

  • I love this too - clothes from the back of the closet that I thought would NEVER fit me again. Pants that I couldn't pull up past my knees are too huge now. I always preferred loose fitting clothing because fabric stretched tightly over rolls & bulges is not a good look. Now, I no longer feel the need to wear my clothes so…
  • I made this recipe years ago and it does taste amazingly like avocado. I agree, real avocado is healthy but sometimes I just don't want that many calories.
  • For me, this has been one of the most helpful tips for losing weight, along with portion control. So instead of gulping 2-3 plates of food, now I have ONE plate and I slowly savor each tiny bite. It's really a more attractive way to eat as well, rather than shovelling food in as if someone were going to take your food away.
  • I'm not drinking much these days but when I do get together with friends, I'm perfectly satisfied with my "diet beer" - 55 calorie Bud Select. A couple of those a week and I'm good.
  • Chicken Taco salad without the tortilla, topped with lots of lettuce,tomato, onion, peppers and fat-free sour cream. This is left over from our dinner last night - 1 shredded chicken breast mixed with a can of kidney beans stretches quite a ways when I am eating correct portion sizes!
  • I had a "free" day on Easter, also my birthday. I had several small bites of appetizers and a small plate of food, and really didn't stuff myself in the least. The scale shows 2lb higher, but I know it's mostly the salty ham I ate. I'm back on my healthy eating today and won't let one day ruin my determination to get…
  • I did lose weight also on WW, because if I'm paying the $, I wanted to see quick results. I was also a runner at that time so I lost 2 - 4 lbs every week. But I was eating very little and just couldn't keep that up forever. MFP is a great, no-cost way to get healthier. It's so easy to track daily food and exercise, plus…
  • I love my digital scale - just bought the one on with the most favorable reviews. It seems pretty accurate. I also could no longer read my old, dial type scale. I'm not a slave to the scale, but feel the need to have the tools to do this job.
  • Yes, on lots of water. I also add flax meal to my oatmeal or any soup I'm having. And if I need a snack in the late afternoon or after dinner, a fiber bar feels almost like a candy bar. Very filling and helpful too.
  • I tell myself that all those muffins, chips, cookies etc will still be there someday in the far distant future, when I am not trying to lose weight. And, the people I see buying those foods look like they could stand to lose a few pounds too.
  • I have some 4 oz fillets in the freezer and can never think how to cook them. Just did this recipe for a light lunch and I love it. When it was baked, I topped it with a Tbl of low fat sour cream mixed with dry dill weed.
    in Salmon Comment by Lakelady48 April 2011
  • A big, steaming mug of 25 calorie hot chocolate. Decadent and hot liquids are filling.
  • I just remind myself, those fattening foods will still be around when I have reached a healthy weight.
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