So, How many calories did you actually put away?



  • Zerodette
    Zerodette Posts: 200 Member
    Thinking about what I posted in this thread stopped me from mindlessly snacking this evening!
  • girlviernes
    girlviernes Posts: 2,402 Member
    Yep, not to sure about this one but it would be high. My highest day since tracking was 3000 but that was nothing compared to what i used to eat (on the worst days). I would not be very surprised if it actually reached the 7000-9000 range.
  • maoribadger
    maoribadger Posts: 1,837 Member
    I'd go for 3000-4000 :(
  • LazPagz
    LazPagz Posts: 28 Member
    I just roughly added up what I would've eaten before I started using MFP - 5142 calories!!! aarrgghh!!!
  • LadyGisborne
    LadyGisborne Posts: 32 Member
    In the worst times of my life, when I was in the grips of extreme binge eating, I ate approximately 10,000kcal/day. I put on 70lbs in 3-4 months.
    I had dropped out from Uni and literally spent my days eating. There were no "meals" per se. I was eating all the time, even when my stomach was so full that it hurt.
  • Angierae75
    Angierae75 Posts: 417 Member
    I gained 80 pounds in 7 years and then maintained for another 12, so when I was gaining I was only eating a little over what I was burning, but it meant that year after year, a little over ten pounds a year crept on to me.

    I maintained for a long time, so now I just need to learn how to eat a little less and move more, and hopefully some if not all of it can come back off.
  • Ragtees
    Ragtees Posts: 33 Member
    Not sure on the amount, I know on occasion I'd eat a bag of reeses mini's during lunch. Amazing what the body adjusts to, couldn't eat that much sugar and fat now.
  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    More than I needed too! I have no clue, cause I wasn't counting.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    who knows, I didn't track or think about it then...

    I know over the course of 8 years or so I put on 40 that's about 5 Lbs per I wasn't going crazy or anything overeating...probably about 250 or so calories over my I recall, my theoretical non exercise maintenance calories when I started was around 2400 or maybe 2600 - 2700 calories per day.

    These days I actually eat in the neighborhood of 2800 - 3000...but I'm far more I probably actually eat slightly more now at a healthy weight and in maintenance than I did when I was more or less sedentary and gaining weight.
  • JazzFischer1989
    JazzFischer1989 Posts: 531 Member
    Rough estimate, 18-2400 calories throughout my teenage years - which isn't that much considering how active I was, but half my diet was ice cream, Cheetos, sugary cereal, potato chips, massive amounts of rice, snack cakes, etc. My diet has drastically improved since then and naturally, I take in fewer calories on average. If it weren't for the fact that I exercised 1-3 hours about 4-5 days a week (I was in dance and kickline) I wouldn't have been nearly as thin as I was.
  • cosmiqrust
    cosmiqrust Posts: 214 Member
    which end of my worst do you want it? the part where i was eating a bowl of wheat bran a day? or the part where i was putting away a family sized bag of doritos and a whole box of pop tarts in front of world of warcraft?

    when i was starving, 0-200. when i wasn't, somewhere in the 3-4000 range.
  • SunshineKisses_2012
    Just logged what I remember eating regularly at the beginning of this year, and whoa! 4,000 - 5,000 calories was normal! All processed, mostly take aways.
  • LazPagz
    LazPagz Posts: 28 Member
    also i would regularly cane a whole jar of nutella at the weekends - literally just with a spoon i would eat the while jar. well over 1000 calories. ouch!
  • drich1989
    drich1989 Posts: 95 Member
    Honestly I'd be scared to know. There were a few days a week where I would eat out for EVERY meal. Yikes.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    When I first started using MFP, just for kicks I logged a bunch of honest days from when I was much heavier and I was eating between 2,300 and 3,000 calories most days. It blew my mind, because I remember when I was at 271 lb I was talking to my now-husband about weight loss and he used an online calculator to determine that my maintenance weight for 271 lb was around 2,700 cal/day and I did NOT believe him at all, I figured I ate around 1,800-2,000.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Honestly I'd be scared to know. There were a few days a week where I would eat out for EVERY meal. Yikes.

    That was common for me as well. I usually chose one item and avoided appetizers, dessert, drinks...but the calories still add up quickly! In fact it happens sometimes even now, especially when traveling...but at least I'm able to make better choices now.
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    calories 2,887
    carbs 186
    protein 135
    sat fat 67
    sodium 5,683
    fiber 16

    one of my typical days before I was diagnosed with diabetes and high blood pressure. :indifferent: So stupid.
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    When I first started tracking calories, I came here and put in a typical day's worth of food, snacks, sodas, treats... anything that I would eat within a 24 hour period, including midnight snacks.

    The tally was 12,000-13,000 calories per day.

    ETA: Check out my open diary on 10/17/14 and I put in what a typical day would have been for me.
  • Erikhulse
    Erikhulse Posts: 51 Member
    It disgusts me to think about...but I did a quick logging of an old day and it was easily over 6,000 calories per day...I would usually have Whataburger honey butter chicken biscuit, 2 taquitos, 4 piece hashbrowns, and an orange juice...That alone is 1,880 calories. Lunch was always fast food, my favorite of which being whataburger honey bbq chicken sandwich, fries, and 2 large sweet teas...2,400 calories. Dinner would also usually be fast food...It disgusts me to even admit that sometimes I would go to two fast food drive through lanes for one meal...Taco bell dollar menu I'd get soft tacos, quesadillas, cinnamon stick, and then I'd go over to Jack in the Box to get a spicy chicken sandwich, 2 tacos, and a strawberry smoothie...That's 2,000 calories right there...Not to mention I would get free snacks at work throughout the day, and usually indulge in snacking after work at home too. I'd imagine probably close to 7,000 calories on my bad days. I can even remember times when I would pick up a Little Ceasers Hot and Ready large pepperoni pizza and bread sticks and eat the entire thing for dinner. That is 3,000 calories. I could never ever go back to those habits. On the rare occasion I have to eat fast food (if I'm out with friends or family and traveling), I will usually get a grilled chicken salad with little to no viniagrette dressing. It's no wonder I lost 170 pounds...Going from 6,000+ calories per day down to 1,500 to 2,000 calories, it just falls off!
  • Cathalain
    Cathalain Posts: 424 Member
    I couldn't even tell you. I've been obese since the age of 11, so who actually knows - I had gotten so used to high calorie amounts that when I started eating correctly after my diabetes diagnosis, I lost 30 pounds almost immediately just from the shock I put my body in.

    10,000 calories a day isn't out of the realm of possibility, sadly.