Give Yourself Permission To Be Proud

snc1212 Posts: 38
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
How many of us are struggling with the same 10, 20 or 30 lbs and we've lost it, gained it, lost it, gained it…you get the picture. I think I've finally figured out that the biggest thing standing in my way of keeping those lbs away is my self-defeatist attitude.

Last week, after pretty much a full 8 months of doing nothing but sitting on my butt, I decided to get back into running. I ran with a group of friends here at work, and I ran 3k. I thought, well that's not too bad, I mean it has been 8 months since I've ran. I ran another 4k last week and 7k on Sunday. Then yesterday hit, and I went out for a 4k run, and at the end someone asked me "how far did you run?" and I said, oh, just a little 4k. I kept on walking and started to think, WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY? And I came to a realization - while here I am being so hard on myself for running JUST a piddly little 4k, there are tens of thousands of people out there who can't run from one telephone pole to the next, and I ran past 104 of them! I realized that those 4k were something I should be proud of not something to just write-off and say oh well that's done, on to the next longer run.

So, I guess my pointer would be to not sell yourself short. Instead of looking ahead constantly at what you still need to accomplish, take a look back at what you have accomplished and give yourself permission to be proud.

Best of luck to everyone!!


  • I never actually thought of it that way...Try as i might, I find it hard to be proud...

    I'll give it a try though!
  • ican♥and♥iwill
    ican♥and♥iwill Posts: 176 Member
    So, I guess my pointer would be to not sell yourself short. Instead of looking ahead constantly at what you still need to accomplish, take a look back at what you have accomplished and give yourself permission to be proud.

    Those words literally brought tears to my eyes. Thank you. I needed that.
  • Thank you! I needed to hear that today. No matter how small my accomplishment seem to me (and they are small right now) they are so much better than what I have been doing to date. And so much better than so many others are doing out there on a daily basis! Okay...I'm proud of myself! :happy:
  • I would've been really proud to have run that 4k. One day I WILL be proud. I've always looked at runner's (yes ur a runner) and thought "wow I wish I could do that...I want to do that...why can't I do that"...So since it's always been in me a great desire, for years, to BE a's become one of my fitness goals. And you're right celebrate every success because if you can't be ur biggest cheerleader ....yada yada yada lol :0) (i'm babbling)
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    I do the same thing. I lost 5 lbs my first week and I made up excuses- it was my first week, everybody loses a lot their first week- the truth was I worked out 6 of the 7 days that first week and I earned those 5lbs.

    It is hard not to do that, but I will work on it.

    Good for you for running. I am one of those struggle to make it to the next pole people. I just started doing the c25k I'm on week 2 and, man is it kicking my butt.

    Enjoy your run and the fresh air with your new found attitude. I'm sure it will feel much better next time you run.

    Best wishes
  • 1QueenB
    1QueenB Posts: 227 Member
    This makes so much sense, because my focus is always on what I could be doing instead of what I have done that has brought me this far. So I AM PROUD OF MYSELF AND FROM NOW AM THAT'S MY ATTITUDE!!!! Thanks so much!
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    Thank you for the reminder.

    I know that I am often caught up applauding my friends accomplishments and workouts that I forget to acknowledge what I have done or am doing!

    Great post!

  • eastcoastennazus
    eastcoastennazus Posts: 1 Member
    Sabrina, that is an amazing post...and it brought tears to my eyes too! Thank you for making me realize that however small something may seem to be at the time, whether it be walking, running, food choice, etc., it is one small something that is going to turn out to be one big something in the end!!! Thanks!!!
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