gogogulliver Member


  • West Country checking in here. Add me if you like!
  • It still sounds like you'll be eating a very low amount of calories. A heartier lunch might be in order?
  • Well, a shot of Jack Daniels is under 60 calories... I hate to state the obvious, but... fruit! Have a banana or an apple or something. Lots of yoghurts are under a hundred calories a pot. Carrots are nice and crunchy...
  • I make up a batch of cold-brewed green tea each day... basically leave a teabag in a big jug of water and in the morning you have slightly sweet, refreshing green tea without the bitterness. Lovely stuff. Very refreshing. It tends to be quite strong, though, so I add a little water to the glass and usually top the jug up,…
  • I make my own sometimes because I'm a cheapskate. It's good, isn't it?!
  • Vegan of three years, and vegetarian of six years before that. Welcome!
  • Sometimes. If I'm having a salad, I'll count the tomato and stuff but not the green leafy bits. Life is too short to be weighing your lettuce. In any case, if my calorie count is 50 calories off, it's fifty calories off. No biggy.
  • I'm vegan (so mega-vegetarian) and mostly low-carb! Add me! I'd be interested to see what you're eating and I'll give you any support I can.
  • I had some Vibram Five Fingers and here is my moderately impartial review: Firstly, they wore through on the bottom after about six months. I did a lot of running outdoors over concrete, rocky paths, grass, sheep poo etc and they wore through. I am in two minds about getting another pair, because that is a really short…
  • Hi! Welcome! There are a few of us from the UK about. There was a UK thread a few days ago... if you use the search you might be able to dig it up. I'm new to the site myself (well, I made a login on new years day 2010 and then didn't log on again for two and half years...) and am really enjoying keeping track of what I'm…
  • Anyone's free to add me! I need all the help I can get!
  • I'm vegan so I might be able to help you a little bit. Carbohydrates are a good source of long lasting energy (medium to high calories, but dispersed over a period of time so you get "longer lasting" energy). It's often overlooked but tofu is fairly low in calories, filling, high in protein and ridiculously versatile.…
  • Calories are calories, just like centimetres are centimetres and grams are grams and gallons are gallons. A calorie is just a measurement of energy. If you eat something "worth" 300 calories, you're just turning food into about 300 calories of energy for your body to use. Still, fruit is probably better for you because it…
  • Cider vinegar is only about as acidic as Coca Cola, so two tablespoons of the stuff is not going to burn your head off. If it makes you feel great and it helps you get rid of water retention, I see no reason to stop.
  • Palm oil is not bad in moderation, really. However, it is often produced very, very, very unethically by bulldozing rainforests and turning them into palm farm. The H&B one is pretty nice, anyway. It differs by company, though, and where they buy their palm oil from.
  • Screw healthy, pumpkin chocolate cake tastes GOOD. Also, when I went over to New York last year a friend of mine asked me to bring over several things from England that you can't get there, so it works both ways.
  • Complete and utter myth about veganism. Really, total claptrap. I've had 150g of protein today without much difficulty and I'm vegan. How much more should I expect to be eating?
  • Ricotta? Different yoghurts have a completely different taste and texture (like cheese differ hugely). Try some Greek yoghurt, maybe? I've put tofu in smoothies, which has a good whack of protein to it.
  • You're turning 40?! You look so much younger! I'm amazed to see how much your face has changed! You've got a lovely heart-shaped face! Well done for sticking at it!
  • I've used pumpkin that I've shoved in the oven until it's gone soft and then gone at it with a potato masher or a hand blender until it was mixable. It's a bit of a faff (you have to dismember and de-seed a pumpkin...) but it is such a good flavour that it's worth it for special occasion things. Usually the week after…
  • I have never seen canned pumpkin here. I asked in my local health food shop and they told me they used to stock it but it was prohibitively expensive. So, nice try but not an option for most of us. I used to have a load of American friends living in England (they have since dispersed), and canned pumpkin was one of the…
  • That's incredibly impressive. You should feel really proud of yourself... that's a very impressive feat of willpower to change your habits and keep them changed. Well done!
  • I'm a vegan (have been so for threeish years and have not eaten meat or fish for about eight or nine) and I've just joined (well, actually started using) this site to lose a few pounds. I eat pretty healthily, but there's nothing naturally low calorie or low fat particularly about a vegan diet, and it can be very…