low-calorie, but filling, breakfast



  • --5:00 am--

    2 turkey sausage patties

    1/4 c Egg Beaters

    1 Packet Instant oatmeal

    1/2 cup blueberries
    >ONLY 281 CALORIES!!

    --9:00 am--

    Fiber one bar (90 calories) snack

    I am good til lunch!
  • staciedee10
    staciedee10 Posts: 90 Member
    Egg whites from a carton - spray pan & cook in seconds and 1/2 cup steel oats (cook oats the night before & reheat every morning). Will keep you full for a LONG time! ;-)
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    Not sure how many calories you're working with, but I do a PB&J every morning. Two slices wheat bread (140 calories) give me the carbs to keep me energized, 1 TBS PB (90 calories) is the protein to keep me full, and 2 TBS jam (because I have a sweet tooth!) keeps it from getting boring...I buy a different jar of fruit jam every time I run out.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    Have you heard of refrigerator/overnight oatmeal? You can prepare it up to 2/3 days in advance - just put porridge oats, yoghurt, milk/water and fruit in a bowl or tupperware and then pop it in the fridge overnight and it's ready to eat in the morning. Bananas are good for energy and you can add protein powder too. There are plenty of recipes online.

    I was going to suggest this too! I make mine the night before, takes about three minutes to throw together, and you can do it when your little one is asleep. Grab your mason jar/tupperware, a spoon and you're ready to roll the next morning! Here is the recipe I use- http://www.theyummylife.com/blog/2012/03/293/Overnight,+No-Cook+Refrigerator+Oatmeal+--+A+healthy+breakfast+made+in+mason+jars+in+six+different+flavors!

    Love the yummy life overnight oatmeal.

    My other go-to breakfast is egg muffins - make a batch or 2 on Sunday and then pop one or 2 in the microwave for 30 seconds during the week.
  • You actually should eat a mid-morning snack. It has been shown that women should actually eat 6-8 small, snack-like meals a day. You should have your real 3 meals, and some healthy snacks in between.

    There is no proof that one must eat like this. Snacking is not essential to health or weight loss. For some this style of eating can lead to over-indulgence and the opposite effect.

    Actually people who eat healthy snacks can keep their metabolism burning and are usually those who don't just lose weight but keep it off. Key words: HEALTHY SNACKS.... and different things do work for different people.

    I plan a lot ahead of time. You can make low fat/low cal breakfast burritos and keep in the freezer (lots of veggies/turkey sausage/etc). Nuke them the next day and you have a great breakfast ready to go. I also pack apple slices and a banana or other fruit for a mid morning snack. Healthy lunch and then veggie snacks for mid afternoon. This keeps me from overeating at dinner.

    I eat a lot of eggs, or when I am tired of that I make peanut butter toast. Sometimes it helps to add a scoop of protein powder to my oatmeal. I have added it to my coffee before, but that's a bit strange... good luck! And friend me if you want to :)

    I'm by no means perfect, but I've never felt more satisfied! Hope this helps!
  • HSingMomto7Kids
    HSingMomto7Kids Posts: 345 Member
    I am pregnant but even when not pregnant I would have a small snack like a piece of fruit, a yogurt and even an egg that are low on calories. Of course you are hungry while being up since 6am. I am the same way.
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    Also, a good option for someone as busy as you is to make quiche or egg casseroles that you could just microwave individual servings of each morning.

    Exactly! I was going to suggest the same type of idea.

    There are PLENTY of recipes online for "breakfast burritos" or "breakfast cups (bacon/eggs/veg baked in muffin tins)" that can be made at the start of the week and then reheated in the mornings.

