weight watchers?



  • darkhorse43
    darkhorse43 Posts: 70 Member
    I lost 30 pounds on Weight Watchers and am a lifetime member. Now I am only using MFP because I don't like their current plan. The problem I see with continuing with WW is that you can't use the same plan forever. I enjoy using e-tools but every time the plan changes so do the e-tools. I prefer consistency and don't want to change what works. MFP seems to have all the benefits of Weight Watchers online without this plan changing nonsense. The only extra benefit of WW is the meetings and weigh ins. It can help to be accountable to someone else.
  • rebeccaS85
    rebeccaS85 Posts: 141
    I did weight watchers years ago. I really liked it at the time. I find MFP easier to stick with. I really like the support that you get with it. My mom just quit doing weight watchers and joined MFP and she says she is really liking it.
  • although I go to a WW meeting every week and have done so for almost 4 years now, I don't do WW points plan, I count calories via MFP instead.

    the points plan DOES WORK if you stick to it, but like many have said, it's a bit of a ball-ache to translate everything into points and MFP is just so much easier, and works just as well if you do what you're supposed to do.

    what I do get out of going though is the face-to-face peer pressure and accountability - if I'm there then the other members want to know how I've done, and if I'm not then they are FBing me or TXTing me etc and generally being on my case.

    some people may not like this kind of pressure, but I find generally these are the ones who want to be able to cheat without worrying about being caught and embarrassed for it, in which case there's no point in pretending to be on a weight loss program in the first place, whichever one it may be.

    but for me the peer pressure helps keep me on track, as its way too easy to fall off the wagon if the only one I'm disappointing by doing so is myself
  • Leopardliz
    Leopardliz Posts: 110 Member
    I have joined about 50 different times! Im soo lame. It works the last time i joined i lost 25 lbs in about 2 months. I can honestly say that they teach about portions and how to exercise. I honestly didnt think it was a headache at all they have their own food with already calculated points so not too bad. What made me join every time is the support i mean live support this web is great but seeing and hearing ppl is a great motivator. BUT i gai ed it back because i didnt follow what i learned once i stopped going!! But i mean who does what they know is good for them? ;) its a matter of WANTING to change ur life not just loosibg weight
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    WW never said "unlimited" fruits. Fruits and veggies have no point value because they factor the calories into the daily and weekly points given to you. The intent isn't an all you can eat buffet, its a way to work those into your diet when you are truly hungry and replace the processed crap but most people don't catch on to that.

    I already eat heathly, I just eat too much of it, eat when it comes to mind not when it comes to hunger. I'd lose 10lb with WW but thats about it. Counting points didn't work for me and I couldn't do that the rest of my life.

    I like how I can see how much sodium, fiber, protein & carbs I'm consuming and the MFP way I can see myself doing the rest of my life. I feel it puts it in my face more than what points did for me.
  • Coco_Puff
    Coco_Puff Posts: 823 Member
    I signed up online for WW and then fould this site and never went back to the WW site. The info and support here is sooooooooooo much better. I am learning a ton of things I never did on WW. I only wish I had found MFP first so I could have saved that $50.00. After 4 weeks at WW when I told them I wasn't happy, they would not refund my money, I quess they thought I had gotten all their secrets so I owed them. Well they can have it, the New Pts.Program has cause everyone I know on it to gain weight!
  • hernandezm51
    hernandezm51 Posts: 2 Member
    I have done WW for about 2 yrs. very successfully...25 lbs lost and kept off. They changed the points system and now suddenly I am gaining. i think I will try to track both ways to compare. I will continue going to meetings. I need the accountability. I read about this site yesterday so I want to try it out to see.
  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    I did WW about 4 years ago and lost 60 pounds in 5 months. I didn't use my "extra points" and it was of course the old system. I also walked about 6 miles a day 5-6x a week. I went to the "in person" meetings. Once I left too, I gained back most of the weight I had lost. It is expensive. Not sure what it costs now, but back then it was 40.00 a month plus "foods" etc.

    I had a baby in 4/10, and my "excuse" is now over a year old, so I decided it wasnt all just "baby weight" . I joined MFP from a referral of a friend. I started in March of this year and have lost 30 pounds so far. I'm back to my prebaby weight, but would like to lost another 31.I do like using MFP although I've noticed they over exaggerate calories burned in some instances.

    Being I'm really bad about "eating back my burned calories" it hasn't really affected my progress. Good luck in whatever you decide to do.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • I did lose weight also on WW, because if I'm paying the $, I wanted to see quick results. I was also a runner at that time so I lost 2 - 4 lbs every week. But I was eating very little and just couldn't keep that up forever.

    MFP is a great, no-cost way to get healthier. It's so easy to track daily food and exercise, plus I've learned many new recipes, tips and hints from so many members here.

    Had a "free" day on Easter, and am back on track today! Love MFP!
  • shrinkinc
    shrinkinc Posts: 74 Member
    I've been involved with WW since 2007. I've had successful moments, but for me it's not something I can sustain. I think if someone is new to weight loss starting out at meetings with WW can be good because they really give you a lot of helpful information as others have pointed out.

