Finding it tough to work out with little ones



  • devilwhiterose
    devilwhiterose Posts: 1,157 Member
    I am a night owl, so I work out after they go to bed. I have a 3 year old and almost 2 year old twins. Twins go down at 8, 3 year old at 8:30. If I do JM30, my oldest will do it with me. He loves the workout, and gets to exercise with me. Other days, my husband will stay home with the kidlets and I'll hit the gym. It's exhausting... BUT. For me, the more often I go to the gym, the more energy I have in the evening to actually GO to the gym...
  • MeanSophieCat
    MeanSophieCat Posts: 200 Member
    I have a 2 year old and a 1 year old (turned 1 TODAY!). I can totally feel your pain.

    You don't mention how much/if your husband can help. Depending on the personalities of your children, it will really make a difference on what you can do.

    I have one child who is extremely demanding and will not cooperate if I try to work out. He does not watch movies or read quietly or anything of the sort. I can occassionally get in a few minutes (10 if I'm lucky) of a workout DVD if the music is really loud and he can run/dance while I workout.

    Because of my son, I basically have to wait until my husband can watch the kids to do a workout alone. If the weather is nice, he will ride in a stroller for about 20 minutes so I can get in a fast walk.

    If your husband isn't available, I would check out a gym with daycare (Lifetime Fitness is great for that if you have one nearby). Sometimes they have a six month age requirement but your baby is fast approaching that. Or as another poster mentioned, get a neighborhood teenager to help out. If you workout at home, you can even see how your new babysitter interacts with your children before you leave the house.

    If none of that is an option, just push through your sleepiness at naptime. It stinks for a while but as the nighttime sleeping gets better, you'll be less tired during the day.
  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,644 Member
    My daughter (4) either does it with me or she knows when it is time for mommy to work out she needs to do something by herself. She will usually go back and forth between coloring and "helping" mommy. She cheers me on, counts, tells me to work harder. Setting the example is a wonderful thing.
  • I work full time, so it's a little different for me. I have found it best to get up and run before the kids get up. I am up at 4:00 M-F and on the treadmill and then doing some strength exercises. Gives me time to myself to better myself with little distractions.

    Run while the world sleeps
  • Apyl32
    Apyl32 Posts: 91 Member
    Its not as hard as your making it. You dont need a gym to work out. Just exercise in your home. Include your 3yo ( or give him/her an activity to do) and put the baby on a blanket for some tummy time. I have worked 3rd shift for 4 years, went to school to get my BS, and stayed awake all day for my then infant , 17 month old, and 6yo. If I can do that and make it thru, you can figure out how to work out at home. Now my kids are 4, 6, and 10. When my 4yo is home from 4K she works out with me or colors.
  • Rum_Runner
    Rum_Runner Posts: 617 Member
    Many ways to get in a workout:
    1) Get up before everyone and workout. I get up at 5a and workout for 1+ hours. My kids wake at 7:15a. Plenty of time.
    2) Go to a gym with child care - most have them
    3) Include your kids in a workout. Use them as weights, take them on a walk/run, play chase (with your older one). Me and my kids play Ninja Monsters....weird their title.... but they stand on the bed and lunge at me, I grab them and toss them back on the bed. Great core, arm, leg, cardio workout. They think its fun and I get in a good workout.
    4) Workout during nap time or let them watch you.

    It can be hard - but don't use it as an excuse. Even if you can only get in 30 min a couple days a week, then get a big burn on the weekends. It can work -you have to want it!!
  • Mainebikerchick
    Mainebikerchick Posts: 1,573 Member
    Make them a part of your workout. I am not a father however I live with my brother and his 2.5 years old kid. I just bench press my nephew, sometimes he'll just cling to my leg and I do zombie walk with him attached to my leg. Get him on my shoulder and do squats etc. Its fun for them, they're learning to be active with their uncle and I get some workout. Its a win/win/win.

    ^This is a GREAT idea, Taunto! :flowerforyou:
  • mrswoodstock
    mrswoodstock Posts: 29 Member
    i have a one year old. i get up an hour before she does to work out. that means im up at 6:30 but in insures i get my workout in. if i need a nap when she does i take it. if i dont need a nap i do another workout. there are some dvds at our local libary that are workouts designed for moms and toddlers to do together. maybe you could look into something like that.
  • jmcreynolds91
    jmcreynolds91 Posts: 777 Member
    Hi! I have a 3 year old and a 7 month old. I have been doing turbo fire for the last 8 weeks. Most of the time my 3 year old plays with his toys and keeps to himself. I put my 7 month old either in her swing, or high chair with plenty of toys to entertain her. Some days she will nap, so I just put her down before I start. Sure, sometimes I have to stop for a couple seconds if one of them need me but then j just continue on. It has definitely been hard to adjust to fitting in a workout but it's been worth it. It's getting to the point where my three year old knows that that is mommy's time and waits for me to finish. Best of luck to you.
  • Cheri_Moves
    Cheri_Moves Posts: 625 Member
    personally, I take my kids to the gym with me or if they're grandparents are free they will watch them... But I have done countless videos, ran with a stroller, biked with a trailer and rode many miles on the cycle trainer. I make it work

    And I love that picture!!! I want my kids to love exercise as much as mommy (and daddy) does!

