"Shreddin' It & Forgettin' It"



  • m0_0m
    m0_0m Posts: 265 Member
    Day 3, level 1 complete. Man O' mighty, am I sore today. I almost talked myself out of it but I prevailed! Can't wait till the weather gets a bit nicer here so I can go on regular bike rides also. It's such a fun and relaxing way to get in a bit more exercise.
  • 123nikki123
    123nikki123 Posts: 527
    Silly question- I am eating 1200 calories a day but have not been eating my excercise calories, is anyone else not eating the extra calories from workouts????? Thanks

    I eat my exercise calories :) Your body needs fuel to run, just make sure it's healthy food you're giving it!
  • Tandksmommy11
    Tandksmommy11 Posts: 399 Member
    Does anyone else have knee issues?

    I had knee surgery 3 times, and for some reason, jumping jacks just really kill my knees. I won't sacrafice my knees in the name of Jillian (mainly because I won't go through that surgery again!), but is there anything else I can do that's a bit less impact? I can't jog for the same reason and the butt kicks and jumping jacks also hurt.

    Day 2 Level 1- DONE!

    The only thing I can think of is the squat with punches :) She says that is great for anyone with lower body injusries because it gets your heart rate up!

    Good idea! I tend to tune her out by the time I get to that part, so that's probably why I didn't realize that's what she said..haha.

    I also have a tough time doing 'female' push-ups because I can't kneel very well on that knee. Hopefully I'll soon be able to do a real push-up and not have to push through the pain of kneeling.

    Have you thought of doing Wall Push Ups? I mean, they are definately a lot less impact but they are beneficial. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RtM3L00BUU

    As soon as I read your post in the back of my head something clicked. I have the 100situps program on my iphone and this is one of the "alternatives" they give for beginners. You might have to Pause Jillian and do a double round of these to get the full benefit she is looking for, but it is definately better then being on your knees :))

    I never thought about that! That would definitely help me build up enough stamina to be able to do 'real' pushups! Thanks for the idea!
  • 123nikki123
    123nikki123 Posts: 527
    Hi Ladies, I just found your posts and would like to join your group. I started the 30 day Shred already....when I originally saw the post and have done it for the last 3 days. Level One seems easy...after reading all of your posts, I think I might do Level 2. I will take measurements and post them.

    For sure you can! You are exactly where the rest of us are:) Good luck....let's SHRED!
  • ruthie3110
    ruthie3110 Posts: 160 Member
    Did day 2 :)
    Was easier than yesterday, by a long shot! I butt kicked my way to the oven to stir my tea :P
    Managed to fit it all in before it was ready though so it's all good!
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    I've just started today, completed day 1 of level 1:

    My Starting Measurements are:

    Chest: 44.5"
    Arm: 15.5"
    Waist: 44"
    Hips: 48"
    Thigh: 27"

    I actually didn't find it too difficult.... I guess I must be fitter than I thought...!

    How many days do we stay on level 1
  • lizzyb0601
    lizzyb0601 Posts: 160 Member
    Day 3 level 3 complete :)
  • RosiG
    RosiG Posts: 46 Member
    day 3 level 1 done! I'm sore but loving it....hope everyone got their shred on today :) on to day 4
  • rtmpmm
    rtmpmm Posts: 8
    Day 3 level 1 done! Feel Great!
  • feliciapeters
    someone told me to track it under "circuit training" under cardio
    just put in the minutes
  • FaithandFitness
    FaithandFitness Posts: 653 Member
    did day 3 level 2 . . .ONLY because of you all!!! Loving the results by the way.
  • x_cylence_x
    I actually started shredding on Sunday, is that ok? Only ahead by 1 day.

    Anyways, my starting measurements (and these are probably more than needs to be measured, but i'm doing it for my general knowledge lol) are as follows:

    hips: 52.5
    waist (natural): 50
    waist (smallest): 37
    thighs: 31.5
    arms: 17.5
    neck: 15

    I've got a little exercise journal I made to keep track of my exercises, measurements & such (as well as MFP) and I scheduled my next day to measure for March 7, so we'll see how it goes :)

    Stay strong everyone! You are going to get the results "that you want and that you deserve!!"

    Oh and yeh, I always track it under circuit training, general.
  • Mkmassey3
    Mkmassey3 Posts: 214 Member
    Oooops, I somehow joined the wrong one...they are about done over there, so I am hoping to jump into this one. A couple days behind, but I did finish L1D1 and I must say....it's going to be an awesome 30 days!! I picked up my DVD today at Walmart along with her Shred Kit (yoga mat, weights and water bottle~on clearance : ) My legs still feel a little jello-like. Looking forward to doing it again tomorrow! I need to go take some measurements before I get too far into this. Good luck everyone!
  • 123nikki123
    123nikki123 Posts: 527
    Day 3 level 3 complete :)

    Good Job! :bigsmile:
  • 123nikki123
    123nikki123 Posts: 527
    day 3 level 1 done! I'm sore but loving it....hope everyone got their shred on today :) on to day 4

    I'm sore too, but in a good way :laugh: Day 4 will be here in no time!
  • bballgrrl34
    bballgrrl34 Posts: 174 Member
    Wow you are all so much motivation. I decided to do Day 3 Level 1 and 2. I love having you guys have motivation. I am not sure I would be able to push through every time. Keep it up. Even though this is very general know you all our helping me get through.
  • 123nikki123
    123nikki123 Posts: 527
    I just wanted to say great work to all of you! You are staying comitted and focused!!! We only have 27 days left of torture but our bodies will be thanking us! You all should be proud and in lots of pain! :bigsmile:
  • 123nikki123
    123nikki123 Posts: 527
    I actually started shredding on Sunday, is that ok? Only ahead by 1 day.

    Anyways, my starting measurements (and these are probably more than needs to be measured, but i'm doing it for my general knowledge lol) are as follows:

    hips: 52.5
    waist (natural): 50
    waist (smallest): 37
    thighs: 31.5
    arms: 17.5
    neck: 15

    I've got a little exercise journal I made to keep track of my exercises, measurements & such (as well as MFP) and I scheduled my next day to measure for March 7, so we'll see how it goes :)

    Stay strong everyone! You are going to get the results "that you want and that you deserve!!"

    Oh and yeh, I always track it under circuit training, general.

    Totally fine :smile: Glad you joined! Good luck to you and don't forget to keep checking back to rant about your pain...lol...oh and remember to get in an extra 20-30 minutes or more of cardio!
  • sharper43
    sharper43 Posts: 109
    FINALLY started 30 Day Shred today - Yay! Level 1, Day 1. It was rough in certain spots, but it was definitely do-able. I definitely felt a lot of burning in some places. Luckily it's only 20 mins! lol

    starting measurements:
    butt - 41.75
    tummy - 35.5
    thigh - 24.75
    upper arm - 11.75
  • kdp552
    kdp552 Posts: 10 Member
    I just started today. I'm excited about the next 29 days!