At a loss

krisnshan Posts: 41
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
I have been dieting and exercising since January 2010...I have been stuck for about a month not losing anything. I have been zig zagging my calories for the last week and ended up gaining a lb. I have changed up my exercise routine. I am feeling very frustrated that I haven't lost any more weight. I need to lose 10 lbs to meet my goal weight. I appreciate any suggestions. I have never had to diet before so this is new for me. I am 5'10" and I currently weigh 160, I would like to be 150-145. I have been doing workouts from Self and Fitness magazine, Jillian's 30 day shred and using the treadmill (running and walking) elliptical machine and circuit training, I get in the zumba and kickboxing classes as much as I can. I exercise 3-4 times a week for 45 mins to 2 hours depending on how much time I have. I can tell that my core is getting much stronger and I have dropped two jean sizes so far. I am just frustrated that some of my friends are doing this too and they seem to be losing much faster than me and I am feeling like a failure.


  • sandyw127
    sandyw127 Posts: 131 Member
    i get in these ruts too i stoped looking at my scale.. that thing loves to piss me off. mabye open your journal so we can see what your doing and give some advice.
  • krisnshan
    krisnshan Posts: 41
    I opened it! I will be happy to take suggestions : )
  • coolani
    coolani Posts: 12 Member
    I wonder what your BMI is, It sounds like you are tall and maybe at a healthy weight. I think breaking through plataus can be very hard but I think the most important thing is to hang in and not get frustrated. Keeping up your routine, should do it,, energy out...Good luck!!
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    It happens to everyone. It sounds like you're doing the right thing by switching up your routines. Just make sure you're doing strength along with cardio, because muscle eats fat. Also, drink lots of water. Finally, take your measurements. You could be losing inches without the scale moving. This week, for example, I lost no weight, but I did lose 2.5 inches. It happens that way sometimes. Stick with it and the scale will move again.
  • littlecaponey2
    littlecaponey2 Posts: 143 Member
  • stinabear13
    stinabear13 Posts: 32
    do you know how much salt is in your diet? my who life i would use a salt shaker on already salty foods, i was a salt addict! last year i cut it out and no longer add salt to my food and i try reading labels closely to watch how much salt is already in things, too much salt makes you retain water, instead i use other seasonings with no salt love the little pepper grinder instead since cutting out alot of salt i find i taste things better, apparently so much salt before covered up or desensitized my taste buds.. another factor for you is your period! it could possibly be bloat and water retention from that. try not being as focused on the number because obviously your very fit, keep in mind you are tall and will already look thinner than you are. if there are some trouble spots just focus on toning up those rather than the number on the scale.
  • krisnshan
    krisnshan Posts: 41
    I don't know what the bump's mean : )
  • countrymom1
    countrymom1 Posts: 125 Member
    "Bump" is what people post when they don't necessarily have a comment, but they want to follow the post. It puts the post in their "My Topics" section so they can easily find it.

    By the way, I looked at your food diary. You probably need to drink more. I noticed you only drank 4 glasses of water yesterday. Try upping your water intake.
  • krisnshan
    krisnshan Posts: 41
    I made my diary public that way I can find out what I am doing wrong.
  • krisnshan
    krisnshan Posts: 41
    My BMI is 23.0, I will have to post a full body pic one day...(my son threw my camera in the toilet) I have thin arms and legs and my middle looks like a big oval to me anyways, like I am very thin around my waist and then my tummy looks wide to I can't get the sides down ( it looks to me like I carry weight over my hips) does this make sense?
  • foodforfuel
    foodforfuel Posts: 569 Member
    I would adjust my macro's to 40% Carbs, 40% Protein, and 20% fat. Try this for two weeks and I bet you'll see a difference. Then you can tweak it from there.

    eta: You can do this by going under 'My Home' then 'goals' then 'change goals' then 'customize' then set the carbs, protein, and fat to your preferred percentages.
  • krisnshan
    krisnshan Posts: 41
    I never drink enough water it is terrible! I have been pondering the same thing and need to really increase the water...bc I am not drinking anything and I have been thinking if I drink more maybe it will make me full instead of feeling hungry like I need to eat.
  • missemocha
    missemocha Posts: 8
    yeah water is important. I was on this journey on and off for a few months now. And one thing I've added is drinking more water. It's what carries the nutrients to your body and wastes away from your body. I tend to forget how important that fact is sometimes and it could be the reason why now the weight is like flying off me. I woke up this m.orning like 2 lbs. lighter than yesterday lol i love water. I stopped drinking coffee with a ton of creamer too.....i guess that may have something to do with it too. I don't know. well anyway Good fortune to you
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    Do you use a digital food scale to accurately measure everything you eat? Most people drastically underestimate portion/serving sizes. Are you logging everything you drink and cook with (butter, oils, sugars,etc.)? Do you wear a heart rate monitor to accurately log the calories burned from exercise? Are all of your MFP settings correct? If you've lost 10lbs. or more you need to reset your goals as your daily calories allowed will be lower. If you need help with that, send me an email.

    Looking at your diary a couple of things jump out. First, you're not drinking nearly enough water, especially since you exercise a lot. Second, on most days you're undereating. There are hundreds (probably thousands) of MFP posts that you can search, but the bottom line is you must eat enough to lose weight. Just because you go over on your calories one day (eating in restaurants or whatever) does not mean you should undereat for several days to make up for it.

    Click on the link in my signature "mfp post to read again and again." Read some that have to do with starvation mode, eating exercise calories, eating only 700-1,000 net calories per day and not losing weight. Also, the link "guide to calorie deficits" is awesome! These links can also be found by going to Home on the Community page and clicking the category General Diet and Weight Loss Help. They show up as post-it notes at the very top.

    Good luck hon!
  • krisnshan
    krisnshan Posts: 41
    Thank you I will read the is never intentional to under eat..I do need to drink more water. I adjusted the calories to 1200 should they be lower than that? Thanks for your advice! I will try and see what happens!
  • brneydgrlie
    brneydgrlie Posts: 464 Member
    From what I can see, you seriously need to drink more water, also cut way back on the processed pre-packaged foods and carbs.
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