So much sugar in watermelon



  • mwooderson
    mwooderson Posts: 254 Member
    The data I found for watermelon is (per ounce - 9 calories, 2 carbs and 0.1 fiber).
  • shannashannabobana
    shannashannabobana Posts: 625 Member
    I don't know anyone who got fat from eating too much watermelon.
    This! I would cut back if you are having trouble meeting goals and you want to test it, but other than Watermelon is amazing.
  • Jalyst79
    Jalyst79 Posts: 50 Member
    I was advised to eat fruit in the morning so that the body can break down all the sugars throughout the day. Hopefully that is helpful :)
  • Whipppets
    Whipppets Posts: 267
    Watermelon is one of the best foods you could ever eat. It fills you up and is low in calories compared to most
    foods. I read you could eat a whole watemelon a day and not gain weight because of course all of the water
    passes right through you. I love to eat about a quarter of a watermelon and than spin, so much energy and
    you sweat it all out.
  • ladyark
    ladyark Posts: 1,101 Member
    I have decided that fruit in moderation like anything else is ok for you. When i see that i have gone over in sugar and its mostly from fruit i dont worry about it. Its the ADDED sugar that you need to worry about. The health benefits from fruit far outweigh the worry of the sugar/carbs
  • tlouiseh
    tlouiseh Posts: 6 Member
    I eat a ton of watermelon and find the amount I get for the calories is pretty good. I cut mine into cube and weigh it though because I don't know if MFP and I consider a wedge to be the same size. Plus it's way less messy that way.
  • JustPeachy044
    JustPeachy044 Posts: 770 Member
    fresh fruit in season=over in MFP sugars. (for me anyway).

    I've decided, within reason, I don't care. I am not restricting my intake of watermelon, strawberries, peaches, etc. in summer. The health benefits are awesome and the flavor is AMAZING.
  • Emmabulliemum
    Emmabulliemum Posts: 294 Member
    Fruits Very High in Sugar...








    the sugar you find in soda is added, but the sugar you find in grapes or any other kinds of fruit or vegetables are natural. there is a BIG difference between the two; natural sugars = good, refined/added sugars = bad.

  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    the sugar you find in soda is added, but the sugar you find in grapes or any other kinds of fruit or vegetables are natural. there is a BIG difference between the two; natural sugars = good, refined/added sugars = bad.

    DDCNY Posts: 64 Member
    Hi Rob - Google "low GI fruits"

    While watermelon is high in natural sugars it is one of the best fruits for you. Cantaloupe, too. Combined with apples (skin on) and apricots you have some super foods that are low on the glycemic index. This means they won't spike your blood sugar.

    It depends on what kind of body type and blood type you have. For me? I can't eat bananas or pears very often. But I'll have watermelon daily once I crack it open.

    MFP is sooo awesome except for the sugar tracking. It cannot tell the difference between natural sugars in natural foods and added sugars in processed foods. If you like watermelon and eating it keeps you from eating other things - by all means dig in!
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    I probably eat 3 cups of fruits and veggies a day(including Watermelon) berries, apple slices, bananas, cantaloupe, grapes...The list goes on! Yes, all sugars should be moderated, but Natural Sugars Vs. Processed is a big difference. I go for a physical with my doctor every 6 months, and all my levels and blood pressure are great. So unless you are diabetic or pre-diabetic or have other health issues where you need to watch your sugar, I wouldn't worry about the natural sugars in fruits and veggies :)
  • Illona88
    Illona88 Posts: 903 Member
    Screw the sugar, they're delicious and good for you.

    I just bought one from the market that is so big, I can barely lift it with both arms.

    It doesn't fit on my chef's chopping board, haha.

  • Mrs_Bones
    Mrs_Bones Posts: 195 Member
    The sugar in watermelon is natural fruit sugar from its proper source. No body ever got fat eating raw watermelon, apples, and berries... Your body knows what to do with natural sugar. What makes you fat is chemically processed white sugars. I even stopped counting sugars as part of my diary because I always went over in fruit sugar and I'm doing just fine! Chomp away, my friend!
  • eddamyts
    eddamyts Posts: 26 Member
    I go over my sugar count every single day. I eat a banana in the morning and MFP says I've hit my max - I ignore it because all my sugar comes from fruit. I enjoy watermelon too much to keep my portion to a teeny weeny cup - give me wedges and lots of them! Watermelon is a great source of fibre, just as my colon! :)
  • Alisha_countrymama
    Alisha_countrymama Posts: 821 Member
    Yes Watermelon is higher in sugar...some of us (like me) are sugar addicts. and if I eat to much fruit even thought it's "natural sugar" it triggers cravings, triggers me to over eat, etc.... so those of you who don't have a problem with that, wouldn't understand.
  • TedStout
    TedStout Posts: 241
    Seriously? You are worried about watermelon? Log it and forget it. The benefits from fruit far outweigh any "macro" reading. Eat as much as you want and enjoy. Unless you are diabetic or have some other dietary issues.
  • Ducey99
    Ducey99 Posts: 26 Member
    the sugar you find in soda is added, but the sugar you find in grapes or any other kinds of fruit or vegetables are natural. there is a BIG difference between the two; natural sugars = good, refined/added sugars = bad.


