Plan for when you hit your goal weight?



  • gpizzy
    gpizzy Posts: 171
    To figure out how to maintain the weight loss since that always seems to be the part I'm missing.
  • timpicks
    timpicks Posts: 151 Member
    It could happen very soon for me--I'm one pound away! Can't say I have any big plans. My weight loss success has been based on making positive food and exercise choices that I like rather than denying myself, so I don't have a lot of pent-up demand for things I've been missing. I will try to push past my goal by a few pounds so that my goal weight becomes a ceiling and I can feel less constrained about eating and drinking when I go out. I will relax my calorie goals and eat a bit more than I have. Maybe buy some clothes. But the satisfaction of making my goal and significantly reducing my mortality risk is reward enough.
  • Apyl32
    Apyl32 Posts: 91 Member
    I'm hoping once I hit my goal weight I'll keep doing what I'm doing so I dont let myself go again. I also want to buy a new outfit :)
  • JennytheWicked
    JennytheWicked Posts: 67 Member
    I'm getting a half sleeve on my right arm.

    And I'll have to stay healthy so it doesn't get stretched out. :)
  • staceypunk
    staceypunk Posts: 924 Member
    I'm going to change my goals to maintenance and enjoy have like 500 more calories per day. I also will continue to select workouts that tone and build muscle, aiming to lose inches on my belly without losing more weight.

    PS- I already hit my goal weight twice, and both times I reset my goals to lose more weight. I never thought I'd be where I am today. My GW is set at 132 right now, and I weigh 135. It has been much slower getting those last few pounds off, but really, maybe I am just where I am supposed to be. It is tempting though to put 128 as my GW just so I can have the satisfaction of being in the 120's. Have to see what I'll do when I get to 132.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    I'm just going to keep on doing what I'm doing now--probably just increase the amount slightly (hopefully, I will be doing enough resistance training, by that time, to spur my appetite a bit). :smile:
  • xampx
    xampx Posts: 323 Member
    I was thinking that once I hit goal, I might buy a new (to me) car.
    But I am way too sensible for that. I will finally start buying decent clothes instead of cheap interim stuff.

    I can't wait to start eating at maintenance. And I don't think my gym habit will go away - I miss it when I don't go. I might let things slide a little more, allow myself cakes or biscuits more often, but with regular weigh ins, I will make sure it never goes back to how it was.

    Oh, and I promised the bf that when I look good in a bikini, we will be going somewhere hot!
  • MonicaT1972
    MonicaT1972 Posts: 512
    I really wanted to get a tattoo to show my journey in some way but since my husband absolutely hates tattoo's on women I'm thinking he will be buying me some jewelry!!!

    Otherwise the main thing I plan to do it tell the world and share and help as many people succeed too as I possibly can!!!
  • Once I hit my first big goal I will set the next one with some more weight loss.
    I also hope to one day get my tummy tuck done, my vertical c-sections had left my tummy looking pretty rough before extra wt gain and loss.
    I will also have my goal of working out and increasing what I am able to do.
  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member
    Go bikini shopping, and attack my bucket list!! I have lots of active things on there I want to do but currently am unable to do because of my lack of strength and endurance.
    My goal weight is more whatever weight I am after getting some serious gym time. I'm looking to get to 130, but would be fine at a higher weight if I was stronger. :smile:

    ETA: Get my back tattooed. hahaha I want my whole back done. Probably won't be able to afford it till much later though...
  • k_saenz
    k_saenz Posts: 126
    Get an amazing backpiece tattoo and go on a bunch of amazing adventures. I also plan to keep working out and eating right though, but with a little less restrictions :D and then probably buy some clothes that fit.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Daisy dukes!
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    I've been on maintenance since May 2012. I had a big ceremony where I donated a bunch of clothes that are way too big - burn the ships, no going back - and went clothes shopping and took a trip.

    I made a point of NOT celebrating with food. Treating food as entertainment or reward is what made me fat in the first place.

    I still log all food. This is my second go round and the first time I thought once I was at goal weight I could quit counting calories. That didn't work out well for me. I do get more calories now though! :tongue:
  • galenofedgewood
    galenofedgewood Posts: 146 Member
    Figure out how much lower I need to be below 195 (my current goal weight). Then I have to figure out if 184 lbs (BMI suggestion) is a healthy weight for me and find my new goal weight. Once I get down to the correct weight for me, then I maintain.

    And worry about getting clothes that fit. Ha!
  • galenofedgewood
    galenofedgewood Posts: 146 Member
    I do get more calories now though! :tongue:

    I am looking forward to that. Where I don't have to be so stringent on my choices and have more latitude with the amount of caloric intake I can have? Oh, that'll be nice.
  • dramallamaduck
    dramallamaduck Posts: 97 Member
    Buy a 2 piece bathing suit and get a new tattoo! I really want a rib cage tat, but it won't look right with my excess chunk.
  • zenchild
    zenchild Posts: 680 Member
    I'm getting a tattoo. Two dragons twining up the length of my spine. And a few shirts to show off said tattoo. And a few pairs of jeans that actually fit.
  • sarahertzberger
    sarahertzberger Posts: 534 Member
    I think I will buy myself a new outfit and enjoy looking good in it and then celebrate even more with a nice workout!!!!!
  • Morenosn
    Morenosn Posts: 28 Member
    I have a list :)
    - Get my full piece back tattoo
    - Join a boxing class
    - Learn to play guitar
    - Be able to do the "Zombie Run" around Halloween time