So, How many calories did you actually put away?



  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    No idea, but whatever it was, I have never ended up overweight, just a little heavier than I was comfortable with (though at the time I had an undiagnosed, untreated underactive thyroid so how much that impacted, I do not know).

    When I was just eating as I wanted, without being on a healthy eating kick, it was usually a baked potato with prawn or tuna mayonnaise for lunch, sometimes a piece of chocolate cake afterwards and some kind of microwave meal for dinner, sometimes followed by a large bag of chocolate buttons. Sometimes on a Sunday I would go out and have a fried breakfast. I walked a bit, but not much, and sometimes during this sort of eating phase, I rollerskated for an hour most days.

    I guess, other than the food not being desperately healthy, I was not really eating excessively.
    I am glad to say that microwave meals are now a rare occurrence and tend to have good ingredients when I do have one, and my evening meal is almost always salmon, turkey or chicken with potato and a pile of vegetables. The baked potatoes are pretty much gone as a lunch and cake is not a daily thing.

    Guessing I ate on average about 2000-3000 a day, which is interesting given I did not count and did not really watch my diet during those times, yet I still somehow managed to regulate myself, or my appetite did. I can easily clear the same amount now, with my exercise, in healthy food.
  • Sie_Con
    Sie_Con Posts: 101 Member
    I think that on a day to day basis I was eating about 2800, only about 300 over my maintenance since my gain was slow and steady over 10 years. I'm sure I ate about 3500 at least once or twice a week though with binges and junk foods.
  • chilly1470
    chilly1470 Posts: 178 Member
    Thanks so much for the replies and calculations. This helps me to understand a lot and not feel so all alone in it. Someone poo pooed my 9000 tally, but I challenge you to prove me wrong. I would easily polish off a half gallon of ice cream in a night, after eating a while pizza and chips with a whole tub of dip. This was all after 7pm. So not including a huge breakfast, lunch and dinner. I said in my original post the 9000 was my worst, and was not all the time. Maybe twice a month or thereabouts. I looked up the ice cream alone, at 360 calories per cup, 8 cups per half gallon, right there's 3000 calories. And I put Hershey syrup on it. I am not bragging, matter of fact it sickens me to think I ate all that. Guess that's how I ended up 400 pounds.
  • Squatch3099
    Squatch3099 Posts: 87 Member
    I was putting away around 4,000 at the most. Today I put away 500 due to the flu. I'm finding that 1,450 is just right for losing one pound a week on average. :drinker:
  • MamaRiss
    MamaRiss Posts: 481 Member
    Well tonight we had Chili's for dinner, and got pretty much the same meal that I used to get.

    Margarita- 250-300 I think, the one I had tonight apparently does not have nutritional info. I used to drink at least two
    Texas Cheese Fries- Full order is 1700+ calories, I used to eat half. tonight we got a "Half Order" that was about 1200, I still ate half
    for about 600
    Cajun Pasta with shrimp 1220 calories for the full portion. I used to eat nearly the whole plate, tonight I ate about a third of the pasta
    and all the shrimp, so lets say half the calories of the full portion so 610

    5 years ago I would have been consuming around 2700. Now about 1500.

    FTR, today was a break day for me, and I made the concious decision to eat that much. And felt absoluetly terrible afterward, not guilty, just my stomach was going to burst after that pasta. Really made me see my progress in a completely different way, my stomach is actually shrinking! Tomorrow might be a little lighter to make up for the huge portion tonight
  • sensitivefool
    sensitivefool Posts: 343 Member
    Between 3 and 4 k. Easy. :embarassed:
  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    Well, I really never bothered to think about it….

