It is pronounced meem. There is no question about this. Richard Dawkins created the term, and specifically stated that he wanted it to sound like "gene". Direct citation from his book is in the wikipedia article
I religiously drink a protein shake immediately after lifting. I'm not sure I buy the nutrient timing stuff, it's just that I find if I do that then when I get home to make dinner I will take the time to cook some chicken or something instead of just stumbling into the pantry and immediately eating all the things
There's a whole lot of gray area between organic and inhaled pesticides, you know.
* > Planet Fitness
I respect your sarcasm, it's elegant, but obviously I'm not saying that anabolism isn't affected by calorie intake. OF COURSE it's easier to build on a surplus than a deficit. And nobody's going to break records while on a deficit (mostly because they'd reach that 6% bodyfat long before they got to the record-breaking…
But, since I can lift the same amount I did this time last week, and I'm on a calorie deficit, and I'm lifting heavy, obviously my body directed some of that energy to building back the damage I did to my muscles last week, low priority or not. This is the most persistent piece of broscience ever. Even when it fails to…
That line addressed the specific problem of calorie deficit. Obviously fat doesn't just turn magically into protein. But I think you understood what I meant. I suspect this by the way you isolated that single line of my post. If you lift when on a deficit, your body must replace the damaged muscle. If you couldn't gain on…
EVERYTHING'S a possible sign of celiac.
Go to the doctor, make sure it's not serious, and then when you're better, get right back to it. But this time deadlift a piece of PVC pipe if you have to until your form is perfect.
Walk over and say "hi, can someone show me how to do squats?", and then get out of the way Whoever wins the fight will be glad to help
"You can't build muscle on a deficit because you need calories to build muscle" "If you eat less calories than you burn, you lose weight" Think. Really hard. Just for a minute. Of course you can build muscle on a deficit. If you're on a deficit, you're losing weight. If you're losing weight, you have a bunch of nasty stuff…
If you're looking to roughly estimate, choose a large chain that seems most like the place you go, and hit their website. They all have calculators that let you add toppings or whatever and give you full nutrition info for a specific pizza. Spoiler alert: you aren't going to like it.
Is 12 reps all you can do at a time, or could you do 20 if you kept going?
Wait. Who's telling you you can't wear multicolored spandex? To hell with their social conventions.
Put a rest day after legs. Or two. And join a gym. Use their equipment. Nobody's judging you. I promise.
You're either doing it wrong, or you're the only one doing it right.
Lmao. The above advice is perfect for a beginner that absolutely HATES their tendons and ligaments 8-10 reps is the most you can do with good form, you're "lifting heavy". Doesn't matter if that's a 3 lb dumbell or a barbell with twice your body weight.
Sweating is one thing. But the headaches and redness make me think it wouldn't be a terrible idea to get your blood pressure checked just to play it safe
Somebody delete this spam. Shakeology is terrible, and there are no superfoods. Anyway, I always used gold standard whey, but just switched to Cellucor's COR Performance, only because they had a great deal on body building dot com I'd recommend either brand - both are 25-26g protein and 110-130 calories per scoop depending…
Unexpected plot twist on page 7 What a thread.
Yeah I just figured that out. It was a stupid question after all. Just never seen it abbreviated that way.
(Deleted post because I'm a moron)
Agree. Lats=back. I wouldn't want to do your back workout the day after doing all that lat work. A lot of people will put biceps+triceps on their own day before or after leg day. They can take two workouts a week a lot better than your back. That's what I do for 5 days -> Chest, back, shoulders, legs, arms and I'll just…
There should be a little button right next to the search bar after you choose "add food"
Have you had a sleep study? A bit of obstructive sleep apnea could explain the afternoon tiredness and even difficulty losing weight (to a certain extent).
Wait, Pheidippides was a coward and a failure? He completed his assigned mission before he died.
Machines, including Smith, cannot be considered a 1 to 1 substitute for a free lift. A squat with a barbell is not the same as a squat with a smith, and a dumbbell fly is not the same as using the deck. But anyone who says that machines should always be avoided as a matter of principle or that Smith machines are worthless…
Wait. What's your problem with a smith machine?
I'm pretty sure you're pregnant
They sound hot