DarcyHamlin Member


  • I need this! Thank you for having this great challenge. I lost a good chunk of weight on here a few years back and then life happened, and gained it all back plus a few extra pounds. :'( But, I choose to be grateful that I didn't gain even more as I was spiraling back up! I lost it before and I can do it again! SW: 327 CW:…
  • You guys are awesome. I will definitely start weighing everything. I appreciate your comments!! A bit more about me...I am 5'7". I have two kids and a full time job. I try to work out at least 2-3x a week. I love swimming, walking/jogging, and yoga. I use a FitBit Flex and a HRM to measure my activity (not both). I have…
  • I will definitely double check my calorie budget for my current weight and make sure I'm sustaining it but also building in a calorie deficit for weight loss. I am 304 pounds so it's my understanding that I need more calories just to exist than the average weight person. I do weigh my food with a scale and measuring cups.…
  • Girl, I so hear your frustration. At least you're losing. I lowered my calories last week and have been working hard to keep below my new reduced goal but this morning the scale was UP!! Grrr. All I can say is that the body is mysterious and often has its own needs and agendas separate from what our mind thinks it should…
  • Let's say someone is really religious. And by religious, I mean adhering in some form to a particular holy book and striving to follow its teachings. Every holy book advocates all kinds of horribly immoral acts that are illegal today: murder, rape, incest, child abuse, child brides, polygamy, slavery, etc. People…
  • Like many others on this thread, I was never logging (which is why my numbers were undoubtedly completely outlandish). But there are days when I am logging here when I gravitate back toward my old habits - larger pasta portions, substantial desserts, mindless snacking, etc. and I see what that does to my calories, and I…
  • Hear, hear, Elisa123!! :bigsmile: I couldn't have said it better myself!
  • Hi! I'm Darcy and I've been a skeptic for many years but only "out" as an atheist for a few. It was very interesting how my mood, energy levels, and life in general drastically improved after letting go of superstitions and belief in the supernatural. I consider myself a secular Buddhist, am a member of a Unitarian church,…
  • When people say God bless or sending prayers to me or whatever, I usually just let it go and take it as that person's good will toward me. But when they start making their religion about me, saying things like "I know God has a plan for you!" or "God will help you along this path!" I do feel the need to mention gently that…
  • Thanks for the friend request! I love looking at people's food diaries as well. I had thyroid issues last year but mine was in the opposite direction - hyperthyroidism (overactive). Strangely this can backfire on you weight-wise because your metabolism is in overdrive so you are ALWAYS hungry and are reaching for the most…
  • I'm so glad we're friends! I love mutual encouragement and support. I'll be your cheerleader! (But I'm NOT dressing up in one of those silly outfits. :bigsmile:)
  • Wow, thank you so much for posting! I will add you both as friends - I love what both of you have to say! Let's do this together! :smile:
  • Hi! I just started back up three weeks ago and have over 100 lbs to lose. I log in every day and share my diary so I'd be more than happy to friend you and post supportive comments on your posts. :)
  • Hi everyone! I am loving MFP and have been using it for 2 weeks now. Have already lost 8 pounds and it feels great. Tracking has made me more mindful of what I'm eating, which in turn has made me more aware and appreciative of it. Mindless grazing has been all but eliminated and everything I eat is intentional - a huge…