"Shreddin' It & Forgettin' It"



  • sspalding
    sspalding Posts: 91 Member
    Hey Tara Glad to hear you think it is a bit easier. Heading out to get my day 3 in now and not feeling like it will be very productive due to all the soreness. But I signed the challenge and I will do it. Love all the motivation on here!
  • kendylyndie
    kendylyndie Posts: 9 Member
    Does anyone else have knee issues?

    I had knee surgery 3 times, and for some reason, jumping jacks just really kill my knees. I won't sacrafice my knees in the name of Jillian (mainly because I won't go through that surgery again!), but is there anything else I can do that's a bit less impact? I can't jog for the same reason and the butt kicks and jumping jacks also hurt.

    Day 2 Level 1- DONE!

    I totally know where you're coming from, it kills my knees too. The only thing I've found is to modify where I can (not go as deep or jump as high) and I try to wrap both of my knees. I have a brace to wear on one of them and then I wrap the other with an ACE bandage. I agree with you though, this video is not worth more surgery! Good luck!
  • Tandksmommy11
    Tandksmommy11 Posts: 399 Member
    Does anyone else have knee issues?

    I had knee surgery 3 times, and for some reason, jumping jacks just really kill my knees. I won't sacrafice my knees in the name of Jillian (mainly because I won't go through that surgery again!), but is there anything else I can do that's a bit less impact? I can't jog for the same reason and the butt kicks and jumping jacks also hurt.

    Day 2 Level 1- DONE!

    The only thing I can think of is the squat with punches :) She says that is great for anyone with lower body injusries because it gets your heart rate up!

    Good idea! I tend to tune her out by the time I get to that part, so that's probably why I didn't realize that's what she said..haha.

    I also have a tough time doing 'female' push-ups because I can't kneel very well on that knee. Hopefully I'll soon be able to do a real push-up and not have to push through the pain of kneeling.
  • shedthem
    shedthem Posts: 34
    Did day 2 of level 1 today and 43 minutes of treadmill with incline for 2 miles. Hoping this gets easie soon, it was much harder today.
  • oldtyke
    oldtyke Posts: 149 Member
    Does anyone else have knee issues?

    I had knee surgery 3 times, and for some reason, jumping jacks just really kill my knees. I won't sacrafice my knees in the name of Jillian (mainly because I won't go through that surgery again!), but is there anything else I can do that's a bit less impact? I can't jog for the same reason and the butt kicks and jumping jacks also hurt.

    Day 2 Level 1- DONE!

    On the Biggest Loser, easy level, the jacks are done just by doing a small squat , if that helps.(Doing the usual arms)

    Done Day 2 this week, . Did it twice last week, and I can nearly do all the jacks now. The sports bra, control pants and empty bladder help !
  • Jitteryspork
    Jitteryspork Posts: 550 Member
    Does anyone else have knee issues?

    I had knee surgery 3 times, and for some reason, jumping jacks just really kill my knees. I won't sacrafice my knees in the name of Jillian (mainly because I won't go through that surgery again!), but is there anything else I can do that's a bit less impact? I can't jog for the same reason and the butt kicks and jumping jacks also hurt.

    Day 2 Level 1- DONE!

    The only thing I can think of is the squat with punches :) She says that is great for anyone with lower body injusries because it gets your heart rate up!

    Good idea! I tend to tune her out by the time I get to that part, so that's probably why I didn't realize that's what she said..haha.

    I also have a tough time doing 'female' push-ups because I can't kneel very well on that knee. Hopefully I'll soon be able to do a real push-up and not have to push through the pain of kneeling.

    Have you thought of doing Wall Push Ups? I mean, they are definately a lot less impact but they are beneficial. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RtM3L00BUU

