Sorry But it's REALLLY not worth it to me!!!

I'M SOOO FRUSTRATED RIGHT NOW!:explode: i've been watchin what I eat and everything, excersing tooo! And thhis morning I wake up to everysingle pair of my uniform(school pants) pants being tight:huh: WHAT?? after 25 days on here Im not loosing weight, none in fact i haven't lost weight since my water weight week... Now if im gonna waste my time then ill just have to find a new way of losing weight:indifferent: Yes, I posted a topic about this a couple days ago. I hate bein let down like that especially knowing that all this work im doin isnt working. I know I may sound like im complaining but im really not, just had to let that off my chest!:embarassed:

Also this lady i know is doin it too and she is doin awesome! We started bout the same tme(about a week apart)


  • ChloMonster
    ChloMonster Posts: 19 Member
    Maybe it's time to go see your doctor.
  • curleesam
    curleesam Posts: 462 Member
    I don't mean to sound condescending but how old are you? I think the statistics etc are geared towards adults on this site. You may find it easier to seek advice from your doctor if you are overweight as he will be able to give you better advice based on your body type. Also if you are relatively young don't forget that your body is still growing and will burn calories differently to the average adult.

    Ok, dumb I know, but I checked your age AFTER I typed this! I don't know if your body is still growing at 18 but I know I still had puppy fat at that age so that just proves that your body stores fat and gets rid of fat differently as a child/teenager and even as a young adult. My metabolism only really straightened out when I was around 20.
  • LauraMcGanity
    What new way of losing weight are you talking about? Pills? Surgery?
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    I was looking at your diary and out of 7 days you went over on 5. You have to have a calorie deficit in order to lose weight, and if your eating over your calories you should be exercising to make up for it. I've also noticed that your water meter is at 0 everyday, are you drinking water? ... It doesn't show your drinking anything....

    The program works but you have to make it work for you. If you are going to eat Pizza & Junk everyday, it's probably not going to work for you. Eating a healthy and well balanced diet is essential to weight loss....
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    Dont let the frustration get to you. You may need to tweek what you are doing. You should be loosing so something is not being done right. Don't give up . Weight loss is possible. Remember 80% is the food we eat and 20% of it is or exercise and how hard we work doing it. Some people loose more slowly and so loose fast. Those who loose slower have to be more strict and on track with everything.

    Please DON'T give up! I never want to see people throw the towel in.

    If you need help or have question please feel free to ask and I will help were I can
  • jpmajors
    WOW that is tough, I am sorry about your disappointment. Not everyone gets the same results and that can be hard to handle. what has helped me is to realize this is about the weight, and health and not about appearance. I know that is easier for me as a guy where just knitted together differently. I hope you find something that works for you and it IS worth it.
  • NicolePatriot
    NicolePatriot Posts: 621 Member
    I feel the same way! I have been doing this since the 3rd and lost about 7 pounds...went to weigh in today after kicking *kitten* all week and nO CHANGE on the scale! I got soooo discouraged until I measured myself....8.5" down total...not so bad. You just have to keep with it! DON'T GIVE UP! It's a lifestyle change.
  • bbhe
    bbhe Posts: 29 Member
    Hi, One Life!
    I took the liberty of looking at your food diary and I'm not surprised that you are really frustrated. The foods you are eating aren't actually good for you! A lot of processed foods and carbs and not enough protein or vitamins. If you want I'd be happy to give you a little help. I'm sure you can do it!
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    I was looking at your diary and out of 7 days you went over on 5. You have to have a calorie deficit in order to lose weight, and if your eating over your calories you should be exercising to make up for it. I've also noticed that your water meter is at 0 everyday, are you drinking water? ... It doesn't show your drinking anything....

    The program works but you have to make it work for you. If you are going to eat Pizza & Junk everyday, it's probably not going to work for you. Eating a healthy and well balanced diet is essential to weight loss....

    I was just looking at the same thing, CiCis pizza and pop tarts.. you need to make better choices for food, I think with you eating out so much you might be just experience sodium overload.

    Try maybe Cereal, Yogurt or Oatmeal instead of breakfast and just make better choices for meal and you will see results
  • sconns21
    sconns21 Posts: 92 Member
    Don't get disheartened, it takes about a month to change habits and notice any real changes. It could just be that you're bloated this week. I've known my weight to change by 2 pounds when I'm bloated. It's natural to have feelings like this and if you can overcome them you will feel much better in the long run. Just think to yourself what's the worst that can happen if I continue with the plan? You don't lose any weight but you don't gain any either and if that is the case then you can tweak your diet/exercise to something else that works better.