    I don't like the new program - SO much calculating. MFP is so much easier and it's free!

    At this point in my life I feel like MFP is something I can easily fit into my busy schedule. WW became a nusiance.
  • jodiking
    jodiking Posts: 30
    WW worked for me and helped me lose 20 lbs in just a few months. I kind of fell off the wagon when they switched to the new points plus program. I didn't lose any weight once they switched. They do not give you the option of still following the old plan either. I know the new plan works for many people, it just didn't for myself. If you join the online program it is only about $20 bucks a month and you do not go to meetings. I have personally not been to any of their meetings, but from what I have heard some are very helpful and others...well not so much! lol
  • mericksmom
    mericksmom Posts: 222 Member
    It all depends on YOU if it will work. I did it 2 years ago and lost 5 lbs, and then I stopped losing. stayed on it for 6 months and after all the hard work and exersizing... nothing worked. Now my cousin she been doing it for 4 years on and off and has GREAT results.

    I am now trying MFP and after 10 lb weight loss (pill) and a stand still for 3 months, I have started back down losing the weight and feeling better. I feel like the whole community is more pleasant and supportive compaired to others I have checked out. It is less work and I dont feel like I am starving myself and keeping myself from the foods I like.

    MFP makes it simple. I love the phone app where at the end of the day I can see where the nutritional information adds up and where I need to watch and change my diet. Many times I plug in the treat I want before eating/drinking it and make the decisions on whether it is worth it or not.

    But I wish you the best on what you decided. I hope you make your goals and it goes really smooth.
  • jennylaho75
    jennylaho75 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi all. Just starting MFP as I'm giving WW a rest for awhile. Points Plus didn't work as well for me, plus the meetings never really did anything for me...so I'm saving the $40/month and giving this a try! I've already lost 80, but have been at plateau for almost 4 years...time to leap off that plateau! From the sounds of it, MFP really helps...any tips or advice on this vs. WW would be great. Love the sense of community.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • stang_girl88
    stang_girl88 Posts: 234 Member
    I have used WW a few times and it worked quite well for me until the new Points Plus program. I actually gained weight with the new program. The new program doesn't seem to work for everyone, but the people it does work for do awesome with it. You can go to the WW website and jump on the message boards there. Counting points I found to be a pain the butt, and ended up stopping-but that is just me. WW is also expensive. If you do it online it is $21.95 a month (in Canada anyway) and when I was going to meetings, I think it was about $12 a week. But if it works for you, than it is worth it. Personally, I prefer MFP because I find it much easier to follow/track, tons of information, it is working for me and it is much cheaper lol. Good luck to you with whichever way you chose.
  • mamalees
    mamalees Posts: 4
    i did weight watchers the old program over a yr ago and lost about 20lbs then i got pregnant and stopped my mom has been doing weight watchers for a long time now and she has lost 60lbs doing the new points plus plan im doing it on my own with out going to meetings due to finances and being a stay at home mom i loved it when i went and love it even though im not going!!! it truely is a great program to do!!!!!
  • mrs_mouse
    mrs_mouse Posts: 24
    I didn't read all the replies, so sorry if I'm repeating, but wanted to weigh in (haha)...

    Weight Watchers is a great program, but like any program, it only works if you work it... I have done WW and had great success, and I've also been on WW and maintained and/or gained because I wasn't really trying. I have done meetings, and online, and a combination of the two, and I found that the things that were most helpful for ME were the message boards for support, and the tracker for everything I ate and/or activities I did....

    For me, personally, MFP gives me exactly what I found helpful from WW without having to pay their ridiculous fees... if anything, it is MORE helpful to see my fat, carbs, sugars, sodium, protein, etc all broken out so I can tweak my eating to meet ALL my goals. It is also much faster to track calories only than to track points (where you have to calculate fat, fibre, protein, and carbs to find the points of any given item).

    The MFP food database is also WAY bigger than WW (because they are a business, they only put in brand names that pay for the privilege, so you have to calculate your own foods every time you want to track something that isn't a WW endorsed brand).

    I do think there is something to be said for the "novelty factor" of trying a new program. WW tools will seem shiny and fun for the first bit, and your weight loss would likely get a kick start through the process of learning a new program and holding yourself really accountable for the first few weeks or months... but the same thing happened for me when I switched from WW to MFP!

    Both are programs which use the process of tracking your food and activity to keep you in a certain range each day, which will guarantee you approximately 0.5 to 2lbs of weight lost per week. Both have support, through various channels, and both will help you learn how to eat in a sustainable way.

    For me it was entirely a cost and time based decision to switch!
  • mocha76
    mocha76 Posts: 184 Member
    I have done WW off and on for years. The first time, I lost 60 lbs. And this last time, right before I joined MFP, I lost right at 19 lbs in 3 months. So yes, it works but I know from experience that everytime I stop doing WW, I will gain. I am tired of going up and down with my weight and I feel like MFP sets you up for a lifetime. And the best perk of all is that it is free. You also get to see exactly what you are eating and what you need to work on as far as lowering sodium or carbs etc.
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