Sorry But it's REALLLY not worth it to me!!!



  • alicewoman1
    alicewoman1 Posts: 34 Member
    Are you using pills maybe?
  • brittlynne3579
    brittlynne3579 Posts: 217 Member
    Yeah, I have to agree with alot of posts. I know this is a frustrating life change and I'm by NO means judging you, but there were some concerns in your diary:

    Saw ALOT of processed food - Poptarts, Nachos, McDonalds, Breads, etc.
    Saw some portion concerns - 6 slices of pizza at lunch, 10pc nugget
    Calories over - Most days you are over on your calories or fat but quite alot. Are you exercising to compensate?
    Didn't see your water logged, though I'm assuming you're drinking some, just not sure if it is enough
    A bit random.....I noticed one night you had beef stew for dinner, which is fine, then nachos. Is that a late night snacking thing?

    You may benefit from going to see a nutritionist or viewing other people's diaries with the same calorie goal.
  • lushy20
    lushy20 Posts: 215 Member
    you are definately not eating the right kinds of food, too many calories in them therefore making you go over everyday.
    if you wanna lose weight you need to work at it, certainly didnt put weight on overnight and it wont come over overnight its a long proccess but if you are serious about losing it and stay under your calories and exercise you can definately do it.
  • pghfan
    pghfan Posts: 119
    I agree with the others, you need to make WAY better food choices and WATCH your portion sizes - are you being honest with those? Don't give up, when you stay at or below your allotted calories, YOU WILL LOSE WEIGHT!
  • Hello!
    I've had the same issue for about a year or more and now I'm finally seeing results. Slowly but surely. I have hypothyroidism and polycystic ovarian syndrome which when combined together makes it very difficult to lose weight. For the longest time, the inches were coming off but I wasn't losing any weight at all! My waist didn't budge until just recently and its been over a year of working out. Add more protein to you diet and cut out the carbs! Get a nutrionist to get you on the right path. You can customize MyFitnessPal goals too by reducing the carb intake and increasing the protein intake. It wasn't until I cut the carbs and increased my protein intake that I started really losing. Best of luck!
  • BECav0602
    BECav0602 Posts: 200 Member
    I was looking at your diary and out of 7 days you went over on 5. You have to have a calorie deficit in order to lose weight, and if your eating over your calories you should be exercising to make up for it. I've also noticed that your water meter is at 0 everyday, are you drinking water? ... It doesn't show your drinking anything....

    The program works but you have to make it work for you. If you are going to eat Pizza & Junk everyday, it's probably not going to work for you. Eating a healthy and well balanced diet is essential to weight loss....

    I also looked at your diary and would suggest making some healthier choices. Even if something isn't a lot of calories (pop tart for instance) it still has a lot of sugar in it. I would suggest trying to choose more natural foods and eliminate a lot of the processed foods for a while (this doesn't mean none but to limit them). hard boiloed egg whites and whole wheat english muffin with some peanut butter is a much healthier and filling breakfast for about the same calories as the pop tart.

    Also, I see on your lunch sandwiches the calorie counts are high. Try eliminating the mayo for one (I also love mayo but use it sparingly and only when I really want it) and try to make sandwiches at home if you can. The ones you buy at the store or deli are loaded with calories. Here is an easy chicken wrap I make for lunch (easy to make the night before if you work/go to school).

    1 Ole Extreme Wellness High Fiber Tortilla (you can find this in the hispanic food section of your grocer) or you can use any other whole wheat/low cal tortilla

    Spread 1 laughing cow cheese wedge on the tortila (I love cheese you can omit if you would like )
    Mix 2oz chopped cooked chicken, lettuce any other veggies you like in a bowl with 1TBSP low fat salad dressing.
    Fill the tortilla with the mixture and wrap.
    This should come out to around 250-275 calories depending on the dressing you use. I usually eat with an apple or banana.

    For dinner try to stick to lean proteins, whole grains (brown rice, whole whear couscous) and steamed veggies.

    Also, trying to eliminate some of the sodium in your diet will help. Mrs. Dash makes some great seasonings for things and I didn't even miss the salt on my chicken!