  • SuperSueg1
    SuperSueg1 Posts: 27 Member
    you can get in a rut if you continue to eat the same things day in and day out. Try some fresh fruit and yogurt for breakfast instead of the pop tart, also try a salad and small hamburger for lunch. I looked at your diary and really did not see a lot of fruit and vegetables. Try to replace one item at each meal with fresh fruit and vegetables. Also I lowered my daily calories to 1300 a day. If you are taking in too many calories this is not the plan for you. I hope this helps.
  • jessieinblue
    jessieinblue Posts: 287 Member

    I took a peek at your diary, and if you are willing to hear some advice: you need to change your eating habits if you are serious about losing weight. Your diet is mostly processed junk: chicken nuggets, canned soup, boxed mac and cheese, pizza, Pop-Tarts, salty snacks . . . you are setting yourself up for heartache eating that way.

    These boards are full of people who would love to help you overhaul your diet and lifestyle. Just ask :)
  • mariyumm
    mariyumm Posts: 10 Member
    By viewing your diary ~ remember that sodium retains A LOT of water and even more when us women are in our TOTM so keep on drinking water, tea whatever just drink a lot of fluids especially if you are eating things with sodium in it ~ also remember to eat 3 meals and 2 snacks a day ~
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    I work with Kids ages 10yrs and up. ITs the food your eating. That is the biggest problem
  • ❤B☩❤
    Good morning!

    I would say that you might want to take a good hard look at your diary. You have put the question out there, so I went and took a look at your diary. I am not going to preach, but critique your diary, yourself, and ask yourself where you could have made better choices. I think that's what it all boils down to.....good choices. Do this for yourself, because YOU are worth that!

    Don't give up, and don't forget to drink your water. Believe it or not, it is KEY to your success!!

    Good luck, but please, don't give up, hun! :drinker:

    MAKE YOURSELF YOUR PRIORITY!! YOU are the only one who can do this.....but please don't be afraid to ask any of us for help. take a peek at our diaries (no, none of us is perfect), and get some ideas for snacks, meals and exercise.
  • tvanderberg
    I viewed your FOOD DIARY and well, it's NO SURPRISE why this program is NOT WORKING for you dear. You really do need to eat much better. You need some much healthier food choices in your daily food intake. All that SODIUM is killing you.
  • curleesam
    curleesam Posts: 462 Member

    I took a peek at your diary, and if you are willing to hear some advice: you need to change your eating habits if you are serious about losing weight. Your diet is mostly processed junk: chicken nuggets, canned soup, boxed mac and cheese, pizza, Pop-Tarts, salty snacks . . . you are setting yourself up for heartache eating that way.

    These boards are full of people who would love to help you overhaul your diet and lifestyle. Just ask :)

    Totally agree. My diary is public, feel free to have a nosey at the various snacks etc that I eat. I tend to eat a really big lunch and a light dinner then gym in the evening to work it all off. All the foods you are eating have a lot of sodium in and you need to make sure you are drinking lots and lots of water :)
  • christinehay78
    christinehay78 Posts: 82 Member
    Hello - Sorry you're frustrated, we're all here to help and offer advice!
    I had a look at your diary. I would really suggest that you drink alot more water. I didn't really see that you logged any water intake.
    Also you've gone over your calories several days in a row. Maybe try for more healthy meals (fruits & veggies) and less fast food.
    Going over your calories once in awhile is OK, we all do it but maybe that's why you've stopped losing for the time being.

    Don't give up. You CAN do this.
  • jennifer3998
    jennifer3998 Posts: 144 Member
    I am not trying to be mean here. You are young. But it is not surprising at all to me now that I looked at your diary. Your food choices are just terrible. Sometimes you are eating under your calories, but a lot of times are you over. But what you are eating in those calories is almost pure junk. Ten McDonald's chicken nuggets for breakfast? Seven pieces of pizza for lunch?

    You're eating mostly processed and high sodium foods. YOU CAN DO THIS, but I think you need help from either a doctor/nutritionist or to really do some searching here (look at other people's diaries for example. I won't lie, when I was your age I didn't eat very good at all, it's been a challenge to really turn it around.

    Really think about your food choices and add in fruits, vegetables and whole grain foods. No more pop-tarts, fast food etc. (you can have it once in a while of course!!).

    Most of all, sit down and think, "Am I really ready to do this right?" I hope the answer is yes. Best of luck!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I have to agree with everyone else about your food diary you need to eat better and try not to go over so much.I understand from your profile your still in school but if you could find some time to exercise that would really help