    As soon as I read your post in the back of my head something clicked. I have the 100situps program on my iphone and this is one of the "alternatives" they give for beginners. You might have to Pause Jillian and do a double round of these to get the full benefit she is looking for, but it is definately better then being on your knees :))
  • CaityB14
    CaityB14 Posts: 74 Member
    Did my 2nd day this morning! Had to drop my 5 pound weights halfway thru the lateral raises with side lunges. I still felt it in my arms. Can't wait until I can do the raises holding the 5 pound weights for the full time. I need to good way to stretch my calves, those jump rope jumps kill my calfs
  • 123nikki123
    123nikki123 Posts: 527
    Day 3 Level 1 & 2 complete...I thought I was going to die! I worked out way too hard yesterday doing 3 of her videos :frown: I paid for it today! I had to push myself to get through level 2 and even had to stop for a few seconds...I was going to push the stop button but I didn't. To top it all of I only got maybe 5 hours of sleep last night, I'm sure that didn't help. I will be going on the treadmill later on this afternoon for 25 minutes.
  • sspalding
    sspalding Posts: 91 Member
    Level 1 Day 3 DONE!!!! I have to say the jumping jacks i was able to do all but 3 that is alot better than the first day. My feet still not off the floor for the jump rope but I did not get this way overnight and it will take time but I WILL BEAT THIS LEVEL 1!!!! Still very sore hard to even stretch. I have re-read that contract several times to help keep me on track! Good Luck everyone today! Also got my 4 mile walk in, in 1 hour.
  • wondergirl1003
    wondergirl1003 Posts: 138 Member
    Day 3 , level 1 done. Im going to have to get my cardio in later, so hopefully I can jump on the treadmill. Although it is extremely difficult to do the whole video with 5lbers, I'm going to keep trying. Even if I rest my arms for a few seconds, I keep moving my lower body so I just need to get my arms up to speed. Thanks Nikki for setting this up. It's hard, but I like that we have the accountability of checking in daily. It helps me stay with it.

    Great job ladies! Keep up the hard work!
  • Hi Everyone is it ok if I join in, I have started doing the shred and will do some measuring in the morning, I have my weights and my hrm so I have no excuses!!! I have pulled a muscle in my left leg so will do push up on the wall as suggested and extra boxing to keep my heart rate up!!! Good Luck everyone
  • horizonsp
    horizonsp Posts: 134 Member
    A mat for the ab exercise, some water & a LOT of DETERMINATION.....
  • horizonsp
    horizonsp Posts: 134 Member
    Day 3 level 2 done...oh boy that was sooooooo tough. I was dripping with sweat...today i decided to do JM in the morning coz in afternoons I am too sore & lazy. I also did elliptical training for 50 min before doing shred...
  • met0092
    met0092 Posts: 1
    Silly question- I am eating 1200 calories a day but have not been eating my excercise calories, is anyone else not eating the extra calories from workouts????? Thanks
  • shannonshock13
    shannonshock13 Posts: 355 Member
    Level 1 Day 3 DONE!!!! I have to say the jumping jacks i was able to do all but 3 that is alot better than the first day. My feet still not off the floor for the jump rope but I did not get this way overnight and it will take time but I WILL BEAT THIS LEVEL 1!!!! Still very sore hard to even stretch. I have re-read that contract several times to help keep me on track! Good Luck everyone today! Also got my 4 mile walk in, in 1 hour.

    Way to go!! You will notice a big difference with your stamina and whatnot if you stick with it (which i know you will :wink: )

    Keep up the amazing work!:flowerforyou:
  • shannonshock13
    shannonshock13 Posts: 355 Member
    Day 3 Level 1 & 2 complete...I thought I was going to die! I worked out way too hard yesterday doing 3 of her videos :frown: I paid for it today! I had to push myself to get through level 2 and even had to stop for a few seconds...I was going to push the stop button but I didn't. To top it all of I only got maybe 5 hours of sleep last night, I'm sure that didn't help. I will be going on the treadmill later on this afternoon for 25 minutes.

    Dang girl!! You are intense haha

    You're gonna see results in no time!!
  • Jitteryspork
    Jitteryspork Posts: 550 Member
    I am so excited! My plans changed so I am going to be able to do Jillian tonight!!! I am also going to get to ride my bike with my hubby.. That almost NEVER happens! :)
  • CaityB14
    CaityB14 Posts: 74 Member
    I need to figure out what I want to do everyday in addition to 30 Day Shred. On Tuesday and Thursday, I'm at school so the plan is to walk around campus during my hour and a half break. Probably just an hour though.
  • Hi Ladies, I just found your posts and would like to join your group. I started the 30 day Shred already....when I originally saw the post and have done it for the last 3 days. Level One seems easy...after reading all of your posts, I think I might do Level 2. I will take measurements and post them.
  • m0_0m
    m0_0m Posts: 265 Member
    Silly question- I am eating 1200 calories a day but have not been eating my excercise calories, is anyone else not eating the extra calories from workouts????? Thanks

    You should definitely be eating some of those exercise calories. Esp. if your working out A LOT. I don't think it's necessary to eat them all, but you wanna up those calories a bit. ;)
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