DancingMoosie Member


  • Can you do your workouts with a fan and no shirt? Then...just embrace the sweat. Once you get used to it, it probably won't bother you as much.
  • Do you only have one dumbbell? The weight depends on your strength level for each exercise. You don't always lift the same amount of weight for each body part. As you practice, you will be able to increase the amount you lift. Do you have access to more weights? Have you looked at some YouTube workouts for ideas? These…
  • I work out fasted every single day. My breakfast is after my morning workout. Do what works for you.
  • Try something else? Boot camp classes, YouTube videos?
  • I don't think diet absolutely causes these things. Some people are more prone to them and diet can help improve or aggravate the condition. My husband eats mostly low fiber diet and still has issues.
  • My husband has hiatal hernia, diverticulosis/diverticulitis, and has to see a specialist at least yearly. He had 13 large polyps removed last year. He is scheduled for cystoscopy, hernia surgery, and colonoscopy this month. He has not given up, and I hope you won't. I wish doctors and surgeons would give more/better…
  • Good job👍
    in Hello Comment by DancingMoosie June 2022
  • I make sauerkraut. I've tried cabbage with fennel seeds, purple cabbage, and now cabbage/carrot/garlic. It's great to add to lettuce or spinach. Today I did lettuce, spinach, cilantro, cucumber, grape tomatoes, onion, shredded mozzarella, chickpeas, habanero mango seasoning and lemon juice, and a little bit of leftover…
    in Salad Comment by DancingMoosie June 2022
  • The answer to both is yes. The activity level is based on your lifestyle before exercise. Intentional exercise is added.
  • Do you want a lifting program with free weights, dumbbells, machines, a combination? Something at the gym or home? For the gym, I like stronglifts 5x5. It's meant for bars and plates, doesn't require dumbbells or machines... perfect for my weight room at work. But...if all you have is dumbbells at home, you need something…
  • Working out first is key for me. I find that anything can happen to get in your way once the day gets started...so just get it done. If you have time later, you can do something else! Since you work at a school...do you have access to a gym/weight room?
  • I don't have access to any machines. My gym only has bars and plates, so I'm mostly just working out at home with my dumbbells. I did "deadlift" rows today with 7.5lb dumbbells and it's not hurting yet. Last time I tried my 50lb curve bar, it hurt a lot. 😭
  • I hope I don't NEED to deadlift because I can't atm....I've been dealing with SI joint dysfunction/sacral pain for about 6 weeks and deadlifts really aggravated the pain. Squats and bent over rows also...so I'm trying to figure out lower body strength training without those lifts.
  • If you like walking videos... Try these channels: https://youtube.com/channel/UC3lEhUBNqIrFMatB9Zgxo0g https://youtube.com/c/JennyFordFitness https://youtube.com/c/growwithjo
  • I basically just set up a schedule at home. I even set an alarm so I don't sleep in too late, but later than a work day. My basic schedule is: 6:30 up and let dogs out/in get ready for workout. Start workout ASAP 7:30 Fees dogs and have coffee/snack 8am might be a live class on youtube 10 walk dogs 11sometimes live…
  • I'd really depends on the type.of support needed. I have found that Mizuno wave inspires last me the longest of any brand I have tried. But they are not always easy to find. So I have branched out to Brooks and Saucony. I hate when brands change the model from year to year. I loved the Brooks revel 3s, hated the 4s.🤷🏼‍♀️
  • The only "adventure" I get is running outside! Most of my other workouts are YouTube videos or going to the weight room.
  • Some of my favorite YouTube channels...check them out and let me know what you think. I also did 30 day shred when beginning my journey. I followed that with ripped in 30 and some Denise Austin and The Firm videos. Now with YouTube so readily available, I use it daily. Cdornerfitness https://youtube.com/c/CDornerFitness…
  • Does it hurt just above the knee, especially when doing a fwd lunge? I had that from squatting heavy. I just searched on YouTube for PT stretches and lowered the weights on squats until the pain subsided.
  • I also have google fit. It seems to calculate its own calories burned from it's.own database(not sure how) and then send that info to mfp. The entries don't always match up well. For instance, when I run, it transfers over from google fit as "running, training pushing wheelchair". The calories burned look the same in…
  • Eat more calorie dense foods and exercise less. Think full fat dairy, nuts, dark meats, butter and oils. Nothing "lite" or low fat, no sugar, etc.
  • I usually do salad or veggies with a protein...
  • Also, the 3d trisport doesn't log steps until you've done 10 in a row, so if you're doing small movements(like cooking for example) it might not log any. Fitbit should give you the best estimate for calories burned over the whole day. I don't know how you calculate calories burned on mfp just with steps.
  • It depends on the exercise you choose from the database. Try "strength training" instead of "weight lifting" and a different setting on stair master. Maybe there are high or low intensity options? You can always cross reference your info on another website and change your calories burned if they seem that far off.
  • I really only do planks when part of another activity(like within a yoga practice or as part of a strength circuit). I'm rarely just holding a plank. I find them boring.
  • I don't have narrow feet. They are usually just on the wide side of medium(I have holes in several old pairs of running shoes from my pinky toes). I wear very thin running socks. I used to be a Mizuno fan, but they got harder to find and more$$. I'm having a bit of pain from what may be an SI joint injury...I felt it on my…
  • I had no trouble breathing, only headaches and felt congested without mucous. Just take it easy. No one can tell you how long it will last for you.
  • Sounds more like a way to lose weight...
  • I workout everyday and log it here for accountability. 4-5 days/week I do 2 workouts(like today was cardio am/lifting pm).
  • I just did another 7miles today. I have new Saucony Kinvaras that I'm liking better than my previous Brooks Revel.