Not enjoying this anymore...

Baileys83 Posts: 152 Member
edited September 27 in Motivation and Support
OK so when I started this journey I knew it wasn't going to be easy, that some days would be harder than others but it was a journey I needed to take for myself.

My first goal was to reach 138lb by june 11th. My partner and I are attending a wedding reception, evening event, so little black dress required. I started at 149lb and with just 14 days to go and I have only lost 5lb and still have 6lb to go - optimistic? Just a little bit. My problem wasn't eating too much and needing to cut down - it was not eating enough and my body being in this so-called starvation mode. I joined here for the food diary tool mainly - I was only eating on avery 800-900 calories a day but have not got it up to 1200 - 1400 on average and am working out a lot - between brisk walking and jogging workouts I have burnt about 2400 calories this week.

Now I have hit a wall - I have almost zero motivation left knowing I am not going to reach my goal. Food is a bit of an effort and it's a bit of a chore to stick with it. Help??


  • QueenofCups
    QueenofCups Posts: 365 Member
    I understand where you are coming from, completely. My weight goal changes sometimes, but at minimum I have 5 lbs to lose as well and I just can't seem to get there. I have been hovering in the same 4lbs range (150-154) for 8 months.
    I stick to my calorie goal and am fairly active (SAHM) as well as doing regular exercising like running, walking, DVDs, dancing, etc.
    I would never give up the activity but the counting calories **** gets old when you don't see results. My thing is, when I voice my frustration I get "well, you do eat processed food" or "you don't eat enough calories" or the like. But I have lost 70 lbs doing exactly what I am doing....but now I am more active. So wtf?

    My 2 cents to you is, wear that little black dress with pride! 5lbs be damned. I bet with all your work outs you are more toned and svelte than before, and those 5 lbs look like they are gone even if you can't see it. Just eat when your body needs nourishment and don't focus on the calories as much as just it being filling and lasting and as good for you as possible. But indulge some too - and keep moving. It'll come off eventually. If it's meant to. Good luck!
  • BeckyKSmith
    BeckyKSmith Posts: 212 Member
    I know you you "feel" - tired, crabby, and wanting to give up. You need a LOT more food to lose weight. 2400 calories in a week is 342 calories a day. You need to eat at least 1500-1600 calories a day before your body will let weight go at all. At this point, your body has lowered your metabolism to the point that it will be able to survive on 1000 calories which is unheatlhy.

    Add a really yummy protein shake to your day. EAS myoplex is really good and packs 25 grams of protein, but can get expensive. I buy the Cytosport Muscle Milk Powder (weird name but tasty), mix it with milk and add some fresh strawberries and banana. That will pack a 450ish calorie punch to your morning and put you in a good mood the first part of your day. If you drink with within a half hour of working out - it makes building more lean muscle mass easier..........I am addicted to the stuff :)
    Oh, and use it to wash down a handfull of almonds! The Chocoalmonds are excellent.
  • missemocha
    missemocha Posts: 8
    i totally agree with the previous post. If you can't get off the pounds but you're doing all you can and your body is rejecting the effort for WHATEVER reason...then it might be time to just calm down and let your body just "be" and don't fret about it. As well don't stop doing what you know you need to do to be healthy because after all health should be what rules the day. I wish you fortune
  • BeckyKSmith
    BeckyKSmith Posts: 212 Member
    I understand where you are coming from, completely. My weight goal changes sometimes, but at minimum I have 5 lbs to lose as well and I just can't seem to get there. I have been hovering in the same 4lbs range (150-154) for 8 months.
    I stick to my calorie goal and am fairly active (SAHM) as well as doing regular exercising like running, walking, DVDs, dancing, etc.
    I would never give up the activity but the counting calories **** gets old when you don't see results. My thing is, when I voice my frustration I get "well, you do eat processed food" or "you don't eat enough calories" or the like. But I have lost 70 lbs doing exactly what I am doing....but now I am more active. So wtf?

    My 2 cents to you is, wear that little black dress with pride! 5lbs be damned. I bet with all your work outs you are more toned and svelte than before, and those 5 lbs look like they are gone even if you can't see it. Just eat when your body needs nourishment and don't focus on the calories as much as just it being filling and lasting and as good for you as possible. But indulge some too - and keep moving. It'll come off eventually. If it's meant to. Good luck!

    I was stuck for a few weeks, so I decided to do a MFP/Atkins/Southbeach I got the idea from a fellow MFP friend who lost 40 lbs in months...she is now 120lbs and 5'4". I eat about 1300 calories (net) and dropped my net carbs (carbs-fiber = net carbs) down to 20-30grams a day. I have lost 4.6lbs in just under 2 weeks (oh, I am 168 lbs and 5'4"). It is not always easy, and I plan to go to cookouts this weekend. I WILL have a few 2 carb beers and just skip the bun on my burger. I am amazed how wonderful I feel, how much energy I have and most importantly, I struggle to eat 1200 calories b/c I am not hungry.
  • BeckyKSmith
    BeckyKSmith Posts: 212 Member
    I understand where you are coming from, completely. My weight goal changes sometimes, but at minimum I have 5 lbs to lose as well and I just can't seem to get there. I have been hovering in the same 4lbs range (150-154) for 8 months.
    I stick to my calorie goal and am fairly active (SAHM) as well as doing regular exercising like running, walking, DVDs, dancing, etc.
    I would never give up the activity but the counting calories **** gets old when you don't see results. My thing is, when I voice my frustration I get "well, you do eat processed food" or "you don't eat enough calories" or the like. But I have lost 70 lbs doing exactly what I am doing....but now I am more active. So wtf?

    My 2 cents to you is, wear that little black dress with pride! 5lbs be damned. I bet with all your work outs you are more toned and svelte than before, and those 5 lbs look like they are gone even if you can't see it. Just eat when your body needs nourishment and don't focus on the calories as much as just it being filling and lasting and as good for you as possible. But indulge some too - and keep moving. It'll come off eventually. If it's meant to. Good luck!

    I was stuck for a few weeks, so I decided to do a MFP/Atkins/Southbeach I got the idea from a fellow MFP friend who lost 40 lbs in months...she is now 120lbs and 5'4". I eat about 1300 calories (net) and dropped my net carbs (carbs-fiber = net carbs) down to 20-30grams a day. I have lost 4.6lbs in just under 2 weeks (oh, I am 168 lbs and 5'4"). It is not always easy, and I plan to go to cookouts this weekend. I WILL have a few 2 carb beers and just skip the bun on my burger. I am amazed how wonderful I feel, how much energy I have and most importantly, I struggle to eat 1200 calories b/c I am not hungry.
    That was supposed to be 40lbs in 4 months.
  • Baileys83
    Baileys83 Posts: 152 Member
    ...then it might be time to just calm down and let your body just "be" and don't fret about it.

    Thank you but this is easier said than done :-)
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Quit for a while and come back when you are ready again.
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