

  • I ate an entire sleeve of baby arrowroot cookies! They may be only 30 calories each, but when you eat 15 of them at once? Not so good. The night times are my worst times too. I've actually started working out for only 20 minutes on my eliptical before bed. Sometimes hard if I really feel up to it, but usually just a…
  • This is exactly what I needed!! I've been killing myself over the last 2 weeks, and not one pound difference on the scale. I know I'm dealing with a plateau, and the info I read here is great! I actually researched a plateau, and this was the best info I found. I was planning on trying to do a forced plateau, just never…
  • Best thing I ever did for my weight loss was to buy my elliptical! No excuses...and my bedroom too! You can't help but see and have to use it! Once you feel ready to lose the weight, you will. Everything just kind of 'clicks', doesn't it?! Good Luck! I'm sure you will rock your weight loss!!
  • I started out having to lose 78.5 lbs. I've now lost 51.1 lbs!!! Still 27.4 lbs to go, but looking at how far I've come since August 20th 2010, I'm very proud of myself. I've been over weight for half of my life, so I understand the struggle. You can do it! Your mind has to be ready. No one else can tell you to do it when…
  • The best thing I can tell you is to go see your doctor. You should always see one before you start any major weight loss journey any how. You might have an underactive thyroid. Who knows...but talk to your doctor and he`ll tell you the best way to lose weight. You can incorporate that on mfp easily. Good luck!
  • I did it in 5 months, so this is definetly possible! I don't have that much left to lose, but good luck to everyone who makes it!!!
  • I felt the same way! But after losing 51 lbs, I know I can keep going! Everyone needs to start somewhere, and you've already made the first move! You will have EVERYTHING you need here, and more support than you know what to do with!!!! You will drop those pounds in no time! Good luck. Friend request on the way!
  • Thanks to all! I checked out the nutrition info on their website...nothing healthy about a 1200 calorie dinner! I guess I'll be cutting the steak in half and getting steamed veggies. One night out won't undo the 50 lbs I've lost. Awesome suggestions from everyone!
    in Eating Out Comment by Erius January 2011
  • I use Xtreme Lean. It`s all natural, and you take it before your morning workout. It`s supposed to give you an energy boost while working out, as well as maximizing your calorie burn. Who knows. Maybe it doesn`t work at all...but I only have to fool me!
  • If you ever find the answer, please let me know. My husband is tall and skinny...but eats very poorly. 2 or 3 chocolate bars before bed. 4 or 5 scoops of ice cream. His only beverage is pop. Ok, writing this down is almost embarassing! I`m the one who does the grocery shopping, so I`m the one supporting his habbit, Not…
  • Oh yes...this is my third attempt. I told myself that after my third child, that was it! No more being stupid...yes, stupid. I mean, come on. We know exactly what to do...I was lazy. Ok, I was REALLY lazy. But now, I went from 238.5 lbs in August while on Weight watchers to 188 lbs. I still have 28 lbs to go, maybe 35…
    in New Here! Comment by Erius January 2011
  • I have three young children, and I would be devastated if I felt as though I failed as a mother. The only suggestion I have is to maybe send her to talk with a therapist. There are some things you can only tell a stranger. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
  • Friend invite on the way!
  • You could try Weight Watcher Smart Ones. They have a couple of choices for breakfast. I also enjoy the Kraft Bagel-Fuls. They are under 200 calories but fill you up enough until your snack.
  • I signed up last week, but I actually started my weight loss journey August 20th. I started with weight watchers and lost 50 lbs. This site, however, is free, and has everything and more compared to the weight watchers site. I think you will really like mfp. Good will happen if you want it to!
  • That is EXACTLY what I needed! I've been killing my workouts...and just waiting for one more pound to reach another small won't budge, but my clothes feel what you say is the truth!
  • I wanted eggs too! I woke up and was hungry, so I make myself what my dad named, Toad in the hole. It's one large organic egg, 'fried' on a nonstick pan, so you don't need to add butter or oils, one piece of toasted 100% whole wheat toast, but I do put 1/2 tsp of butter on it - I need to treat myself a little! Cut a hole…
  • Awesome! I too have lost 50 lbs, with another 29 lbs to go. I did most of that with Weight Watchers, but have basically devised my own weight loss program...and it's working! You look amazing...can't wait to see the 'goal' pictures!
  • Well, if it were me, I'd want to know. If it were me 5 years ago, I was in denial so I wouldn't want to hear it. So, you can't win I'm afraid. To each their own! For ever and always, the journey continues.
  • I'm a stay at home mum of 3...yeah, 3 babies in less than 3 1/2 years. But the baby weight is ALL gone. Told myself I would lose the baby weight after my last baby was born, in April. Struggled at the beginning, but by August 20th, at 238.5 lbs, it all clicked, and I've lost 48.5 lbs since then. I was 195 lbs when I got…
  • won't be your first day like this. This is only my 2nd day using the myfitnesspal, but I was on Weight Watchers from the start of my weight loss journey, which started August 20th. I've lost 46.7 lbs since then, but it hasn't been without obstacles! I bought an elliptical...a Godsend, but it broke....twice! I had…