    But when you consider that my *maintenance* calories at the beginning was over 3000… then I'm guessing my intake was somewhere around 3000-4000. And we won't talk about how much of it was pure crap! EVERYTHING was processed. Lots of "white" carbs. (Note: I'm not against carbs at all. Currently, carbs are still about 50% of my macros. But they are more from fruits and whole grains now.)
  • Zerodette
    Zerodette Posts: 200 Member
    I was well on my way to 400 pounds, I'm so glad I saw the light. I just put in a typical "eat whatever is nearby" day and it came to 5100 calories. Having a vast array of delivery options and lots of disposable income was not a good setup for me.
  • There were some shameful days when I ate out 3+ times a day! Now looking at what I ate, I know those meals had to be over a thousand calories each! So, I'm thinking at most somewhere between 4000-5000 maybe! I'm happy to say that me and my husband are making a conscious effort to not eat out any more! And saving some money lol
  • Elsie_Brownraisin
    Elsie_Brownraisin Posts: 786 Member
  • Timelordlady85
    Timelordlady85 Posts: 797 Member
    I don't know how many calories I consumed but I ate what I wanted, when I wanted, and didn't pay any attention to labels.So glad I learned to be healthy for me and my family. I hardly ever eat out anymore, even to sit down places. I much prefer the homemade foods at home and so do my kids. they love having turkey tacos at home instead of the tacos at taco bell. If we want potatoes we roast them instead of having them fried. knowing what I was putting into my mouth and how many calories it had in it helped me to make better choices.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Never even thought about it. More than now!
  • frisco111
    frisco111 Posts: 44 Member
    I could easily do 8000. I could eat a cake on my own. 2 dinners - no problem. Coke in litres.
    How sad.
  • Makterbro
    Makterbro Posts: 101 Member
    Probably about 2500-3500cal a day.
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Well without tracking it's hard to say but I picked out what I might eat on a "bad" day without going crazy..there are seldom days when I'd eat out for EVERY meal...but I'd eat pretty carbolicious-ly.

    I might have:
    Waffle House breakfast: 1 waffle with syrup and butter, hash browns (scattered, smothered, covered and chunked), toast and grits with syrup and milk to wash it down (those big glasses are likely 16 oz, I used 2%, I doubt they're serving whole milk): we're at 1702 for breakfast

    LUNCH: 3 egg omelet with cheese and pork sausage (Now, I'd be more likely to use turkey sausage and 1/4 cup cheese instead of 1/2 or more..) served on two slices of white bread with probably 4 tbsp of margarine : another 1134

    DINNER: Homemade "Skyline chilil". Dreamfields spaghetti (wife is diabetic so we get this to help her out but I'd get two sometimes three HUGE bowls) plus the chili on top and too much shredded cheddar: estimating this out at 1710

    SNACK: I did and still do love me some Ben and Jerry's...I still have trouble eating the APPROPRIATE serving so I don't have it in the house often. When I wasn't counting, if I had a pint of Karamel Sutra, I was EATING the pint. another 1080 for snack

    Grand total: 5626

    This was not everyday but probably was not an "atypical" day either.
  • ExRelaySprinter
    ExRelaySprinter Posts: 874 Member
    On a daily basis at your worst, how many calories were you eating a day? I did some adding and on my most gluttonous days I put away around 9000. Wow!

    For me, i'd say at a guess - on take away days (i.e eating Pizza Hut, KFC or McD's - along with drinking Wine) i could easily tot up 3000+ cals in a day.
    This would normally be twice a week.
    But i was probably still eating 2000+ cals the other 5 days as well .......with very little exercise. :noway:
    Seeing as my maintenance cals are only 1600 cals, no wonder i put on weight! Lol
  • DarcyHamlin
    DarcyHamlin Posts: 18 Member
    Like many others on this thread, I was never logging (which is why my numbers were undoubtedly completely outlandish). But there are days when I am logging here when I gravitate back toward my old habits - larger pasta portions, substantial desserts, mindless snacking, etc. and I see what that does to my calories, and I realize, "holy crap, I used to eat like this all the time!!" Instead of being discouraged by this, I am actually relieved to know that there's a demonstrable reason that I got's not something that I can't control, that I'm "doomed" to be for the rest of my life. I can do this!! :wink:
  • chilly1470
    chilly1470 Posts: 178 Member
    Like many others on this thread, I was never logging (which is why my numbers were undoubtedly completely outlandish). But there are days when I am logging here when I gravitate back toward my old habits - larger pasta portions, substantial desserts, mindless snacking, etc. and I see what that does to my calories, and I realize, "holy crap, I used to eat like this all the time!!" Instead of being discouraged by this, I am actually relieved to know that there's a demonstrable reason that I got's not something that I can't control, that I'm "doomed" to be for the rest of my life. I can do this!! :wink:

    I wish there was a LIKE button on here!!
  • Shazdei
    Shazdei Posts: 9 Member
    haha probably between 7/10 000 on my worst, worst days!
    So shameful :o
  • Zerodette
    Zerodette Posts: 200 Member
    Thinking about what I posted in this thread stopped me from mindlessly snacking this evening!