Relay For Life Walk

Today here in SC in my town we are doing the relay for life walk, I’m walking in memory of my uncle that I lost about 6 months ago, this will be my 1st time EVER doing something like this...but with me losing weight and feeling good about myself I feel confident in going through with this, and this is a good cause too. Never realized til now that out of all the times that I have TRIED to loose weight this has got to be the best I've ever felt about myself, all thanks to MFP!!!!


  • Fleur933
    Fleur933 Posts: 156 Member
    Doing the relay is very rewarding! It's a LONG time so make sure you are taking plenty of breaks and HYDRATING(even if it's cool out). I've done the relay for years...and I love it. Make sure you have tissues for the luminary lighing! Enjoy...the sense of community is WONDERFUL.
  • orchid100
    orchid100 Posts: 40 Member
    Well done you ... hope you enjoy the day and feel great !!

    I`m in Scotland and I`m doing Relay for Life in July , busy raising money at the moment, It`s something that touches us all!!

    good luck with everything , Tracey :)