    Why is this? I mean, what's the difference, specifically?
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    eww yuk. If I ever get tempted for a piece of that sugary fruit, I'll just open a can of diet coke. I also have little brownie things that have artificial sweeter on it. Just eat two or three of those instead of watermelon. Grapes, raspberries. I'll even just open up a pack of splenda and put it in some water and drink it. Stay strong and stay awayyy from fruit. You will get soooo fat from eating fruit.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    There is absolutely nothing wrong with sugar so why worry about it?

    Watermelon is full of antioxidants, potassium, and other important nutrients... so why snub the delicious little watermelon because it happens to have some sugar?


    All food serves its purpose... even sugar!
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    Seriously? You are worried about watermelon? Log it and forget it. The benefits from fruit far outweigh any "macro" reading. Eat as much as you want and enjoy. Unless you are diabetic or have some other dietary issues.

    Not sure why when some people start watching what they eat they start to worry about the sugar content in fruit. If you do not have any medical conditions to worry about then I wouldnt worry. Far better to eat lots of fruits then bags of sweeties and biscuits.
  • SuprDadOf4
    SuprDadOf4 Posts: 9 Member
    Still better than a handful of cookies....
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    Eat the darn watermelon. A cup of diced watermelon has 46 calories, who cares if they are "sugars" or carbs? Eat two cups! Eat three!
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    eww yuk. If I ever get tempted for a piece of that sugary fruit, I'll just open a can of diet coke. I also have little brownie things that have artificial sweeter on it. Just eat two or three of those instead of watermelon. Grapes, raspberries. I'll even just open up a pack of splenda and put it in some water and drink it. Stay strong and stay awayyy from fruit. You will get soooo fat from eating fruit.

    OMGSugarOHNOS Posts: 204 Member
    You think you/ve seen it all then someone posts a thread about being afraid of watermelon.

    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,046 Member
    I donnnttt giiivvve a fuuukkkkk I just ate about 2 cups of it!!!!!! YUUMMMMM:bigsmile:
    DDCNY Posts: 64 Member
    eww yuk. If I ever get tempted for a piece of that sugary fruit, I'll just open a can of diet coke. I also have little brownie things that have artificial sweeter on it. Just eat two or three of those instead of watermelon. Grapes, raspberries. I'll even just open up a pack of splenda and put it in some water and drink it. Stay strong and stay awayyy from fruit. You will get soooo fat from eating fruit.

    Instead of reaching for a 100% natural food you will drink or eat chemically processed foods? Okay, I'm not bashing chemically processed foods. I enjoyed a Cookie Dough Luna protein bar before the gym tonight. But to shun natural fresh good-for-you watermelon in favor of something with a wrapper? When the watermelon is something that is liked and enjoyed?? I don't get that.
    DDCNY Posts: 64 Member

    Hahahahaha! I love this!
  • Hexahedra
    Hexahedra Posts: 894 Member
    The difference between fruit and table sugar / HFCS is that fruit contains about 2/3 Fructose and 1/3 Glucose. Table sugar and HFCS is about half Fructose and half Glucose. Fructose tends to be absorbed by belly fat, while Glucose tends to go to skin fat. Visceral (belly) fat is worse than subcutaneous (skin) fat because it's linked to heart disease and diabetes.

    Fructose also tends to make you eat more while Glucose tends to make you feel full.

    It's counterintuitive, but purely from the standpoint of fat accumulation alone, fruits are worse than the oft-vilified HFCS. However, unlike HFCS-laden soft drinks, fruits also provide vitamins and other nutrients.

    I personally don't worry about it. A wedge (1/8) of a watermelon has about 80 calories. I put about that much sugar into my venti Starbucks cup. Just count it and move on.
  • LAW_714
    LAW_714 Posts: 258
    Watermelons are an excellent source of several vitamins: vitamin A, which helps maintain eye health and is an antioxidant; vitamin C, which helps strengthen immunity, heal wounds, prevent cell damage, promote healthy teeth and gums; and vitamin B6, which helps brain function and helps convert protein to energy.

    Tomatoes have been highly touted as a great source for lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that helps fight heart disease and several types of cancer — prostate cancer in particular. Watermelon, however, has the highest concentrations of lycopene of any fresh fruit or vegetable.

    Read more:

    And they go together beautifully with some tarragon and white wine viniagrette for a salad (sometimes with avocado).
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Watermelon is mostly water. It has a low Glycemic load which means it's fine for everyone to consume, even diabetics.

    I suppose if you ate an entire watermelon in one sitting it might elevate your blood sugars, but your stomach would likely rupture prior to that happening.