"Shreddin' It & Forgettin' It"



  • shannonshock13
    shannonshock13 Posts: 355 Member
    These are my measurements as of January 30th... I forgot to buy a measuring tape yesterday so i will just go with these until i can remember to get one.

    I don't think my measurements have changed a ton since then... but who knows.

    Waist 33.0
    Hips 44.0
    Bust 38.0
    RThigh 26.0
    LThigh 26.0

    Anyways, I did Last Chance Workout for my extra cardio this morning and i'll be getting my shred on later today.

    Hope everyone has a great day!!!

    You are doing awesome! How do you like the last chance workout? Is it mostly cardio?

    I really freakin love it. IT IS TOUGH!!! like super tough but you feel so good at the end. It is mostly cardio i would say, cos when when you're lifting weights you're moving your arms fast and stuff. I have only done the last chance portion of the workout. I havent done the upper body lower body workouts.... im assuming those are more strength training..... ???
  • Katymom22
    Katymom22 Posts: 121
    i just saw this and would like to join i started a while ago and finished day 16 today...almost done with level two and have not taken a day off!! just so you know the burn turns from pain into something you crave (at least i do) i have not previously exersized before and can't imagine taking a day off now . If im in a bunch of pain i just don't use weights or a smaller set. for some motivation on day 14 i had lost 10 inches and 3 pounds 2 per thigh 1.5 on arms 2 on waist and 1 on hips :) i wasn't dissapointed on not losing more weight because i can see definition...also today jillian came out with her ripped in 30 and i can't wait to try it!! good luck to everyone.
  • 123nikki123
    123nikki123 Posts: 527
    i just saw this and would like to join i started a while ago and finished day 16 today...almost done with level two and have not taken a day off!! just so you know the burn turns from pain into something you crave (at least i do) i have not previously exersized before and can't imagine taking a day off now . If im in a bunch of pain i just don't use weights or a smaller set. for some motivation on day 14 i had lost 10 inches and 3 pounds 2 per thigh 1.5 on arms 2 on waist and 1 on hips :) i wasn't dissapointed on not losing more weight because i can see definition...also today jillian came out with her ripped in 30 and i can't wait to try it!! good luck to everyone.

    Will you be joining us for the next 30 days? I LOVE the Shred and it does get easier:) Good job on the weight loss and inches lost (love losing inches) I tried the "Ripped in 30" today and LOVED it!
  • 123nikki123
    123nikki123 Posts: 527
    Just wanted to put this out there for all of my fellow Shredders...I know it's early but after we are done our 30 days I want to start a new challenge for us "Ripped in 30" so, I would encourage all of you to purchase her new DVD sometime this month if you want to continue...which I HOPE you do :smile: I purchased it today and gave it a try this afternoon and man oh man I LOVED it! It was hard...but I know it'll be worth it....so excited! :drinker:
  • Katymom22
    Katymom22 Posts: 121
    yes ill go the whole 30 ill just be switching from the shred to the ripped when i'm done with the shred!!
  • Taras630
    Taras630 Posts: 85
    Having trouble with all of the jumping going on! Anyone with a suggestion on how you handle having a larger chest size with these routines. Tried two different bras now. I am thinking about going the self stick bandage tape route....

    I wear a regular bra and a sports bra over it. I know it sounds funky but I have dd's and that's the only way I can get those puppies under control! Lol.
  • Taras630
    Taras630 Posts: 85
    Just wanted to put this out there for all of my fellow Shredders...I know it's early but after we are done our 30 days I want to start a new challenge for us "Ripped in 30" so, I would encourage all of you to purchase her new DVD sometime this month if you want to continue...which I HOPE you do :smile: I purchased it today and gave it a try this afternoon and man oh man I LOVED it! It was hard...but I know it'll be worth it....so excited! :drinker:

    I'm excited! She's giving me a better workout than I would do on my own!
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Level 1 Day 2 completed.

    I used the 5lbs weights instead of the 3lbs weights. I only had problems with the lunges with the 5lbs. I will give it a go with it for a couple more days. If I feel like I need to drop down to 3lbs for the lunges only then I will switch them out. I did better with my 2nd set of modified push-ups. I'm proud of myself. I did Zumba last night for my additional cardio and my body just wouldn't comply. I really like to get into Zumba and I just couldn't so for now on I'm hitting the treadmill while shredding.
  • ruthie3110
    ruthie3110 Posts: 160 Member
    Had to skip day two :( had literally no time at all. Out of nowhere it was midnight and i had to go to bed! Did 30 minutes dancing on day one as well so it could be worse. Will maybe do it twice at some point.
  • pasturecove
    I promised to post my measurements so here they are! Good luck to everyone!