    Remember to exercise every day you can even if it is just 30 minutes of walking. Hope this helps and good luck. Just remember that it takes time and you won't see results overnight.
  • myukniewicz
    myukniewicz Posts: 906 Member
    there isn't much i can add, except that i agree with everyone posted above.
    you should work at incorporating less processed, high sodium, unhealthy foods into your diet. and eat more whole grains, and fresh fruit & veggies. are you drinking your 8 glasses of water a day? and maybe you should start to fit exercise into your plan as well.
  • I'm sorry, but you will not lose weight when all of your calories come from processed food and sugar filled food at that. You need to eat vegetables and fruit and get rid of the processed food. I still eat some processed food, but in moderation and certainly not everyday. The sugar alone in those foods will kill any diet and your body needs nutrients which those products lack. I will make my diary public, so you can get an idea. I certainly don't eat perfect and do have some not great for me foods, but the majority of what I eat is whole,real food.Also, make sure you are drinking at least 8 (8 0z) glasses of water daily and if you're drinking anything besides water,log that also. Those calories in soda,milk,sweetened beverages,etc add up fast. I hope this helps and good luck!
  • bigcurt61
    bigcurt61 Posts: 51 Member
    Don't forget to that condiments and any drinks other than water have calories. Even the zero calorie drink can sometimes make you hunger because the artificial sweetener. You will have to make better eating choices as well, you are consuming way too much sugar. Those poptarts have 33g of sugar for one pack. You have to start making healthier eating choices. Re-vamp what you’re eating, keep exercising, and reevaluate in another 2 weeks. Don’t give up just change a few things.
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    I have to agree with what a lot of other people have said. I took a quick look at your food diary. The foods were not great. Weight loss isn't just counting calories but is also about eating healthier and exercise. Try to cut down on the amount of processed foods and the sodium.
  • benitocereno
    benitocereno Posts: 101 Member
    Nth'ing what everyone else has said. Bluntly put, you need to do better.

    I know everyone is trying not to hurt your feelings, and neither am I, but you NEED to take your limits and recommendations from MFP more seriously. Recording everything you eat doesn't magically make the weight disappear; it's a tool to enable you to eat correctly. Think about it this way - how long did it take you to put on the weight you have now? If you're anything like I was (overweight in highschool) you've probably never been 'fit.' That means you've had 17+ years to get where you are now... it's not going to disappear overnight, and it's not going to be easy, but you CAN do it.

    Double down on your efforts, eat better (yes, it's going to be HARD, but you CAN do it), and exercise more. Best of luck to you, we all know you can do it, but you can't make excuses for your behavior! Own it, embrace it, and you will be stronger for it!
  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 847 Member
    Hey sweetie; I hope that you are reading all of these replies and realized that none of the responses are the make you feel bad. We are all here to support and help each other. When you post that this just isn't worth it but then your diary shows that the foods you are eating are not healthy choices you cannot blame the program.

    It comes down to responsibility and how bad YOU want it. IF you really want to lose weight you need to bite the proverbial bullet and stop eating the crap foods. Eat more natural fruits and veggies. Looking for a quick snack? Strawberries I have found to be great in curbing my sweet tooth. Just 4-5 can satisfy it.

    Water: I cannot say how important that it is. I've been suggested by a medical professional that when trying to lose weight you should drink approximately 1/2 your weight in ounces. So if you weigh 200 pounds you should drink 100 oz of water (more on days you exercise).

    You should strive to exercise a minimum of 30 minutes a day - even a brisk walk.

    I wish you the best of luck.
  • Amb1976
    Amb1976 Posts: 241 Member
    i agree as well....another thing that may help is to log each item individually instead of generic grouping (s.a ham & cheese sand) smaller HEALTHIER snacks thru the day and that will help control your hunger, consistantly fueling your body....everyone is different...i have been on here (seriously) two weeks and have lost almost ten pounds....i excercise 6 days a week and eat mostly healthy or am very conscious (sp) about the food i put into my body....i still slip, but theyre little slips and i always check with MFP before i order anything off the fast food menus (including subway)...its really helped, but you have to be willing to sacrifice...
  • jojoworks
    jojoworks Posts: 315 Member
    Good Morning,

    While everyone is making really valid and spot-on comments about your food diary I'd like to mention I looked at your reasons for wanting to lose weight on your profile. You're doing this for some really great reasons. To want to be a role model and mentor to other women who need to lose weight is an incredible goal. Think this through.....would this mentoring include quiting after week 2 because you aren't seeing the results you want?

    I've been on this site, counting calories and changing my diet to a way of eating I can sustain for the rest of my life. I lost 40 lbs last year. That works out to .78 lbs lost a week, approx 3 lbs a month. When you're starting out this sounds slower than slow. But looking back on the year and saying buh-bi to those 40 lbs now seems like a momentous accomplishment. I can't exercise due to physical ailments, so it all was a result of eating better.

    For me eating better means cutting out all processed foods, white breads, white pasta, white rice, sugar and anything else that is not healthy.

    Eating better is an education and you've just begun. There's lots to learn and foremost, self-examination is required. How can you adjust, how should you adjust?

