Hello...I'm new

Robin234 Posts: 3
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself

My name is Robin and I am new. I am 38 years old and I have a very large goal ahead of me...but I know that I need to set small goals and reach them and then the large goal will happen.

In the past, I have let little hurddles stop me from loosing weight. I have a bad back and my blood surgar bounces from high to low. I am not on any medicine for it as of yet and don't want to be. That is way I need to loose the weight.

I am married and the mother of two wonderful teenagers but anyone with kids knows that you are on the run a lot and it is easier to fix something quick or pick up fast food on the way...not the best idea when you want to loose weight.

I would love to hear any advise and could sure use the support.

Thanks for listening!



  • Hey Robin,
    Good to see you on here. I know how hard it is to lose weight, mine has gone up and down for years (mostly up). I dont really have any advice for you just to say that you sound like you have the right attitude, small goals is the way to go and that this is a great place to help you with those goals. The ability to log everything you eat and every exercise you do really keeps you on track....something I just didnt do in the past. It has helped me lose 52lbs so far and that is amazing for me.
    Good luck mate and get in touch any time
  • Hi Robin. I'm new as well and as such don't have any advice just yet but I can provide support should you need it. We can do this...and it makes it easier to stand when you know you have someone standing next to you doing the same and feeling the same. So, welcome and look me up if you'd like to. I'm 36 and married with two teenagers myself LOL so that's something we have in common
  • Welcome! I am a father and TOTALLY understand the eating on the run problem when you have kids. Especially when they have a more active social life that I do! I think if you make this site part of your daily habit, visiting several times a day to enter things instead of waiting until the end of the day, you get a better feel just what you are eating and doing to achieve your goals. There have been more than a few times when I have thought about eating something, but didn't want those numbers to go into the "red". There is a really good user community as well for constant support. Good luck on your journey!
  • strbryt
    strbryt Posts: 488 Member
    Hello Robin,

    I understand how hoard it is to lose weight believe me. I have lost 60 lbs thee different times in my life and everytime I gain it back plus alot more to add with it. I have decided that I am not doing my body any justice ot my health, I have also decided I am no longer going to use food as an excuse or a reward. If you would like to encourage each other along the way and help each other out just friend request me.
    MOMvsFOOD Posts: 654 Member
    My advice is count everything in your log, and try to distract yourself when you feel temptation getting the best of you! A walk, a shower, some laundry, scrapbooking, get a pedicure, ANYTHING to occupy your attention.
  • Silky815
    Silky815 Posts: 367 Member
    Welcome Robin, and good luck to you. Eating on the run is not easy. Maybe you can make sure you have some fruit or veggies with you when you are out and about. Feel free to add me as a friend, and for support.
  • kamelia74
    kamelia74 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi, Robin

    I understand how scary diabetes can be. I joined too so I can ward off that disease, have family history of it. I do know that it is recommended to eat several small meals 5-6 throughout the day so that you keep blood sugars at stable levels. That might help with the highs and lows also incorporating exercise into your daily routine helps even if you can only do 15min a day to begin. That will make a difference. Hope this helps and hope you add me as a friend.
  • shelly62475
    shelly62475 Posts: 13 Member
    My name is Shelly and I am 35 yrs young (lol)...To date I have lost 142 lbs but I am struggling with the last 16. as you all know this is the dreaded "plateau". I joined MFP to help with this goal because I believe my portions have slightly increased. I have been maintaining which would normally be great if I didn't still need to lose more. by the way I have lost this weight all on my own w/out surgery, weight loss programs or pills....Its just been about changing my life (its not a diet!). I decided I had enough when I was 316 lbs (325 was my heaviest, I think) and my Dr said I was gonna die....diagnosed w/ diabetes, metabolic syndrome, hypertension and hypercholestemia. My chloesterol levels were off the charts! Well over 5000...as of today I am no longer any of these things and went from 10 pills/day to ZERO!!...I just wanted to do what i would do for rest of my life by NOT counting points or finding quick fixes....eating healthy and exercise really is the way to go...If i can do it I know anyone can...you just have to be willing to change your life...Good luck to all of you who are just beginning your journey and congratulations to those of you who decided long ago for a better life...Just wondering if anyone else has hit this plateau and what you have done to over come this...Thank you and best wishes!!!:flowerforyou:
  • tish30930
    tish30930 Posts: 77 Member
    Shelly, what a great story! That's fantastic!!!! You must feel on top of the world! It's always the remaining few that are the most difficult I think. I just hit the 10 more to go mark this morning. I'm going to need all the help I can get to reach my goal. You are truly inspiring! Congratulation on all of your successes!
  • WOW! Shelly that if fantastic! Thanks! You are very inspiring! Congratulations!
  • I understand what you mean, its very hard when you have a family on the go and they say mom im hungry, and you say im about to cook as soon as we get home, and they say MOM were hungry now we cant wait :( so you go to a drive threw, BUT I dont do it, for one we cant afford to do that all the time, so they have to wait, eat a snack untill dinners done, any way I am sure if your family supports your want to do this, you will be able to do it, I struggle every day BUT I think about how this and that are not good for me and how they are empty caleries and its just NOT WORTH IT :( bc I feel so good when im losing weight! I lost 65 lbs in the last yr and half, now im starting over BC I gained 12 lbs back from holidays and the new move, were Air Force family and we moved to TX last year and it was a bit depressing at first but we are now ajusted and so now I am getting back on the ball :) if you would like to add me as a friend please do I would like that as well, have a great weekend :):flowerforyou:

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