

  • Just relax. You have 14 months and if you don't quiet make your goal make sure you get a photographer that knows what they are doing to flatter your figure:-) I have a full figured bride coming up next month and she is like you very self conscience of her body and not liking how she is looking. I am trying to put her fears…
  • When I remember to drink this I will agree I lose water weight big time no matter the time of month. I try to at least remember when Aunt Flo wants to make her I canceled my subscription with them because it was messing up my checking account because I kept forgetting to subtract the amount when it was due…
  • *Monavie Juice *cup of hot tea *probably a grapefuit. I am not a huge morning person and this is about all I can muster up to eat. I figure it is at least full of fruit so that is better than nothing at all.
  • LOL I could use one of their weigh ins about now!! I have been bouncing up and down 10lbs for the past month. very frustraiting.
  • I love it I had to repost that on myspace blog. thanks
  • First off I finally broke down and purchased one of those nice new scales that measures everything. From your hydration levels to the BMI to weighing you to the .2 lb. I can't tell you how much seeing that .2 weightloss is helping to keep me motivated. That is stuff you don't see on your regular scales. I seriously…
  • Thank you it is beautiful here...however I am longing to go back to CO. Where we lived was not as cold and definitely MUCH less snow and when it snows it is typically melted w/in 24 hours.
  • I am a wahm with 3 kids, married for 14 years in April. I am really trying so hard to lose weight. I have really struggled since the birth of my son....8 years ago!!! I weighed less while pregnant with him. Thyroid disease set in and just didn't seem to matter what I did nothing was working. Now... I have total incentive…
  • broiled pork chops, white rice and green beans with maybe a 1/2 cup of ice cream. I am new here just found this place yesterday and I love it so far.