging doubts. Jackie
  • Hi I got the timex a couple of weeks ago and I love it, the chest strap is really comfi to wear and the watch is very is easy to set up and use, its water proof and can be used as a watch when your not wearing the chest strap, I dont have any problems with signals. I paid £38.00 but when I went back onto Amazon last week…
    in HRM Comment by fatgirlslim47 March 2011
  • last month I gained 2lb the day my period starts and by the end 4 or 5 days later I am back to normal.
  • Be very careful where you buy them from, I along with thousands of others got totally ripped off. I ordered a free trial last year off the internet paying only for pp at £2.19. I read everything very carefully and as I pressed the i agree to abide by the rules button a page flashed up saying they would take £69.00 out of…
  • Hiya I had yesterday off as I was in and out all day and my baby chicks were hatching!! but I did go and buy myself a new pair of trainners I found working out in bare feet a little uncomfortable. I have also added in 2 circuits of JM banish fat. A friend called around at lunch time and just could not belive how much…
  • I spent last Tuesday doing this equation lol, I couldnt work out why I was not losing 2lb a week as I set my settings. I invested in a hrm and noted some days I only burn just over 2000 other days I burn well over 3000 so now I aim to eat 1200 calories but burn 2200 there for leaving me in a minus of 1000 a day x 7 days= -…
  • I do add my cleaning exercise in but not until I have burned 2200 calories on my HRM. I put it on when I get dressed in a morning and generally take it off around 7pm when I go for a bath. I then log anything over 2200 as exercise.
  • I am the same as you, in an 18 I have a huge muffin top, in a 20 I am comfortable with a hand space, so I say I am a comfortable 20 getting towards an 18, I hate muffin tops and camel toes!!!!
  • I started in January, and like you I was amazed at how much I was eating. I thought I followed a fairly healthy diet but when I started weighing my evening meal I was having 2 to 3 peoples portions (ooops) then I was like a bear with a sore head for several days while my body adjusted. After a couple of weeks I really got…
  • you look amazing and so much younger!!! I bet your wife cant keep her hands off you!
  • well I managed day 3, did a lot better by doing my press ups against the wall, I will continue to do this until i have more strength in my wrists and upper arms (and I am a little fitter lol) I did feel a real pull in my legs when I went for a wee in the night and thought I might have to spend the rest of the night…
  • Hi Everyone is it ok if I join in, I have started doing the shred and will do some measuring in the morning, I have my weights and my hrm so I have no excuses!!! I have pulled a muscle in my left leg so will do push up on the wall as suggested and extra boxing to keep my heart rate up!!! Good Luck everyone
  • well done keep up the good work :-)
  • I weigh myself naked every morning, and jot it down in my diary. I know some days will be up or down but I just like to see, on a Friday morning I have my offical weigh in and only then do I alter mfp. I know I should not weigh myself each day but hey it keeps me happy and on the right track.
  • Ive lost 16lb and nobody has noticed yet, but I can hardly tell myself to be honest. I haven't dropped a dress size so I am still wearing my normal clothes they just fit better..... so I will keep plodding away and I am sure some one will notice before I fade away lol
  • That poor poor girl, I agree social services should step in, what are both her parents doing? how could her mother not have time to prepare healthy meals? unless she does not know how too in which case mum and daughter need lots and lots of help
  • I will pop down to morrisons later and check them out, I have just started with jm 30 day shred but not sure how to work out calories burnt!! any ideas how I add it to my exercise please? Jackie
  • I clean my teeth, I dont like eating with the minty taste in my mouth daft I know but it works for me I also do jigsaws cause I get so carried away putting the pieces in I forget about food
  • Hi I was diagnosed about 22 years ago when I was trying to get pregnant. I have stuggled with my weight most of my adult life but my symptoms are getting better If I eat bread I bloat and dont lose weight so I only eat bread (small brown roll) every other day.(or try to) I am now loosing 2lb a week. Jackie
  • Hi, I had a few problems at the start as I was so used to doing weight watchers and not calorie counting. So I sat down with all my weight watcher magazines and books and planned all my evening meals out using the recipes that had the calorie content on. I have soup at lunch time sometimes homemade but usually weight…
  • I have lost 13lb and can honestly say my trousers are still fitting me and are still on the snug side, I am really begining to wonder how I ever got them on when I was 13lb heavier, but I did put a top on today that I havent been able to wear for over 12 months so I guess the weight is coming off my top half first. I can…
  • Lexie that is great news and such a buzz when you can see results for all the hard work, I have lost 11lb but as yet have seen no real difference in my clothes. I started off a tight 20 and can honestly say I am still a good 20, :-( looks as if I need to work harder so I can shop in my wardrobe of 18's!!! oh well there is…
  • Hello and welcome to the board, I am Jackie and I joined in January and I love this site, its so easy to sit down at home and plan my days eating and once I have written it down I tend to stick to it as I hate going over my calories. I am a liitle heavier than you by a few pounds but I have set my goal a little higher. I…
  • Hi Everyone, have just found the Team UK and would love to join you all!! I joined MFP in January and after a few mishaps I seem to have got into the swing of things. I have lost weight in the past with weight watchers but I really didn't want to pay loads of money to join a class with support only once a week so I am…
  • Hi I am in and I really need this!!! screen name Fatgirlslim47 1st February sw 218
  • congratulations!!!!! you look fab !!! I hope I look half as good as you at the end of my weight loss journey. Jackie
  • If I have added it up right we are at 204.8 +8 = 212.8 Jackie
  • Hi I am in Northamptonshire and been using the site for 3 weeks and loving it Jackie
  • Hi I am from the UK, and although we havent set a date yet we hopefully will be getting married in the next couple of years. I have though booked a fantastic cruise for January 2012 and would love to be 4 stone lighter (if not more) by the time I get on the plane so would love to join you. I will add you as a friend if…
  • Hi I also had a quick look at your diary since last Friday you have overeaten by 2435 calories!! it takes just 3000 calories to make 1lb of fat, Try to cut out the pizza and high calorie sandwiches, also by eating so much sugar at breakfast you are giving your body a real sugar rush and then when the sugar runs out you…