Waking up Hungry

I woke up this morning wanting an egg and bacon. I should have cooked myself some eggs and bacon. Because I woke up HUNGRY and I had a protein bar, but sometimes they make it worse. Anyone else get that? And it did this morning! I usually don't wake up craving protein but when I do, I should really go for it.

So... I am trying to control it, I had two high fiber Wasa crackers and a two wedges of laughing cow..... I am having my coffee and heading out as soon as possible to work out, because I certainly need that extra motivation this morning!

Protein will certainly be had for LUNCH, because I can feel my body needs it!


  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    When I first started loosing weight I used to wake up so hungry I was dizzy. I started having lean lunch meat before going to bed and a string cheese and that helped a lot.
  • 2hdesign
    2hdesign Posts: 153
    What works for you? I mean to satisfy your hunger and hold you to lunch.

    For me it's either yogurt or a small amount PB. I'm still working to find some other things to add to the rotation.
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    That is normal waking up hungry. You should wake up hungry most of the time. Eating eggs and toast or oatmeal and egg is a great breakfest.

    To many people do not eat enough for breakfest. It should be 300-400 calories if not more depending on your calories needs. Protein, complex carbs and healthy fats. A balance of all
  • Erius
    Erius Posts: 23
    I wanted eggs too! I woke up and was hungry, so I make myself what my dad named, Toad in the hole. It's one large organic egg, 'fried' on a nonstick pan, so you don't need to add butter or oils, one piece of toasted 100% whole wheat toast, but I do put 1/2 tsp of butter on it - I need to treat myself a little! Cut a hole in the middle of the toast and drop the cooked egg in there! You can also do a poached egg, but I find that the bread still gets a little soggy. Anyways, you end up by cutting out some carbs and calories by removing the hole in the bread. Entire breakfast is under 165 calories! I know it's small, but have a piece of fruit or a bottle of water...it will completely fill you up! Besides, you'll probably have a light snack before lunch, so hopefully you won't feel hungry by lunch! I hope this helps.
  • hambulance
    hambulance Posts: 4 Member
    I think I'm working out the difference when I'm actually hungry and when my body is pretending to be hungry.

    I say have the bacon and egg and just watch how much you have left for the rest of the day, hell, go for an hour on the exercise bike and treat yourself to a big mac lol.

    Sometimes I'll go for a really long brisk walk or bike ride to a takeaway place, a long way away, knowing that I've still burnt a little bit more than the junk food treat I've just had. Just check the calories.

    I don't do this too often but it's a treat mechanism I'm starting to use when I really really want something bad.
  • mjd0109
    mjd0109 Posts: 152
    Next time just have some egg whites and some vegetarian bacon. I know it sounds crazy but vegetarian bacon actually tastes like bacon and is very low in calories and fat and high in protein! If you like baco-bits you would like veggie bacon, baco bits are completely vegetarian until they add bacon fat lol anyways its just something to think about!
  • Black_Swan
    Black_Swan Posts: 770 Member
    Mornings are also really hard for me (or if i wake up at 5am) - I usually take care not to have ANYTHING bad around, so that i wouldnt touch it. I have no self control then, really. Im glad you got over that! Protein rocks! I am having it mostly in tuna fish, hehe...
  • cookiejones
    I'd rather eat my calories in the morning that in the evening. It kinda gives me the illusion that I have the whole day to burn stuff off. I indulge in a little heavier breakfast when I'm hungriest, and try to have a lighter dinner or less snacks in the evening. I freaking love eggs for breakfast :)
  • MomsDaily140
    That is normal waking up hungry. You should wake up hungry most of the time. Eating eggs and toast or oatmeal and egg is a great breakfest.

    To many people do not eat enough for breakfest. It should be 300-400 calories if not more depending on your calories needs. Protein, complex carbs and healthy fats. A balance of all

    This was usually hungry, I do that at times. It's normally when I go through these cycles of little sleep. I don't know if it's hormone changes, being a woman (probably so), age (another factor), or what the case may be, but I go through cycles about once every couple of months. I averaged 3 hours Sunday night and 4 hours, last night. It normally lasts 3 or 4 days and then I am back to normal.... I usually get up at 4:30 and in bed by 9.... that's my normal routine.

    I also normally don't eat what I consider breakfast before I work out. I am a SAHM, so I work out in the am, around 9am, so I usually just have a protein bar or an apple, 30 minutes prior to my work outs, then I usually eat my protein. Have an egg, oatmeal, etc.

    The sleep cycles seems to be fairly common among women my age (at least w/all my friends). Any advice on that would be greatly appreciated. I don't have any caffeine before bed or sugar.... and we eat around 6, so.... I think it's all a hormonal woman thing, LOL!

    Thanks for all the replies it really did help this morning. I went straight to the gym and got in 60 minutes of interval cardio and 15 minutes of core work. I feel better now... :)
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I often wake up so hungry (the kind where my stomach is gurgling) that I feel light headed and nauseous up to my throat. I usually have to eat something small before I even get in the shower. Is that normal? Wondering if this is a blood sugar issue? If I drink a small cup of juice, that will make me feel fine or sometimes I have a slice of mozzerella or provelone cheese. I literally have to have one of those two things the second I get out of my bed but they hold me over til I get to work where I usually eat my breakfast.

    I LOVE the quaker weight control oatmeal but get burned out pretty quick. Whole grain english muffins with a little smear of peanut butter are a favorite and rarely some kind of fiber/whole grain cereal with 1% milk, sometimes I'll through in a piece of fruit.. I am a breafast feign so glad I don't time for the biscuits, gravy, fried eggs and bacon. I crave those daily.