What do you do when you need more than motivation?

I have lost weight lots of times in the past. I am no stranger to getting started. And when I'm at rock bottom and sick of life I can sometimes get the ball rolling. But the journey there is painful and undoes all of my progress.

I need to get my weight loss started again and motivation just isn't enough. I am in a situation right now where I can neither get away from my trigger foods nor the stress that makes me turn to them. I have a huge problem with sugar addiction specifically. But my health can't afford going back up to 500 lbs before I get the oomph to turn things around again. I have no idea what to do to get started. I just cannot stop myself from binge eating sugar.


  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,754 Member
    Things I don’t have in the house are chips and sweet goodies, I only buy them on rare occasions. I can’t moderate them very well. If you don’t have those sweets in the house, you can’t eat them.
  • TakeTheLongWayHome
    TakeTheLongWayHome Posts: 816 Member
    I too love sweet foods. And salty foods. And carbs. Junk food of all types. And it honestly is little more, imho, than mind over matter. I’m working with a guy that gets McDonald’s for lunch while I munch on carrot sticks with hummus. I want the food he is eating as well, I just want to be healthy and at a manageable weight more. It’s not easy, and it’s not like I don’t indulge sometimes, but I pick and choose what to indulge on. Like pizza or some ice cream. Portion control is key. I wish you well on your journey.
  • idontcarroll
    idontcarroll Posts: 216 Member
    You have to come to the realization that being healthy is far more important that the foods you WANT to consume. It is hard to get started and even harder to stay committed, but only you can make that choice. You CAN do this!

    Maybe when you want to reach for those taunting foods you go for a walk and then grab a healthy snack once you're back. It's worth a try! Working out gives you endorphins and endorphins make people happy.
  • joyanna2016
    joyanna2016 Posts: 323 Member
    You know how sugar is... the more you have, the more you want. Thats why it's SO hard to go through those first few days when we cut out a lot of the very sugary stuff. But, think back to when you were eating healthier. Every day wasn't a tough, sugar-battle. The flipside is the less you have, the less you crave it. So, maybe to get some motivation, remind yourself that if you can just power through several tough days in the beginning, your ability feel more in control and desire to eat healthier will increase. At least that is my experience usually. Good luck!
  • SoaringOccamy
    SoaringOccamy Posts: 57 Member
    Things I don’t have in the house are chips and sweet goodies, I only buy them on rare occasions. I can’t moderate them very well. If you don’t have those sweets in the house, you can’t eat them.

    I wish it was that easy but I appreciate the thought. Unfortunately I am a live-in caregiver for my grandparents and they eat soon many sweets. And I don't get to just leave them out of sight since I usually get them their food.

    Still, just posting here and seeing the supportive responses has helped some with motivation. I guess I will just have to sharpen up my willpower over the next few days and try to keep at it.
  • SoaringOccamy
    SoaringOccamy Posts: 57 Member
    You know how sugar is... the more you have, the more you want. Thats why it's SO hard to go through those first few days when we cut out a lot of the very sugary stuff. But, think back to when you were eating healthier. Every day wasn't a tough, sugar-battle. The flipside is the less you have, the less you crave it. So, maybe to get some motivation, remind yourself that if you can just power through several tough days in the beginning, your ability feel more in control and desire to eat healthier will increase. At least that is my experience usually. Good luck!

    Yeah, these first few days, maybe first week, are a nightmare. And having a lousy sleeping schedule doesn't help either since my willpower really wanes when I'm tired. But I am on my third night now, I think, and I'm hanging in there.

    You're right. It will get easier if I stick to it. Thsmanks for taking the time to post. I really needed it.
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,467 Member
    What snacks do you like that aren’t candy or dessert like? Jerky? Single serve popcorn? Make sure you have them handy. Have a snack, just a healthier one. Not a perfect solution, but a step in the right direction.
  • EliseTK1
    EliseTK1 Posts: 483 Member
    I have lost weight lots of times in the past. I am no stranger to getting started. And when I'm at rock bottom and sick of life I can sometimes get the ball rolling. But the journey there is painful and undoes all of my progress.

    I need to get my weight loss started again and motivation just isn't enough. I am in a situation right now where I can neither get away from my trigger foods nor the stress that makes me turn to them. I have a huge problem with sugar addiction specifically. But my health can't afford going back up to 500 lbs before I get the oomph to turn things around again. I have no idea what to do to get started. I just cannot stop myself from binge eating sugar.

    I think people have some great advice here. I’d go a step further and say if you have the ability to get a coach of any kind, do it. Could be a Registered Dietitian, a personal trainer, a health coach from your insurance provider, our just a buddy who will stay accountable with you. Having someone you can check in with consistently regarding your personal experiences and challenges will help you to stay on track. It may help you leverage the power of social influence in a positive way long-term.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Honestly, it helps me to declare certain foods as belonging to another person. In my case, the sun chips are my husband's. The non dairy cheesecake is my husband's. I have to ask his permission to have them, but for the most part I just don't because those are things that are part of his diet that aren't part of mine.

    As a caregiver, you are under a lot of stress. Consider therapy to help you learn to deal with that stress in healthier ways.
  • bebeisfit
    bebeisfit Posts: 951 Member
    No advice but wishing you the best.

    Being a caregiver is hard and stress. I hope you'll do some self care too. It's too easy to put ypurself last. Do what's right for you.

    I have to agree about naming those foods as not yours. I have a roommate and we share food. Except most sweets. She has jers and I have mine.