


  • SpazQ
    SpazQ Posts: 104
    I avoid nuts. Too many calories and fat for so little pleasure. Just my opinion of course.

    Healthy fats though. All fats are not created equal. Don't fear the fat.

    Pistachios, cashews, almonds, walnuts. They do wonders for the body.

    Who said anything about fearing fat? I certainly don't.

    How much chicken/fish or meat can I eat for the same amount of calories? What is more filling?

    I also don't enjoy the bloat that accompanies eating nuts. I've learned to avoid foods that bloat me up.
    Bloating from foods is NOT normal unless you can't tolerate them. Bloating is a signal of inflammation.
    If your body is busy fighting inflammation it can't do other things like build muscle and burn fat. If more people
    took the time to figure out what foods might be causing them issues, they might see more progress.

    Just sayin'.
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    I eat 1-2 bananas a day, like many others here say. You can't blame one single food for gaining weight in any kind of scenario other than eating over your maintenance calories in that food a day.
  • rachface1234
    rachface1234 Posts: 227 Member
    Bananas are great. Curried bananas, ginger bananas, chocolate dipped bananas, wonderful. I eat them almost every day and lose weight steadily. Sure you can gain weight eating ANYTHING, even rice cakes, which aren't even food but styrofoam. :)

    curried/ginger bananas?? YUMMM! recipe?

    don't you dare cut out bananas, that would be rude, and you'd miss out on a delicious fruit full of good for you carbs and potassium. stick to 2-4 servings of fruit a day instead.... but if it comes down to it, between a candy bar binge and a banana binge? I'm gonna have to side with my lovely innocent banana friend, noms.
  • KimberlyDCZ
    KimberlyDCZ Posts: 525 Member
    I just had a banana; as I do most days at or around breakfast time. :happy:
  • cygnetpro
    cygnetpro Posts: 419 Member
    I can almost 100% guarantee you that all of the obese people in the world did not get that way from eating too many bananas.

    Haha! Weight Watchers (their old points system) used to charge two points per banana. But one point for their heavily manufactured products. One of the reasons I stopped doing WW. I also get ads on some of my sites for that whole "five foods never to eat", and there is a picture of bananas. I think they would do better posting a photo of Outback's Blooming Onion!
    DDCNY Posts: 64 Member
    It's not about the banana making you gain. It's the glycemic index of the food. Bananas have a high GI. So if you are sensitive to high GI foods (like diabetics) then you would want to stick with lower GI fruits such as oranges. Years ago I did LA Weight Loss and it was the only commercial plan that ever worked for me. A doctor helped me figure out that it was because it was focused on low GI foods. For instance, back then, pears and bananas weren't allowed because of their higher sugar content and high GI. A serving of cherries was 9 cherries because of their GI.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    Bananas are highly beneficial, particularly in potassium, something dieter's have a tendency to avoid if not eating clean.

    Just avoid eating 5 or 6... bunches at one time and you won't gain weight because of them.
  • footiechick82
    footiechick82 Posts: 1,203 Member
    I eat bananas everyday... at least one... with natural peanut butter...

    do I look like I'm gaining any weight???

  • Bananas and they're damn rep.

    Pro: They're super yummy, especially with peanut butter.

    This is a lifestyle change, not a diet. If you enjoy bananas eat them. I haven't given anything up. Why would I? I typically eat a banana once a day and have lost a good bit of weight for myself. Cake (insert any bad food you really love) makes you gain, but most people aren't typically willing to give it up for the rest of their lives. It's a fruit. Eat it and enjoy.
  • Angeldach
    Angeldach Posts: 56
    Bananas........ attract mosquitoes.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
  • ShellyBell999
    ShellyBell999 Posts: 1,482 Member
    Nothing wrong with banana's, just dont make eye contact with ANYBODY *especially males whilst eating one :embarassed:

  • DainaLC
    DainaLC Posts: 18,937 Member
    Nothing wrong with banana's, just dont make eye contact with ANYBODY *especially males whilst eating one :embarassed:

    ...and we have a winner! WTG Shelly!
  • LAW_714
    LAW_714 Posts: 258
    *Anything* can make you gain weight. Saying "X can make you gain weight" isn't really saying anything.

