Hatred of Sounds



  • justdowhatworks
    OMG!!!! The sound of people eating, chewing, sucking on water bottles, etc. makes me DIE on the inside. I wear gigantic noise-reducing headphones at work for this very reason. I don't even have music on half the time - just the dang headphones!
  • ash8184
    ash8184 Posts: 701 Member
    Oh my gosh... this is me! Thanks for sharing. I also have perfect pitch, so when things aren't on pitch (think: car horns), it drives me nuts.

    Between my family and I, we have 7 dogs and 3 cats and I hate the noise they make when they lick something.

    And breathing. Argh... it sounds like awful rattling! High-pitched anything, the sound a TV makes when you have the volume turned totally down, and anything having to do with mouths (eating, chewing, etc).
  • IRollC30
    IRollC30 Posts: 54 Member
    The sound of lawn equipment, and also the sound of nails being clipped. Especially when I hear that sound in the office. Who clips their nails at work?!?!

    There are two people in my office that clip their nails at their desk and it's disgusting.

    One day I dropped my pen on the floor near a co-worker's cubical and when I reached down I realized that my pen was laying in a bed of clipped fingernails... I left the pen on the floor. My co-worker noticed the pen later that day and asked around if anyone had lost a pen. I denied ownership..

    ....I loved that pen too.
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    Loud breathers.
    Fork/spoon biters and especially those who drag their teeth along the silverware!!!
    People chewing, smacking lips, etc.
    People who suck the snot up their noses.
    MACARONI EATING (that is vile, so glad someone earlier in the thread reminded me)
    Tin foil being torn or unwrapped...that one is hard to explain, but it is a certain type of foil. Makes me scream.
    car alarms, burglar alarms, fire alarms.

    I think that covers it....
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Nail biting
    Lawn care equipment

    It takes me 10x longer to accomplish anything requiring thought while listening to music. I can clean, drive, and workout while music is playing and that is about it. I can't even play video games while listening to music. So pathetic. :ohwell:

    ETA: Forgot about alarms. Or beeps. Shudder. Probably more too. I less than four earplugs.
  • morningmud
    morningmud Posts: 477 Member
    I hate any kind of oral noise so so so much! My coworker used to come out to my area (reception) after she had eaten and she would suck her teeth. Omg, I wanted to scream! I endured until I could take no more and had to ask her to stop, which she did for a while then started up again until I had to say something a 2nd time. Thankfully, she seems able to control herself these days.
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member

    Whoever said the sound of fluorescent lighting when it turns on - thanks for the new trigger :wink: :drinker:

    You're welcome. :drinker:
  • sunshinestater
    sunshinestater Posts: 596 Member
    I've hated noises at a certain pitch (loud motorcycles/cars, backfiring, fireworks, gunshots) ever since I can remember. My mother dismissed it as just being afraid of noises and smacked me around for being a "baby." She didn't understand when I said that the noise physically hurts my ears. Now I know I actually have hyperacusis, and that some people get pain from a much wider range of sounds than I do.
  • Mhaney
    Mhaney Posts: 467 Member
    I have this. the sound of some one eating or some one breathing close to me sends me into an internal fit of rage where I imagine punching them in the throat.
  • ChgingMe
    ChgingMe Posts: 539 Member
    Clipping of fingernails. But only in places they shouldn't be clipped. If I'm at the nail salon I can deal. At my desk however I want to punch someone in the throat.

    When my dog licks himself. I can hear him behind the closed door when he is in the other room. Yea I hate it that much. And will get all psycho screaming at him to stop..

    When someone is pooing and I can hear it falling in the bowl. That is almost vomit inducing for me.

    If you want to drive me insane, clip your nails in the bathroom at work while your dog licks himself and you are pooing in the stall next to me.
  • JenniferMary_9169
    I hate the sound of my ex-husband's voice.
  • Mhaney
    Mhaney Posts: 467 Member
    I hate the sound of my ex-husband's voice.

    GOD YES this too.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    I hate the sound of my ex-husband's voice.

  • adreeea
    adreeea Posts: 47 Member
    Ugh. I hate when mine or someone elses utensil scratches the plate. It gives me chills.
  • sewerchick93
    sewerchick93 Posts: 1,440 Member
    the ticking of clocks, every clock in my house is a digital one so I don't have to hear this.

    The sound of people shuffling their feet when they walk. Is it that f'en difficult to pick up your feet when you walk? :explode:
  • Cre8veLifeR
    Cre8veLifeR Posts: 1,062 Member
    Clipping of fingernails. But only in places they shouldn't be clipped. If I'm at the nail salon I can deal. At my desk however I want to punch someone in the throat.

    When my dog licks himself. I can hear him behind the closed door when he is in the other room. Yea I hate it that much. And will get all psycho screaming at him to stop..

    When someone is pooing and I can hear it falling in the bowl. That is almost vomit inducing for me.

    If you want to drive me insane, clip your nails in the bathroom at work while your dog licks himself and you are pooing in the stall next to me.

    OMG! My DH and I were the movies and this old man starts clipping his nails. It was ALL I could hear! *snip...snip...snip* finally you DH turned around and told his wife to make him behave in public lol.

    I am sound sensitive. People eating is A BIG one. And mouth breathers. ugh.
  • Apyl32
    Apyl32 Posts: 91 Member
    sorry double post
  • Apyl32
    Apyl32 Posts: 91 Member
    Yes I have always had sound issues. My family never thought I was an a-hole but they thought it was funny.
  • misslovalova7
    I hate the sound of people biting their nails. Bugs the heck out of me!
  • AddieOverhaul
    AddieOverhaul Posts: 734 Member
    Whistling raises my anxiety more than any other pet peeve. If it is happening around me, I will not hear anything else. There have been many times where I had to change my whole supermarket shopping routine just to get away from whistlers. I once had a guy get very aggressive with me in a card store because he was whistling and I asked him to stop. I thought it was a reasonable request because we were in a card store and it's quiet in there. He felt differently. The odd thing is that I can handle whistling in music (like Otis Redding's Dock of the Bay). But the whistling of folks around me is intolerable.

    THIS exactly. I can't stand whistling. I have most of my friends and family traind to not do it around me. I also don't mind it in music, or if I do it myself. There are occasional times where it doesn't bother me, but usually it drives me crazy.