ecjim Member


  • At some point that linear progression will stop working . Then you might want to look at Grey Skull or a 531 program
  • It was months before I could press OK . I should have gotten the cortisone shot , but I didn't. It's important to pull as much or more then you push. I will super set benches with a row - overhead press with pull up , I train at home, so that's no problem. I get some deadlifts in there too. You might want to see a Ortho Dr.
  • Repeat it - I won't increase the weight until I own the current weight. - there are a few ways to do that, in your case maybe AMRP in the last set, maybe you get 10 reps , increase the weight next time, or maybe when you get a 3x8 , then you increase the weight & do a 3x5-6 & repeat - you get the idea. If you can get 8-10…
  • Your injury sounds like one I had a few years back - inflamed supraspinous tendon in my left shoulder. I could not bench , overhead press, or hold a bare bar on my back for a squat. I could deadlift fine. The injury was a result of over aggressive bench press training. If that sounds like your injury you might want to see…
  • Keep after it - do you have a plan in place?
  • Look at Strong Curves - Bret Contreras
  • the same question as Ann - Are you doing a cardio program? are as an actual martial art form? If a martial art, I would work on flexibility - stretching - leg strength & endurance, balance. Single leg stuff is good & calf raises. Look at a program like De Franco's Agile 8 - skip the foam rolling if you don't have one. also…
  • You have a lot going on -you may want to ease up on the HITT , that will help with recovery. Strong Lifts is a good place to start - run it as long as you are making progress, increasing the weight, reset when you have to. You can add some abs at the end of the workout. If you have trouble increasing the weight on a…
  • I guess it depends on what you want and what looks right to you. Gaining 2 inches in 2 months you gained mostly fat and little muscle. If you want the gains to be mostly muscle that will come slower. I re- read your post , you are running a bulk - Run it until you feel like you need to cut, then see where you are after the…
  • I will echo Sardelsa's advice with the addition of some specific ab training - hanging leg raises, ab roll out, etc 2-3 daays per week after your squats & deadlifts. Good job on the weight loss. You are on the right track. You will need to build some muscle for those abs to pop . What program are you following?
  • Keep working at it 3-4 times per week - you 'll get it . - losing weight will help if you need to do that
  • for your pull up , try this. use a stool to get to the up position on the bar, then get off the stool and lower yourself slowly. You can start with 1-2 per day, and go from there. Repeat until you can pull yourself up
  • Good job ,both of you
  • There ya go - We have proof
  • after reading this thread I put a large russet potato in the oven for supper. Will eat it with a glob of Kerry Gold Irish Butter
    in Potatoes Comment by ecjim November 2020
  • I agree with the others - reduce the volume with the main lifts if necessary if you aren't recovering well , Keep the weight up , just drop a set , or reduce the number of reps. On your assistance , isolation exercises, just get some reps in , or not, depending on your energy
  • Potatoes are fine , they are a great food. a large white potato might have 140 cals - 25-30 carbs, they won't make you fat. The sour cream or the french fries are a different matter however.
    in Potatoes Comment by ecjim November 2020
  • I'm in Lake Wales - 2-3 hours north - the temp is fixin to drop
  • OK with those dumbbells look at goblet squat, dumbell clean and press, dumbell row, overhead press, floor press, curls, Romanian deadlift. You can look at Starting Strength, and Strong curves for a program template. Is the temperature dropping down there? We just had a cold front go through here.
  • I just looked it up - It looks like a good place to start - Do you have access to weights barbells or maybe dumbbells?
  • Hi -Welcome back - Do you have an exercise plan ? maybe lifting weights ?
  • I cook mine in a pan with water on the stove - It takes 20 minutes or so -
  • Drink a large glass of whole milk with each meal - get a peanut butter sandwich or a hamburger in there somewhere - with another glass of milk. You might want to start a weight training program while you are gaining weight
  • Start weight training now ,even if you are still loosing weight.
  • Squats , Deadlifts, - there are multiple versions of both - hip thrusts. Google Bret Contreras - Strong Curves - His workout programs are glute focused
  • at 5'2" and 125 lbs You are a good weight for your height. I would suggest you consider more of a re comp, eat at a maintenance level and follow a smart weight lifting program, like Starting Strength , or Strong Curves. You will lose some fat & maybe gain some muscle. Your weight might not change much, but you will look &…
  • I understand that the chicken breast, rice, broccoli diet became popular is that it makes it easy to monitor your macros very accurately. The chicken breast is high protein with little fat, rice is carbs no fat, broccoli is low carb. A pro bodybuilder may need to monitor his food intake that closely during a cut, the rest…
  • Clean -freshly laundered sheets & extra pillows. Quilt in cooler weather