low-calorie, but filling, breakfast



  • leighann881
    leighann881 Posts: 371
    Toss together egg whites, rolled oats, banana baby food, cinnamon, stevia and pure vanilla extract. microwave at 30 second intervals until egg hardens. Tastes like banana bread batter. I have the actual recipe somewhere on my FB page... I'll hunt it down and post it.
  • leighann881
    leighann881 Posts: 371
    1/3 cup Old Fashioned Oats
    3 Egg Whites
    3 pkts of Stevia
    a few shakes of Cinnamon
    3 oz of Banana Baby Food (You could use mashed bananas but I didn't have any)

    Microwave at 30 secs intervals until eggs cook through.

    173 Cal - 1 Fat - 36 Carbs - 13.5 Protein

    I guess I didn't use vanilla before (i do now)... huh.

    I use the banana baby food because really who wants to mash bananas at their desk at work??? lol. Its easier and creamier.
  • mom9198
    mom9198 Posts: 83 Member
    See if you can reduce your breakfast calories a bit. Maybe try a thin bagel with one egg or two whites. If you're drinking calories like juice or cocoa, do water instead. My morning snack is an apple, or pear or two Clementine oranges or a Stabilyze (170 cal) energy bar, which keeps my blood sugar from crashing midmorning. Good luck! =)
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    I have three eggs and a slice of wholemeal toast for breakfast. None of this whites-only business though.
  • Synapze
    Synapze Posts: 499
    Greek Yogurt and a sliced Banana. Fills me up for hours.
  • dovetail22uk
    dovetail22uk Posts: 339 Member
    Why can't you allow for a mid-morning snack? A piece of fruit or a small mini cheese isn't going to push your calories up too much.

    My thoughts as well - a hard boiled egg mid morning

    Yes yes agreed. I have a piece of fruit and a mini babybel light. Not much more than 100 calories.

    A one year old will be fine for a few minutes in a high chair with some fruit to squidge or cheerios to eat while you make your breakfast. Just because she wants to sit on your lap doesn't mean you have to give in every time (we all know how hard it is!) but you have to think of yourself AS WELL.

  • BeccaBollons
    BeccaBollons Posts: 652 Member
    I just bought a george forman grill. My new best friend! For 400 calories I have had one egg, 3 rashers of bacon, (both cooked in 2 mins on the grill) and two slices of 50/50 bread. And ketchup and cuppa!
    That is lovely and filling, and doesn't break the calorie bank, and is ready in next to no time. If you eat it as sandwiches, you can bounce a baby on your lap as you eat! My kids are 6 and 2, and also need a lot of attention in the mornings!
  • MacDHH
    MacDHH Posts: 34 Member
    I don't like microwaved scrambled eggs, but when I was on maternity leave with an early-rising toddler and a newborn, I used to prepare breakfast for my toddler and me the night before. Back then, he only ate eggs for breakfast, so I used to scramble them, but not cook them all the way through. The following morning, I would finish cooking them in the microwave. Thankfully, I don't need to do that anymore, as now they wake up later :)
  • chymerra
    chymerra Posts: 212
    i eat 4 egg whites + some oatmeal; or my overnight oats in a jar.

    ditch the eggo waffles - processed foods have no nutritional value and will not sustain you.

    and dont`be afraid to eat your calories. if you`re hungry even after a healthy protein and carb rich breakfast, it`s likely your body is telling you it needs more fuel.... this is normal if your fitness level has improved or maybe you worked out extra hard that day.

    for me, i eat every 2-2.5hrs. my caloric intake has changed from 1500 when i first started to now, 1900-2000cals per day.
  • Apyl32
    Apyl32 Posts: 91 Member
    1 serving Old Fashion Oatmeal with a tablespoon of smuckers spreadable fruit ( I like black cherry). Its only 190 calories and fill me till lunch.
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    Why can't you allow for a mid-morning snack? A piece of fruit or a small mini cheese isn't going to push your calories up too much.

    My thoughts as well - a hard boiled egg mid morning

    Yes yes agreed. I have a piece of fruit and a mini babybel light. Not much more than 100 calories.

    A one year old will be fine for a few minutes in a high chair with some fruit to squidge or cheerios to eat while you make your breakfast. Just because she wants to sit on your lap doesn't mean you have to give in every time (we all know how hard it is!) but you have to think of yourself AS WELL.

