

  • I just realized I never really answered your question!! Sorry bout that! LIke I stated above, I really don't know how the "friends" profile info works, so hopefully someone else will respond to your request!
  • HI JJones!!! Welcome!! I have been here for 1 year and 5 days! I remember when I first started tyring to get the hang of this program and what it has to offer!! Ok, for me, I don't ever look at my "friends" profiles. On your own home page, your friends "comments" will post as well as comments you want to post. Take…
  • I can get my picture taken without hding behind someone or some thing!!!! A friend took a candid pic of me at a party recently and I veiwed it on facebook.I I remember looking at it briefly and not realizing it was me!!!!
  • this is such a hysterical thread I just had to reply!!! First, great question, second, yes, I do beleive its true, at least I'm pretty sure I can tell you I have noticed, shall we say, I'm a bit smaller in that area!!!lol Funny too, I actually wondered the same thing a while back!!!!
  • That is so amazing!!! Good for you!! deserve it!! Have to tell you I truly know what you mean. I have never (as far back that I can remember!) been able to do a push up. I'm almost 49 and I did 5 this week!!! Of course, my little achievement gives me a boost to continue trying to do more and now, with your…
  • I really am not sure about what areas of my body the plank has improved, but I will say that 1 year ago when I started working out, I seriously could not hold a plank for 5 seconds!!! I remember wondering if I would ever get better at it. Well I did! I know do them on a regular basis and can hold for 30 seconds!! I have…
  • I didn't lose any! But, I didn't gain either!! I didn't restrict myself from the goodies, I was just really careful of what I ate and how much. I also made sure I got my work-outs in!! Pretty sure thats what saved me from a gain!!!
  • Although they do have more sugar than I would normally eat, I do keep a couple of them in my car and my purse for days when I forgot a snack or just get really need something! I like them a lot, and like another poster said, its a lot better than grabbing a donut, or in my case, a candy bar!
  • Ive heard of the mustard trick before too. There is a suppliment you can take that is based on the mustard theory, I just can't remember the name of it. I do have a potassium problem and I also have the foot cramps as well. Drives me crazy. I get them in the night or when I stretch. I also get them in my calve and my…
  • Thank you very much for the replies!!! I also am tired of this belly and I've lost a lot of weight already. My ticker says 39 but I've actually lost 51. Why is the belly the last to go sometimes? the poster with the idea of how they really mixed it up is a great idea!! I do stay at about 1300-1500 a day already. I'm gonna…
  • 52 views and know one has a response?
  • I had a serious potassium problem a month ago. Actually was off here for a little while because of it. Ended up in hospital!! Anyway, I've learned a lot about it in the last month. Baked potatoes have the highest potassium level. My doc have me a list of high pot foods. Spinach and bananas are high and V8 has around 900…
    in Potassium Comment by sheri3762 July 2010
  • HI! I agree with everyone on this. If you don't report it, and know one else reports it, its not going to change. whether she's qualified or not really isn't the issue on this. I' am an instructor and taught for 20 years before I took a break because of medical problems. with my weight loss and physical shape now, I'm back…
  • If your full today on tha amount of calories, thenmabye tomorrow you could up them a bit? I did this same thing in the beginning, and I hit a plateau. I eventually tried lots of things, but what ended up working for me is zig-zagging. I don't necessarily count or schedule each meal enymore. It really depends on my…
  • HI! I'm really glad you posted this because I have been wondering the same thing! When I decided to make lifestyle changes to lose weight, my ultimate goal was not to get into a size 8, but to get off some of y medications and to get healthy. I just found out this week that I may never be able to gt off my BP medication.…
  • HI, I'm sorry to hear about your husband. I lost my Dad when he was only 34 to a heart attack, so I know what this change is all about. At the time, My Mom was changing our families diet as well, unfortunately, if technology back then was like it is today, he may have made it. Anyway, I actually had a scare this week…
  • GOOD LUCK!!!!!! That is my favorite show and it has also given me a lot of motivation in the last few months!!!! I hope you make it. I met someone a couple weeks ago whose cousin was also trying out for the show. He was in the top 30. Are you in that group also? I really hope you make it! would be an amazing…
  • SWeet Caroline took the words right out of my mouth! I do the same thing she does. If I start thinking about those "bad foods" Iuse to eat daily, then I have a bit of something. I don't want to binge because of depriving myself. I include it in my count and sometimes I have to workout a bit more to do it, but its worth it…
  • I had a similar experience. Was lifting a 20 pound bag of charcole and thought, dang! this is heavy!! Then I realized I've lost 2 of these!!!! Really puts things into perspective doesn't?!!! Congrats on your loss!!!!!
  • YAH!!!! it worked!!! Thanks Sweetie666!!!!
  • CRAP!! it didn't work, I'll try one more time!!!
  • HI guys, I had a c-section 25 years ago and I STILL look like I have 2 butts!!! Drives me crazy! I've lost 43 and I think I look better than before but only because its smaller now. Serously, I can squeeze 2 handfulls (big ones!) of skin together, and when I do this I think, dang, I'd look pretty good if someone could just…
  • Hi Lisa, I was at about your weight when I readjusted my calories. I was ona 1200 a day also because I wanted to lose 2 pounds a week. I found that by increasing my calories to 1400-1500 a day and made sure I worked out 5 days a week for 1 hour, I had much better results. what happened to me was by excercising and eating…
  • I started at an 18 and am now in a 10 comfortably!! I can squeeze into an 8 but am not comfortable in them yet, but it won't be long!!! Gotta tell ya tho, I still catch myself heading to the larger sizes. I guess its a habit I need to break! In my mind I still think I'm bigger than I really am. Believe me, just try it.…
  • HI Sherry!! Welcome!! My name is Sheri too! Now we have 2 things in common..our name and we both want to lose weight. A little advice for you would be to make sure you read as many posts as you can, especially the ones marked to read at the home forum page!1 Beleive me, they really help teach you what you need to do to get…
  • Just wondering, are you eating back any of your excercise calories? If so, all of them or partial? If your not eating any of them, I would suggest trying to eat at least some of them. You may not be eating enough calories considering the large number your burning through excercise. You may want to change up your calories a…
  • HI! Just wanted to add a little something to all these great ideas, have you added any strength training to your excercise ? I'm 48, and I started strength training about a month into my "lifestyle" change and believe me, at my age, I truly did not think it was possible to tone or have muscle mass, but you can!!! I've lost…
  • I changed up what I do about 4 weeks ago. I wanted to calorie shift (zig-zag) and wasn't sure how it would work with excercise so this is what I did. I went to a calculator site and figured out what I burn at an active level (I'm always busy!) and then subtracted 1000 calories a day from this. My daily burn is about 2600…
  • Godbless, did they say anything about walking around the house a bit? I suffered severe back pain and siatica for several years. Ended up having 12 cort. shots over 1 1/2 years and then finally surgery to correct it. I was lucky. The surgery worked for me. In your situation, beleive me I know what your going through. I…
  • I've been a part-time bartender for 25 years so I've got a lot of them!! My favorite is version of Sangria. Red wine with a couple wedges of oranges, lemons and limes. Shake well. Pour into a tall glass of ice 3/4 full and top off with sprite Zero. YUMMY! P.S. I carry crystal lite singles in my purse. that way, if bar…