    Chest: 36
    Waist: 33
    Hips: 41
    Upper Thigh: 25.5
    Lower Thigh (Above Knee): 16.5
    Bicep: 11.5
    Neck: 13

    I tend to lose weight from the top and bottom of my body with the middle going last. Uggggghhhh
  • Tandksmommy11
    Tandksmommy11 Posts: 399 Member
    I started 30DS today, as the first of the month seemed a good time to start, so I'm a little behind. One day don, 29 to go! Feel free to add me, lets support/encourage each other.

    I started on the 1st too. I'm anal about doing it for the 30 days of the month..haha. I actually waited until March 1 just so I had 30 days!
  • Tandksmommy11
    Tandksmommy11 Posts: 399 Member
    I finished day 1 of 30DS and so happy I made it! :smile:

    This is hard for me to do, but I know it's the 1st step to making some positive changes.

    As of today, 3/01/11 by these are my measurements:

    CW ~ 207.2 (yikes!!)
    Bust ~ 44
    Waist ~ 40
    Tummy (2 inches below belly button) ~ 48
    Hips (including saddlebags) ~ 46
    Upper right thigh ~ 24 1/2
    Lower right thigh ~ 20 1/4

    I can't wait for next week to measure again and hopefully see lower numbers!

    Thanks, Nikki for starting this thread!


    We have almost the exact same measurements and weight. I'm also hoping for some lower numbers and increased strength. We CAN do this. Jillian is brutal, I want to die when I do it- but I know that's what's going to give me results. Even if I cry when doing it because it burns, it doesn't matter as long as I get through it.
  • Taras630
    Taras630 Posts: 85
    I'm getting ready for day 3!! I'm supper sore. :( does anyone feel like those 3-5 lb weights turn into 100lb weights during the workout? I haven't been able to do the whole 20 minutes without stopping and I'm going to stat on level one until Natalie can't keep up with me! Have a good day 3 everyone!!!
  • MommyRobot
    MommyRobot Posts: 268 Member
    Missed my shred yesterday due to TOM. ugh. I'll be leaving work a little early to get it in before I head off to the gym(shhh don't tell LOL!)

    My measurments are

    Waist- 43.5
    Hips- 49
    Bust- 48
    R Thigh- 25
    R Bicep- 13
    Weight- 213

    To the PP who asked about big chested women... I wear two sports bras...sometims three depending on the the impact of the workout. It sucks, but it works!
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    I want to join in....!
    Hopefully I'll get my DVD today.... is there anything else I need besides the free weights?
  • Tandksmommy11
    Tandksmommy11 Posts: 399 Member
    Does anyone else have knee issues?

    I had knee surgery 3 times, and for some reason, jumping jacks just really kill my knees. I won't sacrafice my knees in the name of Jillian (mainly because I won't go through that surgery again!), but is there anything else I can do that's a bit less impact? I can't jog for the same reason and the butt kicks and jumping jacks also hurt.

    Day 2 Level 1- DONE!
  • 123nikki123
    123nikki123 Posts: 527
    Does anyone else have knee issues?

    I had knee surgery 3 times, and for some reason, jumping jacks just really kill my knees. I won't sacrafice my knees in the name of Jillian (mainly because I won't go through that surgery again!), but is there anything else I can do that's a bit less impact? I can't jog for the same reason and the butt kicks and jumping jacks also hurt.

    Day 2 Level 1- DONE!

    The only thing I can think of is the squat with punches :) She says that is great for anyone with lower body injusries because it gets your heart rate up!
  • 123nikki123
    123nikki123 Posts: 527
    I want to join in....!
    Hopefully I'll get my DVD today.... is there anything else I need besides the free weights?

    A mat or a towel if you're working on a hard surface. :smile:
  • Jitteryspork
    Jitteryspork Posts: 550 Member
    Ok, so I got up at 5 am again.. but I could barely move.. I think I kicked my butt yesterday. Jillian in the morning and 5 miles in 26minutes last night. That might not seem like a lot but it was a struggle to me. Needless to say I did not do ANYTHING workout related this morning. I am going to do Cardio tonight (riding bike) but no Jillian. This will be my day off.

    I think (other then this fluke) I am going to take Thursday's off from Jillian, only because Wednesday night I go out with my Friend and I probably won't be home in time for bed at 9pm so I will have to wake up later to make sure I get my 8 hours.. but I will keep with my cardio EVERY DAY! :)

    Hope you all had/have a great day 2 :)
  • Taras630
    Taras630 Posts: 85
    Finished day 3. I don't know if I'm imagining this but i feel like level is getting LITTLE easier. I didn't take as many breaks. I'm glad I'm doing this workout.