    Motivation you ask? With a 3.5 year old and a 19 month old, I need my workouts! It keeps me sane, Besides, they are just a part of who I am, what I do. I never question when or if I will brush my teeth or shower, just like i dont question if Im gonna workouy
  • firstnamekaren
    firstnamekaren Posts: 274 Member
    I get up and workout at 5:00 a.m. and leave for work from the gym. That way, in the evening, I have total free time to spend with my 4 year old. Also, I will either do a pilates DVD at home, or Zumba on the Wii and sometimes my kiddo will jump in. He thinks it's hilarious to mess with me while I'm doing pilates - then it becomes a 'game' to see how much I can actually get done. :smile:
  • I am a single mum and live with my dad, my 15yr old and 5yr old twins that I am in the process of adopting.

    I jump on the trampoline with the kids. Its a great, fun workout and I get to spend some quality time with them too.

    I also go to gym on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. My dad helps to take them to school on those days so that I can go. I just drop the 15yr old at the bus stop at 6:30 then go to gym, then off to work.

    My gym has a child minding facility but I have never used it - the twins are bit hectic :tongue:
  • cayadear
    cayadear Posts: 79 Member
    It's called waking up at 4:00am, getting to the gym at 4:30/5 and coming home by 6.

    Wake up earlier, you'll have more time then. :)
  • andiechick
    andiechick Posts: 916 Member
    Wow, what a mixed bag of responses....

    When my kids were younger (they're now 3 and 5) I used to make sure I walked somewhere pushing the double buggy, now my youngest is at nursery I've been doing the shred as soon as I get home from work or pick my eldest up from school. My little one often joins in and I give her 2 little toys to use as her weights. If like last night, I can't get the shred done, I do the Just Dance on the Wii for at least half an hour to make sure I get some exercise done. Its fun and its a really good calorie burner.

    I think people can be harsh and pretty judgemental on here though, we're all different and have different commitments and needs...there's no way I could get up at a ridiculously early hour to do a workout, my body and brain just don't function at that time, plus sleep can be a precious thing when you have young kids!!
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Wow, what a mixed bag of responses....

    When my kids were younger (they're now 3 and 5) I used to make sure I walked somewhere pushing the double buggy, now my youngest is at nursery I've been doing the shred as soon as I get home from work or pick my eldest up from school. My little one often joins in and I give her 2 little toys to use as her weights. If like last night, I can't get the shred done, I do the Just Dance on the Wii for at least half an hour to make sure I get some exercise done. Its fun and its a really good calorie burner.

    I think people can be harsh and pretty judgemental on here though, we're all different and have different commitments and needs...there's no way I could get up at a ridiculously early hour to do a workout, my body and brain just don't function at that time, plus sleep can be a precious thing when you have young kids!!

    I fail to see where anyone was being judgemental?

    The OP asked for advice on how to make it work - specifically asking what other people have done. Everyone posted their experience. How is that judgemental?
  • tairaven
    tairaven Posts: 72 Member
    I have a two year old (and three much older kids), but for the most part my life is like a single working mom. If I can't find someone to watch him (one of his older brothers or relative) while I do a workout or go to the gym, I simply modify my workout options. It's not the end of the world. I'll take him out with me in the jogging stroller when the weather is decent, or even head off to the mall to walk around if it's not. Last summer I got a new bike and pulled him in one of those kiddie trailers. I've also included my son while doing yoga or Pilates - and he actually tries to do it with me. I just work it in however I can, making being active a normal part of my day instead of something to check off my list :-)
  • MacDHH
    MacDHH Posts: 34 Member
    I have two little ones: a 3.5 year old and a 1.5 year old. My husband gets home late a lot, so the only thing I have found that works is getting up early. The kids usually wake up around 6.30 or 7.00, so my husband and I take turns getting up early to work out. I don't dare do a DVD, either in the morning or the evening, for fear of waking them up, so I just go outside and walk or bike. The other thing I try to do is to move more when I'm with the kids (e.g., biking places with them, walking even to places that are a bit further, etc.) I feel your's tough with little ones.

    Good luck!
  • what everyone says makes sense... for most situations. hahahaha i have a 5 yr old and a 9 week old. i'm exhausted. i get like 3-4 hours of sleep so i understand wanting to nap. my baby has reflux and is miserable. she refuses to nap during the day and is often needy. my 5 yr old loveeeees working out with mommy. right now, i work out when i can. my husband is a conductor at the railroad so he is gone for 2 days at a time often.

    i'm just so sleep deprived i want to nap but there are clothes and dishes that need washed. when i do get any time to myself i want sleep. today i gave up at 430 with getting more sleep... so i put baby on the couch in her boppy pillow and quietly did some power yoga for an hour. i'm glad i did. i have more energy because of it. i won't lie though. it's pulling teeth to get me to start EVERY day.
  • mrsgeneric
    mrsgeneric Posts: 143 Member
    I have 2 kids about the same age and i taught my almost 3 year old sit ups and squats he thinks its the best thing ever... Not to mention its very funny and cute to watch a almost 3 year old do sit ups lol!! Try it out your kid will love " playing" with mommy!
  • blisser99
    blisser99 Posts: 122 Member
    I have been finding it tough too, but I am making it work. I work 3rd shift four nights a week, have two older daughters, and a toddler that stays home with me while the hubby is at work. On the days that I work, I workout right after work. On my days off I wake up before everybody else to exercise. Then of course there are rest days. I just do it whenever I get the chance. My toddler likes to watch me. And I am ok with it as long as he isnt getting in my way. We have Kinect of Xbox and he joins right in with me. It is actually really cute.