volfan22 Member


  • I'm a bit sassy - I'd bring my own food - like a ribeye with extra butter and a salad and plop my booty down and watch them all freak out. You be you - don't sweat their small mindedness. As has been stated - if this is your life now, don't hide from it - be proud of it and the choices you are making for yourself. It's…
  • I get your sentiment and believe me - we have tried everything. (up to and including doctor visits, etc.) I can't change them - my son has had issues ever since he had his tonsils/adnoids removed - he lost his sense of smell and is very sensitive to textures. My kids do make their own meals when they don't like what I…
  • One of my favorites: http://www.ruled.me/maple-sausage-pancake-muffins/
  • I always make a little bit extra at supper and bring them as leftovers for lunch the next day. Then all I have to plan are breakfasts and suppers.
  • You're speaking to my soul - yes, I have to make 3-4 different meals each night. I have one that only eats pizza....period. I have taught him to bake - he makes his own now. My parents are with us for a while - my dad won't eat cheese. My mother only eats tomatoes and cheetos - makes me nuts. The rest don't eat like me -…
  • I made the same "mistake" by trying to reason with them or just commenting about "stevia" being more natural. Holy cow - the comments got downright personal and mean. I just stick to this site and one other now. Everyone has their opinions and thoughts on what works - I say do what's best for you and nothing else really…
  • Hi everyone, I'm Stephanie (or Stef for short) - I have been LCHF since June 9, 2014. I have lost a total of 42 lbs and until this past Saturday I had not cheated once. I live in Louisiana - and it's Mardi Gras season - so I had a small piece of King Cake to celebrate - no harm - I'm now back to my normal eating habits. :)…
  • Saddle up - get back on the horse and don't beat yourself up. There's always a lesson to be learned and maybe next time you'll make better choices for yourself. And if you don't, again, this is life - we aren't perfect and sometimes we just gotta live a little and pay the price. No big deal - you ain't dead yet! :) Drink…
  • I use liquid stevia drops for a sweetener - a little goes a long way - and yes, HWC is your friend. ;)
  • Do you exercise? I do cross fit 2x per week and cardio 2-3 times per week - but I didn't do that until 5 months ago - prior, I just saw belly fat reduction and some in my hips - but my legs didn't kick in until I started working out. I have a very slow paced job - (sit on my *kitten* all day) - so I need my "move" time.
  • Can you have a toaster oven in your dorm? If so - you can make a pizza lasagna - layer all the meats and veggies you like and add cheese and a little bit of pizza sauce and bake it for a lot fewer carbs and hassle. (And it may be cheaper in the long run.)
    in Pizza Comment by volfan22 January 2015
  • You did awesome going to 30g carbs on day one - it's such a huge adjustment. Some of my friends that I coach with LCHF eating I start them off at 100g of carbs per day for the first week - I want to get them use to paying attention to labels and carbs. Then we drop to 80g the next week, and gradually go down to 20g or…
  • For me the 3rd week was awful - I felt bad (keto flu) and just plain wanted to give up, but I didn't and when I was in about my 5th week everything just started clicking. I felt great, energy up, clothes were a little looser, skin cleared up and I was sleeping like a rock. That was 7 months ago. Take your measurements -…
  • I had a similar experience - I dropped quickly out of the gate and then it's been slow moving every since. I find that I lose about 5/lbs a month now. I'm down 42 lbs since June. It's a lifestyle change though, not a diet for me so I don't worry about the scale that much. You may stall for 3 weeks and then see another drop…
  • I drink around a gallon per day. It didn't take me long to drop but it has since slowed. I have had to adjust my calories down a bit to kick start loss. Here's my progress - but I don't have a recent photo except our family Christmas picture: I will say, this is the easiest plan I have ever tried - I can stick to it no…
  • Ok - a month later - got an update on your pictures?
  • I was just thinking the same thing - but my "before's" have clothing on - I would have never been that brave! NICE JOB!
  • I have been keto adapted since June '14 and in July I started a cross fit/jiu jitsu/boxing routine with a personal trainer. It definitely slows down my scale numbers but I feel amazing. I have lost 42 lbs and my hubby told me the other night that I was skinny - I haven't heard that since high school. LOL I up my protein a…
  • Drink some bone broth or a sugar free power-ade. You can even add some salt to your water. Your salt/electrolytes are low. It's no coincidence, your body is craving something it thinks it needs. I had "flu" like symptoms the first 4 weeks of cutting carbs (but that was down to less than 20g per day - I'm way low carb).…
  • I have only tried IF once - and I thought I was going to starve to death. LOL (Probably all mental....I love to eat.) I have considered the egg fast (I have a bal gown to get into next month) but I have also heard that you quickly gain back what you lose when you return to "normal" food. I too have a slow moving scale but…
  • I put butter, coconut oil and heavy cream in my coffee - blended (makes ~2 cups) and I'm full until dinner. I do this about 3-times per week. I would say everyone has their opinions of the good/bad aspect, if you like it and it falls into your nutrition regimen then do what works for you.
  • (And for the record - y'all have me in tears - these are really great!) Thanks Ditto Dan for the laugh!
  • ....you have crawled through the refrigerator at the grocery store to see if they have any more heavy whipping cream in the back (because you just took the last 4 quarts and that's not nearly enough!)
  • Isn't it wonderful? And just think - You're just getting started! Check back here in 6 months...you GOT this! Great job!
  • Hey y'all! Real Name: Stephanie Height: 5'5" SW: 211 CW: 176 GW: Between 140-150 Location- Shreveport, Louisiana Age: 47 Sex: F Mom of 3 kids, 19, 17 and 9 Married 17 years Diet Plan-Ketogenics (LCHF) Exercise - Crossfit 2x per week and try to get some cardio in on the off days. Strengths- Hard headed....lol - I have…
  • I do most of my baking with almond and coconut flours. I don't buy pre-made breads, etc. They have too many "fillers" that I personally don't care to eat. Honeyville blanched almond flour is my favorite. It runs about $10/lb but it's very good. I have even been known to grind up almonds when I run out (they aren't…
  • I'd love that recipe - I have recently found a love for spaghetti squash.
  • Keep posting!! These are all great displays of some seriously hard work and determination. ~Cheers to y'all!! Nice job!