

  • when i first got my treadmill i went to youtube to see if there were any reviews on it. what i DID find were all types of repairs videos. so you might be able to find something on youtube about repairing your eliptical. it's worth a try anyway. I know where to go now at least if my treadmill is stuck on an incline.
  • I don't see anypictures...:-/
  • I love this! This is such a great way to start my day. This was very inspirational and I loved the saying at the end "There is no such thing as a cheetos tree". I myself just found a little bit of a whacky way to keep me from eating those snacks that used to have me of the belief that I was a junk-food-junky (I'm 7 days…
  • yeah water is important. I was on this journey on and off for a few months now. And one thing I've added is drinking more water. It's what carries the nutrients to your body and wastes away from your body. I tend to forget how important that fact is sometimes and it could be the reason why now the weight is like flying off…
    in At a loss Comment by missemocha May 2011
  • i totally agree with the previous post. If you can't get off the pounds but you're doing all you can and your body is rejecting the effort for WHATEVER reason...then it might be time to just calm down and let your body just "be" and don't fret about it. As well don't stop doing what you know you need to do to be healthy…
  • I had the same problem today. But also like you I'm gonna go by how my body feels and measurements, and remember that even though it seems I've gained (according to the scale) it doesn't necessarily mean anything. This is a process and the scale doesn't always agree with me. But I'm not going to quit because eventually it…
  • I would've been really proud to have run that 4k. One day I WILL be proud. I've always looked at runner's (yes ur a runner) and thought "wow I wish I could do that...I want to do that...why can't I do that"...So since it's always been in me a great desire, for years, to BE a runner...it's become one of my fitness goals.…
  • Hi Robin. I'm new as well and as such don't have any advice just yet but I can provide support should you need it. We can do this...and it makes it easier to stand when you know you have someone standing next to you doing the same and feeling the same. So, welcome and look me up if you'd like to. I'm 36 and married with…