"Shreddin' It & Forgettin' It"



  • MommyRobot
    MommyRobot Posts: 268 Member
    When I got home from the gym this evening I wanted so badly to just say screw Jillian, but I didn't. Stuck to that pledge and shredded those inches away. I'll come back and edit this post after I find my measuring tape. :)
  • Jennie937
    I am so in on this! I am gonna go get my workout clothes on right now, measure and then workout with Jillian! Thanks for the inspiration!

    Okay, it seems we can't edit our posts, huh? Oh well.

    I measured, and DAMN am I fat. LOL

    Weight: 225.2
    Chest: 48
    L Arm: 16.5
    Waist: 45
    Hips: 48.5
    L Thigh: 28.25

    I finished my first time ever doing level 1. I thought I was gonna die. I am still shaking. Here's to hoping it'll get easier. *CHEERS*
  • carmelasergi
    carmelasergi Posts: 163 Member
    I'll be starting tomorrow ~ March1st. I did the 30 day shred before and saw great results. I had to stop for 2 months because of surgery, but I'm ready to start the shred again. Thanks for the invite!

    Join our weight loss forum today for free weight loss support!
  • 123nikki123
    123nikki123 Posts: 527
    When I got home from the gym this evening I wanted so badly to just say screw Jillian, but I didn't. Stuck to that pledge and shredded those inches away. I'll come back and edit this post after I find my measuring tape. :)

    Good for you! You did have a lot on your plate today:)
  • wondergirl1003
    wondergirl1003 Posts: 138 Member
    Alright, here are my measurements... ::cringe::

    Neck: 13.5
    Bust: 39.5
    Waist: 33
    Belly: 40
    Hips: 43
    Thigh: 26
    Arm: 13.5
    Starting weight: 187.5

    My arms are as big as my neck! Ugh. 29 more days to go!
  • amandarusco
    Posted in this morning after I worked out with Jillian. I was gonna ride my bike but it is still a little too cold for me. For my 20 minutes of additional cardio I did some hip-hop dancing. Dancing is one of my favorite ways to work out. I think I am going to look up somewhere in town where I can take up zumba.
  • mrssavvysteve
    mrssavvysteve Posts: 239 Member
    I did day 1 of the shred. According to my heart rate monitor I only burned 125 calories. however, i need to go buy some weights, as i could not find mine tonight. I'm sure that makes a difference. Will take measurements tomorrow.
  • fouchou09
    fouchou09 Posts: 154 Member
    Here are my measurements! I might have to start a bit late, just waiting for my DVD to arrive in the mail!

    Bust: 40"
    Arm: 12"
    Waist: (smallest) 31" (at belly button) 41"
    Hips: 47"
    Thighs: 28"
    Starting weight: 181.

    Can't wait to get started!
  • FLmom2J
    FLmom2J Posts: 67 Member
    Day one level one completed today :) Great job everyone!
  • whatupskinnyjeans
    whatupskinnyjeans Posts: 229 Member
    I did day 1 of the shred. According to my heart rate monitor I only burned 125 calories. however, i need to go buy some weights, as i could not find mine tonight. I'm sure that makes a difference. Will take measurements tomorrow.
    U better believe it makes it difference!!!! That's the hard part- that and pushups
    I will post my new measurements tomorrow- I do once a month
  • amandarusco
    Random question how do you change you ticker to say 1 day down 29 to go, I can't figure out how to change mine....
  • Jitteryspork
    Jitteryspork Posts: 550 Member
    GOOD MORNING!!! I was up at 5am! Yay! Got my shred out of the way first thing! I think I am going to measure every 5 days... So 6 times by our 30th day. Hope u all had a great day 1!!! Off to the showers I go!

    Measurements 3/1/11

    Bust: 46.5
    Chest: 43
    Thighs: 28
    Upper arm: 16
    Fore arm: 11
    Waist: 50.5
    Hips: 47.5
    Neck: 15

    Looking at those numbers makes me feel horrible. I am gonna ride my bike tonight for that extra cardio after work. I am really really really hoping to see results!

    I am glad we are all doing this together!
  • ct1986
    ct1986 Posts: 200
    Random question how do you change you ticker to say 1 day down 29 to go, I can't figure out how to change mine....

    From the looks of it you made yours on an outside site. My guess is that you would need to go to that site and enter the updated info.
  • RosiG
    RosiG Posts: 46 Member
    Good morning shredders!!! Level 1 day 2 done!! thanks for all the motivation and support everyone :)

    let's shred!
  • lizzyb0601
    lizzyb0601 Posts: 160 Member
    I will be working out tonight. I am a bit sore today but not too bad since I did the workout a couple weeks ago.
  • Lanfear
    Lanfear Posts: 524
    Still have to go buy one. I think I am also going to do Shred with weights. Can't fine the weights for sale any where but on-line. Anybody know where they have them??? (kettlebells)

    I have both the 30 day shred and Shred it with Weights. You can use a regular dumbbell for the shred it with weights. If you want to buy the Kettlebell I'm pretty sure that I picked mine up at Target, I got the one that is adjustable from 5-20lbs. but the non adjustable ones are cheaper, just depending.

    And copied from previous thread:

    Stats 2/28/11
    Weight: 216.4 lbs.
    Chest: 43"
    Waist: 40"
    Hips: 51.25"
    Upper arm: 16.25"
    Upper Thigh: 27.75"

    I'm currently on Day 8; Level 1. Getting Nervous for Thursday when I go on to level 2!

    Level 2 for me on Thursday as well - but I am already noticing changes so I can't wait!!
  • juliemval
    juliemval Posts: 34 Member
    Did my first day yesterday and my abs are killing me today but it will probably be worse tomorrow :)

    weight- 210
    chest- 43
    arms- 17
    thigh- 30
    waist- 43
    hips- 48.5
  • 123nikki123
    123nikki123 Posts: 527
    I did day 1 of the shred. According to my heart rate monitor I only burned 125 calories. however, i need to go buy some weights, as i could not find mine tonight. I'm sure that makes a difference. Will take measurements tomorrow.

    You could always use soup cans:)
  • 123nikki123
    123nikki123 Posts: 527
    Random question how do you change you ticker to say 1 day down 29 to go, I can't figure out how to change mine....

    If you bookmarked your ticker or what I did is I added the web page to my favorites then you can access it there. You have to click on change your ticker and you go through all of the steps you did when you fist created it then at the end of it you can change your number.
  • bballgrrl34
    bballgrrl34 Posts: 174 Member
    Great job everyone! I will do my Day 2 workout this evening. I haven't decided if I should do it before or after my basketball game. We will see how I feel. Good luck everyone. We got this!