novakac Member


  • Been eating beef hearts to get my iron up. Side note: They're delicious.
  • Thought this was about anemia.
  • Um, I'd give yourself one "treat" food that you sometimes run into that's OK. So maybe it's ice cream. And you look at the donuts and say, "can't have it, it's not ice cream". That's just more pleasant than "can't have it, it's not cottage cheese". And then, if you open the freezer and there's ice cream, you say, "ah ha!…
  • Potatoes with skins contain a lot.
    in Potassium Comment by novakac March 2015
  • Just looked it up. Raspberries are almost pure soluble fiber. Blackberries too. Blueberries, though, while tasty, have half the fiber and three times the sugar. (you never said what your carb goals were, but I'm assuming low carb.)
  • I had a similar problem, and solved it with massive amounts of raspberries. Kind of expensive, but a very tasty additive to my pretty boring diet. As for fiber to carb ratio, you can't get much better. And don't worry about soluble/insoluble. I'm telling you, after a week or two of eating 2 cups a day of raspberries (or…
  • Latkes: Grate 2 potatoes (squeeze ALL the water out of them with cheesecloth or something similar) Add 1 egg Add chopped onion to taste (generally one small yellow or half of a large) Salt and pepper form "pancakes" and fry in canola oil on both sides until golden brown. Serve with applesauce and/or low fat sour cream. Yum.
  • I had a bulging/ruptured disc in my neck, so I sympathize. However, I had a MUCH more supportive physician. When your dr. said it "would" go away with time, what he should have said was "probably would" go away with time. I don't have any experience with low back injury, but from my experience with my C6/C7 disc, I can…
  • Just focus on why you're doing it. If it's because of how you want to look, keep a picture of that girl in your head, you know, the girl you want to look like. If you're doing it for long life, picture a grandma in your head. An old, old, happy, healthy, woman. If you're doing it for the guys (and aren't we all...), think…
  • Yeah, I'm so not a morning person. In fact, I've been fired from jobs, flunked classes.... and finally went and got myself diagnosed with DSPS (delayed sleep phase syndrome, fancy medical term for "night owl") Things that help me (and I've gotten SO much better) - Limiting caffeine after 3 pm (not 7, as other suggest). -…
  • So so sorry about that. You can try melatonin. Natural supplement tricks your body into thinking it wants to sleep. Don't know if it's strong enough for what you're going through, though. Other than that, I'd try relaxation and/or meditation. Sounds like hippie crap, but sometimes actually works.
  • I will hold you to that! (Bacon cheeseburgers count, btw....)
  • <quote>So unplanned "fail" days where you give into emotion and binge are okay but a planned higher-calorie day that you work towards and wait for is a recipe for disaster? </quote> If you actually plan for it an wait for it... awesome. If you carry a deficit all week and then 'cheat' so that your weekly calories are still…
  • Forget the scale. That's the hardest freakin' thing. We're women, we live and die by the scale. The food is important. Of course it is. We get 100% of our calories from it. So of course we track our "good" and our "bad" weeks from food. But it's the exercise that changes our lives. Seriously. Just work out more this week.…
  • If "cheat day" were a good thing, then I'd be feeling great right now. But I feel like crap. I "cheated" all day. I read somewhere that for a "cheat"... pick one. Either eat ONE unhealthy food.... OR eat too much of one healthy food. Not, do all of the above, all day. Scheduling cheat days is setting yourself up for…
  • OK. I logged it. And it was worse than I thought it was. I was 1500 calories over my goal. However.... it was useful because the harm wasn't where I thought it was. Apparently you can eat half a pound of bacon for breakfast, and still be able to recover just fine. After my 8th slice of bacon, I gave up. I shouldn't have.…
  • Thanks all. I guess I'll start logging it. I know why I went over, it's not hormonal. Well, yeah, it is. Boy problems. And since I started this diet because of.... well hell. It's really all about me, not him. But I was in a f*** it all mood. I can't really "make up for it", because I'm already setting my goal at the bare…
  • Spaghetti is always good, and the jar of sauce won't take up TOO much space in the fridge. Also, potatoes are great. Buy them in five lb bags and microwave them. Add a little salt, pepper and butter, and you'll remember just how much you always loved potatoes. Peanut butter is a favorite inexpensive vegetarian protein…