    The meal someone posted earlier with eggs and turkey bacon, Cook the turkey bacon/canadian bacon at the beginning of the week, reheat a few pieces each morning with some scrambled eggs which you can make in the microwave, or just make them on the stove top and once they are almost cooked throw the bacon in the same pan to heat it up, scrambled eggs are pretty fast to make, you can even use egg beaters like others suggested.
  • kriskris92
    kriskris92 Posts: 190 Member
    You can also make a batch of muffin tin omelettes. Just scramble up some eggs/veggies/meat of your choice and pour it into a muffin tin and bake for around 20 mins and voila, 6-12 breakfasts done! And you can freeze them so you can just pop them in the microwave and be on your way.
  • imarlett
    imarlett Posts: 228 Member
    My dietician recommends drinking water or any non-calorie, caffeine free drink between meals. That will keep you full.
  • houlenberg
    houlenberg Posts: 107 Member
    If you can afford about 140-160 calories, here are some suggestions:

    - Greek Yogurt (it's loaded with protein)
    - String Cheese with some almonds
    - Premier Protein Ready-to-Drink Chocolate (they're very yummy and quite filling at 30g. of protein)

    Hope this helps!
  • luftballoons33
    luftballoons33 Posts: 13 Member
    The waffles and oatmeal never keep me full. I do a low calorie english muffin (80 cal) with fat free cream cheese (50 cal). With that I'll do either a banana and a yogurt (about another 160 calories) or a smoothie (about 200-250 calories). That can usually keep me feeling full until lunch, but I do sometimes need something to hold me over (I'm constantly moving at work, so constantly burning calories). If I need a snack, I do a banana or some grapes, so still keeps the calories low!
  • healthy4five
    healthy4five Posts: 11 Member
  • ksmiley412
    ksmiley412 Posts: 274 Member
    Egg white omelette with ruduced fat cheese and ham works for me.
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    what kind of oats are you having?

    if it's the instant packets, those aren't filling at all.
    have you tried adding ground flax seed to the oats after they are cooked?
    adds more fiber, omega 3's and more. very filling.
  • knot2thin
    knot2thin Posts: 30 Member
    fruit smoothy with yogurt and protein powder throw in some hemp hearts or chia seed. I thin it out with water as opposed to juice. so for 300 calories you will have a big glass of filling goodness.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    you could always skip breakfast and eat around mid morning..or have your breakfast calories at lunch ...

    I never eat breakfast and do not eat lunch till about 12:30...

    of course this is not for everyone....
  • cappri
    cappri Posts: 1,089 Member
    you could always skip breakfast and eat around mid morning..or have your breakfast calories at lunch ...

    I never eat breakfast and do not eat lunch till about 12:30...

    of course this is not for everyone....

    I've eaten 3 meals and the majority of the calories for the day by then.:bigsmile:
  • NCBeth
    NCBeth Posts: 2
    My usual is a hard cooked egg (bring it to a boil and move off the burner with lid on pot for approx 20 minutes). then all you have to do is peel the egg. I scoop out 1/2 cup of cottage cheese (low fat) and fruit of the day. That usually holds me well. But I agree there is no problem with a snack of Laughing Cow cheese with a few whole grain crackers or a T of hummus with celery & carrots or a T of peanut butter with crackers. Good luck.
  • californiansun
    californiansun Posts: 392 Member
    I would get up 20 minutes earlier. Eggs don't take long to cook at all, especially if you throw them in the microwaves (like someone else had mentioned.)

    If you're not willing to get up earlier- you can make breakfast burritos and freeze them- just throw them in the microwave in the morning, make protein smoothies, eat peanut butter and apples as a mid morning snack... something! You can also make oatmeal in the crock pot the night before and have it in the AM, I make baked oatmeal (put it in the oven) and have it with eggs. I have done cold oatmeal, you can prepare it the night before and put it in jars. Do something!

    You need more protein in your breakfast.
  • snowangeljo
    snowangeljo Posts: 11 Member
    egg whites can take awhile to make daily. I make them in muffin tins once a week and portion them so i know how many egg white discs i have for breakfast. also to make them easy to eat while studying or walking I have been lining the bottom of the muffin tins with low fat sandwich ham. If you form the ham into little cups they hold about 1/4c egg whites easily :) hope it helps