j6o4 Member


  • If you're only looking to look less flabby after a run, i would eat a good chunk of carbs after, but this would be just a short term solution. Long term solution would be lowering your body fat percentage and having enough muscle to never really look flabby.
  • Your muscles are probably just deflated from burning up the glycogen stores in your muscle from cardio. Since your muscles get smaller from having less glycogen stored in them, your fat stores have no other option but to cover less volume on your body making you look more flabby. Usually people will say I'm looking "flat"…
  • myprotein.com think they're based in the UK. Strawberry Cream & Chocolate Mint are good.
  • If you eat any more proteins and fats than your body needs, your body will convert the extra proteins and fats to into glucose (carbs).
  • A calorie is a unit of energy. Proteins, fats, and carbs are all sources of energy but have different functions in the body. Protein repairs muscle, fats help absorb micros and keep hormones healthy, and carbs are our preferred source on energy. If you eat more protein than your body can use to repair muscle, your body…
  • If you are already using a food scale to weigh your food, then I would switch out some low calorie high volume foods for some low volume high calorie foods.
  • Overhyped, pricey, and too much fiber in my opinion. Maybe the fiber content can be a good thing if you don't get enough of it from regular food, but too much fiber can hurt your stomach and cause vitamin deficiency over the long run.
  • If It Fits Your Macros then it's all good, snack if you want to just don't over do it.
  • Myprotein is a reasonably priced protein brand with many flavours. They usually have sales, and I got like 20% off my order. I purchased four flavour and they were strawberry cream, mint chocolate, toffee, and salted caramel. Strawberry cream was the best one out of the four, it taste like a strawberry milkshake and I take…
  • I always lose weight in the process because I'm still in a deficit during the time reversing into maintenance, so I always start reversing before I hit my target goal.
  • 1 gram of protein has 4 calories 1 gram of carbs has 4 calories 1 gram of fat has 9 calories Macros counting is calories counting in addition to paying more attention to detail. I personally find it more easy and flexible counting calories while aiming to hit protein and fiber, then let the rest of the calories left come…
  • I think it is bugged to. I've only been able to edit my macros on my phone and not my computer.
  • It seams like the op just wants to compare his dietary needs to someone. If the op is a 200lb male, his states are going to be more in common to another 200lb male than a 200lb female. I agree that the op shouldn't seek insight from just any males food dairy, but another male with similar stats. For example, my food dairy…
  • Well men usually have a higher tdee and more muscle than a women, things that would affect your dietary needs, so I don't see a problem with the op wanting to gain insight on what other guys eat.
  • Eat a sandwich with an apple on the side, apples are pretty filling for the amount of calories it has.
  • If it fits your macros/calories, you can still eat chocolate and cookies and get results so don't beat yourself up over it.
  • Save a large portion of your calories for the end of the day so you won't be hungry at night.
  • Too much to lose weight? Doesn't matter as long as you're in a deficit, if these foods help you stay within calories then eat them.
  • I always reversed diet by adding 100 calories a week and never gained weight during the process; I actually lose a bit of weight because I'm still in a deficit while reversing. You can probably get away with bumping your calories more in the beginning then taper it down when you get closer to maintenance. For example, bump…
    in Reverse Dieting Comment by j6o4 May 2015
  • You don't have to exercise, all you need is a calorie deficit to lose weight. Being more active will increase your tdee (the amount of calories you need to maintain) which will allow you to lose weight on higher calories.
  • Mushrooms are low in calories and have a lot of iron,
  • My bottle of omega-3 says "helps reduce serum triglycerides/triacylglycerol," and to take "2-4 softgels daily or as directed by a physician" for triglycerides/triacylglycerol. Maybe omega-3 can help I guess.
  • Teaspoon is 5ml and tablespoon is 15ml. If you are going to measure food, use a scale.
  • There's a function on google called google scholar, it will lead you to scientific peer review studies and eliminate the bs.
  • Yes, weigh it on a food scale and fit it into your calories.
    in Peanut butter Comment by j6o4 April 2015
  • Eating clean will cause you to lose weight only if you combine it with a calorie deficit. Heck, even if you eat dirty with a calorie deficit, you will lose weight. At the end of the day, you need a calorie deficit to lose weight, eating clean or not.
    in Clean Eating Comment by j6o4 March 2015
  • Rocks, since potatoes didn't evolve from rocks until 40,000 years ago.
  • Cant' believe people are standing up for envy. Let's defend greed and jealousy to... if anything, these things are self destructive and hurts you more than anyone else. I agree with the op. No one can attain perfection (or someone else's genetic attributes) , but everyone can attain greatness.
  • You average about 700 calories a day... I don't see where you binged. At this point, I would say a binge would do you more good than harm.