What are your non-food rewards?



  • cherys
    cherys Posts: 387 Member
    I love this post. So important to have non-food treats.

    Instead of comfort eating, mine are:

    listen to an upbeat song on you tube or spotify. Especially on you tube so you get the video of them singing live or the official video. Lifts my spirits.
    watch a comedy show or uplifting Ted talk
    play candy crush (especially if I want something sweet because I feel stressed - Candy Crush instead of candy)
    write in a journal - offload onto the page instead of into your mouth
    go for a walk with a friend
    a cosy crime novel on kindle
    a long bath by candlelight
    meditate for 10 mins, or do 10 minute yoga
    swing on the garden swing seat with a cup of fruit tea and just relax
    feed the birds and watch them

    for 'good job!' rewards, something like:
    a bottle of nail polish,
    new sports kit,
    a small bunch of flowers or pot plant,
    a scented candle
    new bubble bath or Epsom salts,
    massage brush,
    lip gloss,
    essential oils for the bath,
    a magazine on fitness or a craft interest

    For milestone weight loss - book a theatre show or art show or event you want to go to instead of a restaurant. Or book a beauty treatment.

    I also do healthy or low calorie food treats, so fresh raspberries or blueberries - I can eat a punnet and not feel guilty, or fruit teas, diet sodas (not often) salted microwave popcorn, mini ice lollies (popsicles in US)
  • joyanna2016
    joyanna2016 Posts: 323 Member
    I've kind of got a big one I'm about to endulge in... wireless ear buds to use at the gym. I'm so excited!
  • trinati2001
    trinati2001 Posts: 262 Member
    I like to set little goals for myself and then I have little rewards.

    Here are a couple:
    - Individual supplies for making sourdough bread
    - new case for phone
    - Arm holder for phone
    - Fancy flavored water (normally wouldn't pay $2 per bottle)
    - New book that I can't get from library
  • bebeisfit
    bebeisfit Posts: 951 Member
    These are all great!
    I love the flowers idea.

    I have a bad habit of buying myself a candy bar or 2 or three at the grocery store. I am putting a few dollars in a jar for everytime I go to the store or meet a friend for coffee and don't buy the treats.

    Will buy myself something after a few weeks.