bebeisfit Member


  • Strength! Doing pushups on my toes. Makes me feel like I can do anything.
  • If you have a fitbit or watch, you can link it to MFP. If you use an app on your phone or old school pedometer you could probably add it in an exercise like walking. But be careful not to over estimate those calories. I use an app to track my steps but unless I take a purposeful walk, I don't count them towards exercise.…
  • Small changes add up. I made the mistake of overhauling everything at once and I couldn't maintain all of those changes longterm. Commit to one change every week or so and stick with it. I agree about logging. Bring your daily menus to the dietician. Know where you can start to cut calories. And don't worry about falling…
  • Nature! When I take walks outside I notice the spring flowers and bushes. Each week it's something new. This week is lilac. Lilac bushes in all shades of white, pink and purple. Beautiful. I also heard a woodpecker this morning on my walk.
  • Complex carbs are my friends. Oatmeal and I have been best buds since childhood. Simple carbs are the devil (for me at least). Once I start..I never want to stop.. looking at you ritz crackers and haagen daz ice cream.
  • I agree about the volume of food, and that 1,400 calories is not much. Try eating more vegetables at each meal or maybe try some soup to feel full. Set a timer and slow down your eating. I often eat so fast that I take a 2nd helping before I think. I'm always amazed at eating in a fancy restaurant and sometimes the…
  • My weight can fluctuate up to 5 lbs in a day or two. Three weeks is a really short period of time. This isn't a "lose 30 lbs in a month" program. This should be a lifestyle change for you for your lifetime. Trust me..I used to drop pounds quickly and then go back to my old habits and gaining it all back. I wasted years…
  • Lands end has a wide variety of board shorts for women. I totally understand where you're coming from. I used to avoid things because I didn't have the right outfit. I felt fat and unattractive. Guess what? I missed out on some fun times. Strut your stuff and go have fun. And if anyone says something..find new friends. And…
  • Ive had my cuisinart food processor for almost 25 years. Love it.
  • I also agree with using smaller plates and bowls. My roommate is obsessed with bowls. We have at least 4 or 5 different sizes. When I use the big ones, I tend to give myself a larger portion. Slowing down may also help. If you finish your plate, pause a few minutes before taking a 2nd portion. Fill the time with…
  • Cool tattoo. What a great gift to yourself. No need to wait to show it off.
  • @WaterLily82 Happy Birthday! I lived being in my 40's.. I'm 59 now.
  • Money! There's a closet full of clothes that used to fit. Treats and junk food bought nearly every day.. a candy bar, ice cream etc add up to more than a gym membership.
  • Read the sticky notes at the top of the forum under must read, most helpful posts. There's some really good advice. And you'll be introduced to several weight lifting programs. It's a lot of info. Do schedule a personal trainer and if that's not possible, keep watching youtube videos and perhaps video your own form. Good…
  • No advice but wishing you the best. Being a caregiver is hard and stress. I hope you'll do some self care too. It's too easy to put ypurself last. Do what's right for you. I have to agree about naming those foods as not yours. I have a roommate and we share food. Except most sweets. She has jers and I have mine.
  • I agree with using leftovers and I highly recommend buying a thermos. Make sure it has a wide mouth. That way you don't have to use the microwave and your options for lunch are endless. It was a game changer for me when I drove throughout the day for my job. Have plenty of containers available and pack your lunch the night…
  • These are all great! I love the flowers idea. I have a bad habit of buying myself a candy bar or 2 or three at the grocery store. I am putting a few dollars in a jar for everytime I go to the store or meet a friend for coffee and don't buy the treats. Will buy myself something after a few weeks.
  • I am a binge eater. I have often said if I treated alchohol the same as food I would consider myself an alcoholic. The struggle is real.
  • Awesome!
  • @WaterLily82 thanks so much for this thread! To regain my swagger To wear all the cute clothes in my closet. To see my feet again! My belly has expanded greatly this past year
  • I'm working out again at home. March was not kind and I'm sure my waistline expanded. I'm going to get 7000 strps ea day for the first week and bump it uo 1000 ea week so by the end of april I'll be doing 10,000 steps a day. Meal planning!
  • There was a recent thread where a gal did insanity and posted her workout every day. Let me see if I can find it.
  • Well I'm not OP but I got great inspiration from the above responses. I'm not new to weight loss, I lost and maintained a 70 lb loss for several years. But this year I packed on fat. I barely exercised and started eating crap foods that have zero benefit and eating in excess. And I'm 59..i cant jump around or run like the…
  • I wish I had pigtails!! I have had a pixie cut for 3 decades. Wear your hair how you like it.
  • Congratulations! What a great accomplishment. I really enjoyed this thread.
  • My mother used to make a blueberry peach pie that was out of this world! Homemade crust of course. I make an ok version..her's was the best tho.
  • I call it chicken skin. Not pretty..but I don't think there's a solution.
  • I finished Magic Hour by Kristin Hannah (author of Firefly Lane - streaming on Netflix and The Great Alone). I am so disappointed. It was a good story overall, but some of the writing and character development was just so-so. The ending was bad. I won't give spoilers, but it didn't add up. It was a quick read, so there's…
  • Rest is super important. Do you have a foam roller? It hurts while doing it but you feel better after. Same with an ice bath for your feet..torture, then relief. Great job!