    Agreed!!!! Also I would ditch the juice and save the calories for a piece of fruit later in the morning.
    Like others have suggested, you can make hard boiled eggs ahead of time so they take no time at all. You can make egg salad or eat the egg whites, or once they are hard boiled you could even peel them and run under hot water for a minute and mash with butter..
    I also agree that if you really, truley cant let your little one sit for a couple minutes while you make brkst, then eat later...
  • MsipiGRITS
    MsipiGRITS Posts: 128 Member
    Not sure if anyone has provided this reply but I'm going to anyway. I feel ya on the busy mornings! One thing I love that is really quick after the initial prep is what I call "Egg Muffins." Recipe: Egg Whites from 8 eggs or Equivalent Egg Substitute; 4 Whole Eggs or Equivalent; Shredded or chopped Cheese (non-oily like American or low fat shredded); Frozen or fresh chopped Green Pepper, Onions, and/or garlic; One Quarter Cup Nonfat Milk; One Half teaspoon baking powder; Cavender's - Salt Free All Purpose Greek Seasoning (or whatever seasoning you like such as old bay or Cajun); One Cup Steamed Broccoli Cut in small pieces; small portion (~4 oz) of lean meat. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Spray a 12+ muffin tin with nonstick spray. Sautee veggies and brown meat if not already cooked or you just want it caramelized or browned (use cooking spray or a tiny bit olive oil if necessary). Combine all ingredients in a bowl then evenly divide mixture in muffin tin using a large ladle or small cup – try to be consistent in each tin. Bake for 15-20 minutes, checking at 15 to see if it looks firm. This makes 12 muffins. Allow to cool and freeze any of them you are not going to eat right away (I froze them on a plate so they didn’t stick together during freezing THEN put them into a zippered freezer bag to keep in the freezer). When you need a quick bite; pop in the microwave for around 30 seconds to a minute depending on your microwave (I turn mine over halfway through so it evenly heats). Basically the combinations for these are endless. You can skinny them down by using all egg whites, but I think the few yolks give a better texture; you can use whatever spices, ‘seasoning’ veggie, main veggie, and lean meat (such as sliced sandwich turkey, ham, or grilled chicken breast – or splurge with bacon!) that you like. Bonus - It is a great way to use small portions of leftovers!!!
  • stargaze21
    stargaze21 Posts: 1
    I suppose the other problem is having time to eat it as well! I find a chopped up banana, Greek yoghurt (low calorie version), a teaspoon of runny honey stirred in and maybe a sprinkling of hemp seed nuggets keeps me full until lunchtime.
  • moochachip
    moochachip Posts: 237 Member
    If you enjoy cereal, I suggest GoLean by Kashi with some fruit. I eat it at 6:30am and don't become hungry until noon. It's got protein and fiber in it to keep your stomach content.
  • CherylP67
    CherylP67 Posts: 772 Member
    I've recently discovered refrigerator oatmeal. It's whole oats, Greek yogurt, milk (I use almond milk), chia seeds, and fruit or nuts. I make a few jars in the evening and I have my breakfast for a few days. It's also convenient because its in a jar and I can eat it on the run.

    I make it with flavored chobani or Oikos yogurt and my kids eat it.

    Today I had cherry chocolate, made with black cherry chobani, dark chocolate almond milk, fresh cherries, and small bits of 72% dark chocolate. My kids love this flavor the best.
  • sissinissi
    sissinissi Posts: 1
    I usually have two slices of whole meal bread with peanut butter or honey. I just make sure I spread it really thinly so it doesn't end up being too many calories. And I really like having some kind of fruit with it. Either with some low fat yoghurt, cottage cheese or just plain. Sometimes I'll also drink a glass of milk with that. I have breakfast at 6:30 and I always feel really full after it but it really keeps me full til lunchtime.
  • JennyR1128
    JennyR1128 Posts: 3 Member
    I have to drive to work - 1.5 hours, so I need low calorie quick breakfast that can be eaten while driving. I am breaking a BEC biscuit habit. I don't like sweets for breakfast. I like meat and biscuits, but I need a low calorie alternative. I won't have time to cook, just pop in the microwave. Any suggestions will be appreciated, along with ideas for preparing ahead.
  • popsicklestar
    popsicklestar Posts: 166 Member
    My go to work morning breakfast is either a protein shake or a higher protein cereal (like Kashi or Special K protein) and a coffee with milk. I tend to be really hungry in the morning, so I usually always need a little snack before lunch. I try to keep the snack around 100-150 calories. It's usually a 150 calorie Dotfit protein bar, a banana, slice of wheat bread with a little peanut butter, a mozzarella stick, or half a pita with hummus. If I have more time, 2 eggs and wheat toast with coconut oil is really filling and still low-cal.
  • jess1992uga
    jess1992uga Posts: 603 Member
    I have oatmeal but add extra water and cook longer so more volume and also have a yogurt. Greek yogurt fuller longer, but I'm allergic most brands.

    Also Kashi Original cereal keeps me full long too. Think its the fiber and protein.
  • JennyR1128
    JennyR1128 Posts: 3 Member
    Any suggestions for food you can eat WHILE DRIVING. I can't balance a bowl of cereal, oatmeal, or anything requiring utensils. I'm thinking hand held, but not sweet. Sweet things make me sick in the morning. I hate hard boiled eggs. Can you cook an egg for a sandwich and refrigerate/freeze and reheat in microwave?