    Good luck!
    ps: if you want to friend me to review my food diary, please do
  • Hi I also had a quick look at your diary since last Friday you have overeaten by 2435 calories!! it takes just 3000 calories to make 1lb of fat, Try to cut out the pizza and high calorie sandwiches, also by eating so much sugar at breakfast you are giving your body a real sugar rush and then when the sugar runs out you will be left feeling down and hungry, do you like porridge? thats slow burning and fills you up for much longer. There is no easy answer but with the right choice of food you will lose weight. My daughters are your age and both putting weight on while at university, I have suggested to them both they buy the weight watcher magazine and cook some of the meals and make small changes a bit at a time. Try to have a good week and then allow your self a small treat at the weekend.
    Good Luck on your weight loss and it will be worth it in the end
  • SmartFunGorgeous
    SmartFunGorgeous Posts: 699 Member
    I've read a lot of comments about the food choices you're making. I haven't looked at your diary, but as someone who is 35 and beginning a life change for the gazillionth time, I will say this- it IS worth it. Don't waste away the rest of your teen years and your 20s, or even the rest of your life as an unhappy, overweight person. I did, and I so wish I had the tools then that I do now.

    Perhaps you're judging your calories wrong. Joining a program like Weight Watchers (or another program- just the example I'm most familiar with) or a gym with a personal trainer could help teach you proportions of food servings. I believe most fitness centers have food programs as well, for which you could turn to for advice.

    One other note: it IS about the calories you consume, versus what you put out. I know that with this first week of my own counting calories, the only change I made was simply to count. I am a teacher and I get free breakfasts and lunches, so that's what I'm going to eat, and trust me, our school doesn't offer healthy choices, despite there being "regulations" that mandate that. But I try to supplement my diet with fresh fruit and nuts and yogurt, because I know those things have health benefits that can help "balance" the rest of the foods I eat. I've only been doing this a week, so I'm no expert (even though it says I joined in April of 2010, I didn't do anything until a week ago), but I have attended all sorts of WW meetings and have learned a few things. The problem always seems to be applying it!

    Don't give up, and don't give in. Your life IS worth it.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    You've lost 4 pounds in less than a month? That's good. We all lose at different rates. If you go from no exercise to a lot of exercise, your body will hang on to the weight for dear life. Give it some more time. Take a day or two break from exercise every week. Watch your sodium and drink all of your water. It takes more than a month to gain the weight and it's going to take more than a month to take it off. Just be patient. If you're losing 1-2 pounds per week, you have a better chance of maintaining that weight loss. Hang in there. Giving up when the results don't come fast enough is why most people never lose their weight.
  • rshunk
    rshunk Posts: 167 Member
    I understand your frustrated, we all get that way at times! This is not an easy journey, or a fast one. Don't give up though, YOU REALLY ARE worth it! Weight loss is never easy and it doesn't get any easier as you get older.
    I have to agree with what everyone else has said though. The biggest things though are that you need to make better, healthier food choices, watch your portion sizes and you need to drink lots of water and log it (and all your other beverages too).
    Don't give up just yet and do take a look at others food diary's. I know mine isn't perfect, we all have those days though and I know to expect that some of the choices I make in my eating may slow my weight loss at times, and that is okay!
    You may need to start with small changes at first until you body adjusts but you can do it!
  • nursevee
    nursevee Posts: 344 Member
    Ok... there's a lot there to work with.

    Your diet is not clean at all. You have to start making some better, smarter choices. Sure. having days of indulgement are great but you seem to have a very carb heavy, nutritionless diet. You absolutely need to make sure your breakfast is substantial. You NEEd to be eating regular, small meals. You need to find food that is lower in it's sodium content. You NEED to be drinking more water to flush your system out.... You're young, it's hard to learn these things (even adults make this mistake) but giving up will do nothing but make you unhappy. Every worthwhile healthy lifestyle plan will tell you that you need lots of fresh fruit and veg, you need to eat heart healthy grains, lots of protein rich foods (Eggs, cheese, beans, meat, cottage cheese etc) and cut out the junk (except for maybe the occassional indulgence.). This CAN be a frustrating journey, but no one with great results achieved anything without blood, sweat and tears.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    And thhis morning I wake up to everysingle pair of my uniform(school pants) pants being tight:huh:

    Let me guess: you've been doing a lot of ab work, specifically crunches, and you hold most of your weight around your midsection.

    Your diet really needs cleaning up. However, you are young and your metabolism should be naturally higher than an old duffer like me. Despite what people say you CAN lose weight eating a diet which is full of junk food as long as you maintain a calorie deficit. It's not particularly healthy and won't be much use when you get leaner but it can work for now. I don't recommend it though.

    4 lbs lose per month is a good rate. It's the equivalent to 48lbs over a year if you stick to it.

    I suspect you are playing with water balance issues here barring medical conditions or poor calorie reporting. Your diet is high in salt meaning you will retain water. If you are exercising hard this is true as well.

    I would suggest cleaning up your diet a bit (though you can eat some junk if you want), eating a baseline calorie level of about 1,600 per day (not worry about accounting for exercise calories for the time being) and drinking at least 2 litres of water a day.

    Give it two weeks. I suspect it will work.
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