Apyl32 Member


  • I'm sorry she treated you like that. I can't believe she isn't being more supportive. Heck if my husband wanted to do MFP I would cook the meals for him to help or do anything I can to encourage him. I'm really sorry, But yeah I would try even harder just to shut her up. Maybe she is jealous of you ;) Also is she a…
  • I do not eat back my calories. I've also learned how to make meals filling with vegs to keep my calories down. I am always under on calories so if I do happen to want a snack I can.
  • I would say ankle holster. Also not sure how well it would work but I've seen bra holsters as well. Don't let anyone get you down about carring a CC. Its your RIGHT to carry ! It doesnt matter where you live. Kudos to you for taking your safety into your own hands !
  • That is absolutly AWESOME ! I cant wait till I can post my success story ! Great job!
  • Maybe once every 3 months. And if we did it was from a pizza place we had near us.
  • Myself , husband , and 11yo daughter hunt , fish, camp, hike, ect. I also have a 6yo and 4yo who will eventually hunt if they want to. We mainly focus on Deer, rabbit, and squirrel and my husband is trying out duck this year.
  • I use cottage cheese as a side dish with dinner. A couple times I had it with fruit, I think peaches and pinapples. I use it in recipes like stuffed shells and lasanga, put it on top of chili. We love cottage cheese in my house.
  • Yes I have always had sound issues. My family never thought I was an a-hole but they thought it was funny.
  • sorry double post
  • I do the full length Tae Bo videos on youtube. :)
  • Hi, I started at 270 and trying to get to 160ish, all depends how I feel when I get there. So far this site has been awesome. I dont think I could have the results I do without all the support and accountability. ETA: my ticker doesnt show to final goal, I set a first goal of 199 but am going to go to 160ish.
  • I keep a 2 cup water bottle with me at all time. I fill it at least 10 to 12 times a day if not more. I drink nothing else but water. But for me thats normal, except I've upped the amount I drink. I've always prefered water anyway.
  • I'm hoping once I hit my goal weight I'll keep doing what I'm doing so I dont let myself go again. I also want to buy a new outfit :)
  • I put a tablespoon of Smuckers spreadable fruit on mine. Right now Black Cherry is my fave.
  • I will enter my food before eating it if its still cooking or I know what I'm making for dinner so I dont have to do it after. As for exercise, no I only add that after I do it I exercise different amount each day so I dont know what the time will be until its over.
  • 1 serving Old Fashion Oatmeal with a tablespoon of smuckers spreadable fruit ( I like black cherry). Its only 190 calories and fill me till lunch.
  • You look awesome! I want to look like you when I'm 180!
  • I love spaghetti squash. I mostly cook mine by steaming it, melt some butter into it and parm cheese on top.
  • Its not as hard as your making it. You dont need a gym to work out. Just exercise in your home. Include your 3yo ( or give him/her an activity to do) and put the baby on a blanket for some tummy time. I have worked 3rd shift for 4 years, went to school to get my BS, and stayed awake all day for my then infant , 17 month…
  • Buy him some shirts. Just tell him, he needs to look in the mirror. Your both adults, he should be able to see his belly hanging out if everyone else can.
  • There is no magic solution. You have to want it, until then you will keep giving up. You have to want it and let nothing get in your way.
  • I am not a small person but since joining MFP I have had most of my days under 1000 calories. I just eat alot fo veggies and brown rice and found recipes that are low cal. So no I dont feel people are lying in their food diaries. Plus who am I to judge.
  • I have insulin resistance , high cholesteral, and high trygliserites. (sorry I know there not spelled right). I was put on Metformin, Spironolactone for these issues. I have been medicated for 3 months and have lost 19 pounds during this time. I also started eating right. I didnt start exercising until 3 days ago. I…
  • I have heard the same thing but in my famliy I'm the only one with it and no one has even heard of it until I talked about it. My mom did and still does have other womenly issues and ended up having a historectomy . My aunt had a historectomy when she was in her 20's due to cancer. My grandma had womenly issues as well I…
  • Yearsago when my PCOS first kicked in my weight fluctuated after my DD was born. Yes with the weight loss my peirods came more often once the weight went on they disapeared.
  • Sending luck right back at you on your weight loss and TTC.
  • I was in shape until I turned 21 and was pregnant with my first child. I gained almost 90 pounds with her and even though I went to weight watchers right after having her the weight did not come off it just piles on. Its now 11 years later and I'm about 150 pounds more than I was pre-pregnancy. I was also recently…
  • Thanks. Sorry about your stuggle with TTC. Personally it never bothered me. After I had my oldest I went 4 years without my period, the one month I got it I ended up pregnant with my son, after him I went on the nuva ring for a few month then had my daugther. As soon as we had her DH got a vasectomy. I lucked out with…