orchid100 Member


  • i couldn`t find it either... so just log under dance. It`s not ideal but gives you some idea. i love it :) :) have fun Tracey x
    in Zumba Comment by orchid100 November 2011
  • Thanks everyone .... was starting to think it was just me !!! Will try holding my hands higher from time to time along the walk, had tried carrying something small (keys etc) so my fingers were always moving but didn`t work ... so your ideas are well worth a go. You`re all brilliant!! Thanks again Tracey xxx
  • Snap!!!! Welcome to our wee world .. :) :) I tried everything and usually failed lol .... but the support on here is fantastic. Have made friends all over the world and even with good and bad times I`m getting there. Feel free to add me as a friend if you wish , still have a long way to go too Good Luck Tracey :)
  • it`s boot camp I`m now doing ... blamed the heat first time I felt nausious but did drink a lot of water so may have to change that .... Thank you :) x
  • Welcome to MFP !! there are a lot of us here with a long journey ahead. So you are not alone!!! The support on here is wonderful and i`m sure everyone will help through good days & bad. Take care & Good luck to you both Tracey
  • Well done you ... hope you enjoy the day and feel great !! I`m in Scotland and I`m doing Relay for Life in July , busy raising money at the moment, It`s something that touches us all!! good luck with everything , Tracey :)
  • Kasabian..... fast fuse & fire ... always good for keeping you going
  • I had problems with severe pain on front of my feet when i started exercising ... was only walking , not running though. The pain felt almost as if you had tied your shoes too tight, and it really hurt. Went to my doctor and she said i was suffering from stress fractures and inflammation. She advised pain relief, ice packs…
  • Life can be so, so hard and unfair at times (brother going thru similar sounding problems :( !) .... but my escape is music and walking!! takes you away from the temptations in the house, just get away into a zone where you can walk off your emotions and help you calm down a little. It never takes the problems away and…
  • Keep Going ... your loss if fantastic and a total inspiration to us all !! you CAN do this !!!! :smile:
  • This place is fantastic ... the support and advice is second to none !! Feel free to add me if you want a friend for the journey Good Luck :happy:
  • My friends child is now well after suffering from leukaemia at 5 years old!! Thanks to people like you they have discovered enough about treatments to give them hope and to give a beautiful wee lass a future ... Well done to you and all the other fundraisers .... Tracey :) x
  • I`d be interested in hearing what folk have to say about this ... I`m the same, pain on the top of foot ... feels almost as if you`ve had shoes tied too tight for a long time , even stretching the foot doesn`t help , in fact can be very painful to do . I wear good shoes & socks and try not to let it hold me back ... but…
  • bump!!! interested in reply to this as I suffer the same problem from time to time .... :) :)
  • you look fantastic....... what an achievement !!!! :) :)
  • to be honest any spirit with low cal mixer/soda is the best plan ..... not nearly as many calories as beer, lager or some of the fruit mixes .... and it makes it easier to log. Like one of the others said check your favs before you, pick one and log it as snacks ... you`ll be fine :) Enjoy !!
  • My wee niece loves the Wii dance..... she can do it on her own, with friends and even with us when we want a giggle!!.... its a good workout once you get into the swing of it and really good fun Hope you find something Tracey x
  • why not have a simple posy of roses ... with the warm shade of the fabric I would suggest `Vendella` its a warm champagne colour and would compliment the dress rather than take away from it .... add a diamate pin to the centre of each rose to lift the sparkle on your shoes and have them tied simply with a chiffon or satin…
  • I`m sorry to hear you`re not getting the support you need at home..... but you have to remember you are doing this for you ... no one else. Look to your friends here to see you thru and try and keep up beat about it. You`re doing so very very well and if you are like me it will make a great difference to your life. Keep it…
  • So sorry to hear you`re still having a hard time Hunni ... don`t knock you self out over this. after a flu it can take weeks to get your strength properly back., That's probably why you`ve picked up the tummy upset (though I know some cough bottles can have that side efffect if you need them for a while) Give yourself…
  • Jealousy is a terrible emotion and sadly many suffer from it .. you`ve taken control , they haven`t. This problem is theirs not yours so please don`t stress over it, be proud of yourself x
  • totally understand where you are comiong from ... i was always the happy , big girl of the crowd . The shoulder to cry on, always ther with a smile and a hug. My best friend had a baby last year and after seeing the pictures ( I like to be on the other side of the camera) i knew I had to do something ... to be honest I was…
  • all random and so chuffed they are there to help me along the way ..... hope over the months some become good friends !!! been very lucky they are all great :):) x
  • Good luck with everything ... the support on here is wonderful :) Feel free to add me if you want a freind for the journey :) take care Tracey
  • you look fantastic !!!!! well done You.. :smile: Thats where I hope to be by the summer ...... fingers crossed :wink: x
  • UK .... south west Scotland :) Hello !
  • Totally agree with you ... there`s no guessing .... if you`re honest with yourself it`ll work!!! And add to that the support from others that you meet along the way :happy: Just brilliant :)
  • Hiya.... well you made the hardest move .... joining and saying hello . Just stick with it and let everyone help you along the way , there are some brilliant folk on here. I`ve a long way to go but the support on here really helps .. feel free to add me if you want a friend for the journey :) Good luck & take care :) Tracey
  • My Heart goes out to each and everyone of them .... we`re very fortunate here gun crime,( never mind gun related death) is very rare but it happens. My best friend and her husband are both serving officers and folk at times just don`t appreciate just how much we should be grateful to them, and their colleagues, ...
  • Hi Sharon... I`m in the same boat as you but I`ve found this site soooo helpful. Easy to use and everyone so supportive. Feel free to add me and we can help each other along the way. Good luck & Take care Tracey :) :)