DDCNY Member


  • Congratulations to you!!!! Your success is so exciting! And thank you so much for sharing your tips. :flowerforyou:
  • It's going to take some work but look up online what the volume measurements should weight. This link has some for flour at the bottom of the page. http://www.browneyedbaker.com/2009/07/16/volume-weight-baking-why-should-weigh-ingredients/
  • Great post! Thank you so much! I LOVE korma. It's my absolutely favorite food in the entire world! Well...maybe it sometimes competes with paneer naan. If I didn't love naan so much I probably wouldn't be on MFP. LOL
  • ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^This!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Sorry the first response was not at all helpful. The forums on this site tend to be that way. It's been my understanding that multiple sessions that increase your heart rate are better than just one. Because after each session your heart rate stays elevated for a few hours causing you to continue receiving the benefits of…
  • Everything. The absolute only way this is going to work for me is if I can eat the same foods I love and eat what everyone else is eating. Potluck at work? I have half a serving spoon full of whatever bowl looks interesting to me. HALF. No more. I remember that 1 ping pong ball is approximately 2 tbsp and I log every bite.…
  • Protein, fat, fiber, micro nutrients, sugar. MFP can't tell the difference between added sugar and naturally occurring sugar such as in fruit. If I eat a piece of fruit that is low on the GI scale with each meal and I eat a low-sugar yogurt and I drink some skim milk somewhere in the day - I end up being way over on my…
  • I like this a lot!
    in Just Curious Comment by DDCNY July 2013
  • Congratulations!!!! That is so exciting! I am really proud for you.
    in NO MCDONALDS Comment by DDCNY July 2013
  • By reading this here I think I now understand. When I first started using weight machines I, too, experienced DOMS because I was thinking about my biceps as I did a curl or I was thinking about my pecs when I worked on the fly machine and I was focusing on using just those muscles to push the weights. Lately I have only…
  • For all these people knocking you about wanting to lose weight and build muscle...I'm SMH. I have increased the girth of my thighs and upper arms by a total of .5" in each arm and .75" in each thigh because of weight lifting. I have still lost 54 lbs and am working on losing more. But it was because of a very high protein…
  • Hahahahaha! I love this!
  • Instead of reaching for a 100% natural food you will drink or eat chemically processed foods? Okay, I'm not bashing chemically processed foods. I enjoyed a Cookie Dough Luna protein bar before the gym tonight. But to shun natural fresh good-for-you watermelon in favor of something with a wrapper? When the watermelon is…
  • Hi Rob - Google "low GI fruits" While watermelon is high in natural sugars it is one of the best fruits for you. Cantaloupe, too. Combined with apples (skin on) and apricots you have some super foods that are low on the glycemic index. This means they won't spike your blood sugar. It depends on what kind of body type and…
  • So inspirational! Congratulations on reaching your goal!
  • You can change what macros you are showing on your food diary page. The default is Calories, Carbs, Fat, Protein, Sodium, Sugar, and Fiber. But you can rearrange the columns if you would to see sugar, calcium etc. No way to carryover the food notes but (and I wish this occurred to me when I was strictly following LAWL) you…
  • Hi Roxy, There isn't much activity in this group. When I first started with MFP I adjusted my percentages to be 50% protein and 25% carbs and 25% fat. You can do this by going to "My Home" then "Goals" then "change goals" then "custom. Then alter the percentages there. You will still have to keep track of your portions.…
  • Calcium really calms my cravings. Yogurt, cheese, a cheese stick. If I'm really in bad shape I will have a glass of skim milk with a tbsp of Nesquik syrup in there. Double whammy with the chocolate and calcium to be soothing and make me feel like I'm having a treat. Something else I like to do at night is have a small bowl…
  • I have been buying these low carb tortillas from Tumaro's. http://www.tumaros.com/ 5 net carbs and only 60 cal and 2 g of fat. I roll a bunch of spinach inside and put them in a bag for work. Then in a separate bag I put some cooked meat to put inside. I roll it all together when I am ready to eat lunch to keep everything…
  • Congratulations, Gorgeous!!!! I am very happy for you! You are so inspirational!
  • Can I swear on here? LOL HOLY $@#%! As I was reading I was thinking "Wow....she's an excellent writer! I hope she goes on to be a writer!" And then I got to the sassy picture of your gorgeous self in your hot red blouse. WOWIE! HOLY $@#%! I'm so glad that you chose to LIVE that night! So many wonderful things have come to…
  • Hi Melissa! I'm Danielle. I'm 36 and I'm from Central New York. No kids. But my hubby and I have big dreams about traveling all over when I am slim enough to fly on a plane without getting narrowed eyes and rude stares directed at me. I started being serious about getting fit and losing weight on March 3. I have lost 46…
  • You have brought tears to my eyes! I am so very proud for you and so inspired! Thank you so much for sharing! Congratulations!
  • It's not about the banana making you gain. It's the glycemic index of the food. Bananas have a high GI. So if you are sensitive to high GI foods (like diabetics) then you would want to stick with lower GI fruits such as oranges. Years ago I did LA Weight Loss and it was the only commercial plan that ever worked for me. A…
  • If you're not interested in veggies be sure to take Spirulina. Just one tsp has the same nutrients and benefits (minus the fiber) equal to several servings of vegetables. You can get it in a compacted pill form to take with some extra water so you don't taste it. I'm not a veggie fan myself. If I have Chinese take-out I…
  • When I am being 100% on plan I eat a lot of protein at breakfast. Some fat, too. Those help keep me feeling full much longer. I know everyone says fiber but I think fiber is only a small part of it. I'll tell you if I have steel cut oats and raspberries for breakfast I get hungry a lot sooner than if I had an egg, 4 egg…
  • Okay....you asked for us to view your diary and give you tips. I will be gentle. 1.) You are consistently not eating enough calories. While this will cause you to lose weight at first your body will soon go into starvation mode because it thinks that food is unavailable. This will mean that soon everything you put in your…
  • No, thank YOU! :) Nice food diary. Very inspiring!