Rwheltsley Member


  • I definitely did not expect to see so many people saying "yes!" as I spend around $70-90 in food PER WEEK. At $90/month you're saying that you can make 15 meals + snacks for a week for$22.50? I spend that on meat alone. 2 dozen eggs - $3 loaf of bread - $3 rice (say 2lbs) - $2 Veggies - $10 Meat (lowball @ $3/lb x…
  • When you enter a recipe - you enter the total amount of each ingredient used (e.g. 2lbs beef, 1 can beans, etc.) - If the poster above gets 5 equally portioned amounts out of 1 recipe, he can take the total and divide by 5 for an accurate count of calories per serving. Wait, that is the definition of a SERVING, right?…
  • I also cook competitively - chili, ribs, wings, bbq in general. Best success has been with chili. I tweak my recipe based on the crowd that's expected (chili die hards get hotter and the color has to be more accurate - whereas a "charity event" will garnish less spice and more meat...etc.) This is the recipe that has…
  • Doesn't look right to me man. Using the calculators I came up with anywhere from 2900-3800, but the majority centered around 3200. I would say that your goal should be more like 2500 calories, not 3200 calories. I, personally, would cut even a bit more off of that - I found for me personally that a 20% cut is painfully…
  • One thing I noticed (also doing Stronglifts 5x5 on an aggressive deficit >25%) is that my weightloss stalled completely for about 4 weeks at the beginning of the program. The only explanation I was able to muster up is that your body is so unused to working out that you are literally holding onto a lot of extra water as…
  • Annnnnnnd - this is by far the best advice yet.
  • It's not magic or a miracle, just math. (7lbs x 3500cal/lb) / 25 days = 980 calories/day deficit To keep it extremely simple, a good rule of thumb is weight x 11 = ~maintenance I'm just shooting in the dark here, but I'm guessing you at 155lb x 11 = 1700 calories/day to maintain WARNING - the following is not healthy in my…
  • Congrats man - I am in a similar boat myself and it is actually the only disappointment I have about weight loss so far. It legitimately pisses me off. Went from a XXL shirt to XL and 42/44 waist to a 38 so far. It is extremely annoying though because all of my expensive work clothes now fit like I am homeless - but I…
  • MFP's suggestion to me was around 1800 calories. Based on the TDEE methods, it said I am at about 3500 calories/day. I cut that to about 2600 calories which I know is more like a 26% cut as opposed to the recommended 20% but I really struggle to get the 2600 calories in regularly. I natrually hover around the 2000 calorie…
  • I just had my 5th session today. I started according to the program, but had to put more weights on for the 2nd than recommended. It wasn't a pride thing or trying to show off, it just felt like I was wasting time doing it empty. I haven't lifted weights much in the past, but I have stayed active with either work or cardio…
  • Today was my second day on the program also, pretty sore as well. Had to grunt the last set out, but my body did not like it. It was fun though, and I look forward to going to the gym right next to work even though I have the day off just to get my workout in. I do the 5x5 on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and play hockey…
  • That is a steep one. As a sidenote - have you ever noticed that you can't talk about alcohol at all without sounding like you have an alcohol problem? For example, I don't have a problem with it (See? Now it sounds like I do.) but I also don't think I would/could give it up. I have no motivation to NOT have it. I don't…
  • A good and healthy appetizer that I like to make for company: Get the Kirkland Smoked Salmon Slices/Foppen Norwegian Smoked Salmon from Costco (or Nova Lox from just about any grocery store) - cut into smaller roll slices Philadelphia cream cheese - You can sub out for the fat free or my favorite, the 1/3 less calories…
  • You could say that. Born and raised in Eastpointe, lived in Jackson and Flushing/Flint for a while, bought a house in Ferndale and work in Auburn Hills.
  • Fish is high in protein per oz. Tilapia, salmon, tuna, etc. cottage cheese is a good bang for your buck to get some more protein, but I find the stuff nearly unbearable to eat plain. I throw in a couple tablespoons of peanut butter or some jelly to make it taste good though. Double hit on protein if you mix pb with the…