    Pros: Bananas are a good source of potassium, manganese, and magnesium (and many people are deficient in these). They're naturally packaged and easily transportable.

    Cons: They turn black really fast and also raise your blood sugar.

    Eat them. There's good stuff in them. But eat in moderation knowing their potential to spike your blood sugar.
  • mrslcoop
    mrslcoop Posts: 317 Member
    Pros: They are delicious and I can't go a day without one... or two.

    Cons: None as they are delicious.
  • Kestrel45
    Kestrel45 Posts: 133
    Like everything else, if you don't eat too many, you're good to go :) I eat at least one per day, loove them!
  • ellaloveslove
    ellaloveslove Posts: 166 Member
    I can almost 100% guarantee you that all of the obese people in the world did not get that way from eating too many bananas.

  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    Bananas are great. Curried bananas, ginger bananas, chocolate dipped bananas, wonderful. I eat them almost every day and lose weight steadily. Sure you can gain weight eating ANYTHING, even rice cakes, which aren't even food but styrofoam. :)

    curried/ginger bananas?? YUMMM! recipe?

    don't you dare cut out bananas, that would be rude, and you'd miss out on a delicious fruit full of good for you carbs and potassium. stick to 2-4 servings of fruit a day instead.... but if it comes down to it, between a candy bar binge and a banana binge? I'm gonna have to side with my lovely innocent banana friend, noms.

    Curried or ginger bananas; Choose a ripe banana, peel it, cut it into one inch slices, and saute in a pan with a tablespoon or two of light butter or Smart Balance ( depending on size of banana) with a couple of tablespoons of curry powder, I prefer Jamaican curry to Madras, which can be a little too hot, heat through, sprinkle with coarse ground black pepper (don't leave this out), dive in. Ginger version, use ground ginger to taste, a tablespoon or so, with maybe a handful of crystallized ginger baking chips ( from The Ginger People). I made these for a houseful of people in Ocho Rios and they were a hit.
  • MelissaHopeG
    MelissaHopeG Posts: 56 Member
    Interesting all of these comments because I only eat two pieces of fruit each day and seem to ALWAYS go over my sugar levels! I was honestly curious about the banana too.... do you all count the fruit-sugar in your sugar totals??
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    I don't pay any attention to sugar, just overall calorie count.
  • goodtimezzzz
    goodtimezzzz Posts: 640 Member
    one of natures perfect foods...the Potassium to sodium balance is perfect at 4 to 1..and bananas just like any other of natures foods should be consumed in abundance!
  • ChristinaR720
    ChristinaR720 Posts: 1,186
    Eat bananas. They're good for you and they're delicious. What's good enough for Monkey, is awesomeness for me!

  • sozisraw
    sozisraw Posts: 418 Member
    I eat bananas everyday... at least one... with natural peanut butter...

    do I look like I'm gaining any weight???


    Me too and hopefully getting as slim as you :smile:
  • IrritatedDoro
    IrritatedDoro Posts: 89 Member
    Interesting all of these comments because I only eat two pieces of fruit each day and seem to ALWAYS go over my sugar levels! I was honestly curious about the banana too.... do you all count the fruit-sugar in your sugar totals??

    As a vegetarian, I also include a lot of fruit into my diet. I am not diabetic so sugar is less important to me than overall calories. Since I'm a little older, and don't eat a lot of dairy, I think it is more important to keep an eye on my calcium intake. I changed the sugar to calcium using settings.

    Oh and bananas are good.
  • Sieden76
    Sieden76 Posts: 127 Member

    Plus I'm about to eat a bunch of them because I bought a ton at the store yesterday so I guess I'll have banana thighs.... damn it lol
  • Silver14
    Silver14 Posts: 141
    I avoid nuts. Too many calories and fat for so little pleasure. Just my opinion of course.

    How do you live!? I eat like 3 serves of nuts a day.... 0.0
  • lstockham39
    lstockham39 Posts: 26 Member
    I love bananas. They fit into my macros, and I love them with peanut butter.

    Bananas don't love me. They cause me to not poop.

    Some days, the banana wins, some days, the bowels win.

    I've actually heard this quite a lot too... how would you counteract that?? More fiber?? Peanuts and such?
  • Sobus76
    Sobus76 Posts: 242 Member
    I eat a banana every day with breakfast.. i dont think i've gained weight..