Just Joined - Hey!!!

Just signed up and I'm super excited. How are y'all doing?



  • mmiriam57
    good luck you can do it.. Ive been on it for about 2 weeks. it made me realized how snacking really makes your calories intake increase.. ttys
  • conniemtz316
    Greeting I joined about two weeks ago and it's awesome to beable knowing exactly where I'm at calorie wise. :) Also, I ran my first 5 mile today and it was the hardest thing I've ever done. OMG!!
  • Erius
    Erius Posts: 23
    I signed up last week, but I actually started my weight loss journey August 20th. I started with weight watchers and lost 50 lbs. This site, however, is free, and has everything and more compared to the weight watchers site. I think you will really like mfp. Good luck...it will happen if you want it to!
  • StaceyLResimont
    StaceyLResimont Posts: 1 Member
    i jut joined a couple of weeks now i just posted my pic seen a lot of good recipes on here:O) outside of being hungry im actually getting used to dieting im not as hungry as when i first started :O) good luck:O)
  • Lose6
    Lose6 Posts: 11
    Hi. Just joined this month and i think this website is great! I am wondering why when you excerise, you get the same amount of calories added to the amount you have for daily use. Don't you have to reduce your calories in order to lose weight? Thanks for the info.:smile:
  • TobyZephyr
    TobyZephyr Posts: 2 Member
    I completely agree! I started Weight Watchers last year and was doing really well, but they changed to that new Point Plus System. All my personalized items had to be edited to be usable, many of my favorite things I had used to help me lose weight now cost many more points PLUS you have to pay for it!

    This site is better in many ways and FREE! :bigsmile:
  • BrandiWStuart
    Hi, welcome! This is a great site and has a great iphone app. I started late last year and really enjoy the support of others struggling with the same issues as I am.
  • bka8
    bka8 Posts: 92
    Hangin in there Princess Pammie! This site is AWESOME and keeps me excited!
  • lheath2382
    lheath2382 Posts: 7 Member
    I actually joined this site a couple months ago but then I kinda dropped out and now I am back to try again. Today is the first day of me trying to control my dieting and it has been hard but I'm trying to keep pushing forward. Heres to hoping it goes well! And good luck to all of you too!
  • dspearsb
    dspearsb Posts: 186
    Hello Everyone! I joined back in the summer but got off track. I started again last week and so far I'm down 4lbs! This site is great and I love that the phone app, it helps keep me on track when I'm out and about. It has shown me that although I was under my calorie goal my sugar and carbs were not. It hasn't been easy, with 2 little ones that consume lots of my time and the bad wearher we've been having in PA. Thank goodness for Jillian Michael's 30 day Shred! It's awesome!