ernurse77 Member


  • Hi Kodi! Good luck and stand strong with your cut! The results will amaze you!
  • Hi there. First off, have you ever been to a show? If not, I highly recommend going to one before you compete. It helps to understand a little more about what to expect!! The question that you pose is a very broad questions with many answers. Perhaps you could try and narrow it down to immediate things that you would like…
  • I had (have) tendonitis in my right elbow. I ignored it and never let it rest properly, even after the cortisone shot. Because of my stubbornness, I ended up rupturing my extensor tendon. I am a bodybuilder and have been sidelined for the last 3 months from lifting with my right arm due to surgery. I have been off of work…
  • YES!!! Strength training definitely makes you faster!!! I lifted heavy all winter long, started softball in April, and I swear I was faster. It wasn't until a teammate mentioned to me that I was faster than last year. I am more explosive out of the batters box than previously. Keep lifting!!! It does a body good!
  • Sorry for the delay in posting this photo, but I have been crazy busy! I refuse to use Photobucket because of previous issues with them taking photos of my daughter and using them for something I did not approve of. For that reason, my photos are in my profile. Feel free to view them there. Keep in mind that the photo on…
  • I too am covered in stripes and extra skin around my lower abdomen. That's what my beautiful children gifted me. I wouldn't change it for anything! Congratulations to you for kicking *kitten*!!
  • Throw your scale away. Why do you think that the number matters so much to you? You already said it that your clothes are fitting better. When you can let go of the scale, your life becomes much more simple.
  • Stop the bad food intake, and increase the good. The thing about fat loss and "toning up," your body is going to loose fat from the very last place it put it on first. I tend to hold fat in my thighs. I also haven't done any cardio since November, I have increased my weights, cleaned up my diet (no sugar, very very little…
  • Maybe focus more on strength training and less on length of cardio. Lift for 40 minutes, and do 20 minutes of HIIT cardio no less than 3 days a week. Eating at a nutritious deficit with a bump in your lean protein and healthy fats, while decreasing your carb & sugar intake.
  • Me! I lift heavy and I love every single second of it! My favs are squats & dead lifts. Last week I was able to dead lift 175lbs for 2 sets of 5 reps. Squats I'm still trying to increase past 135lbs.
  • I still see myself as fat. I am also trying to come up with a way to see myself as I actually am. I wish I had advice to give to you. The only thing I can says, you are not alone.
  • I want to post my pics here in this thread, but I don't know how! Anyway, there are some pics in my profile that show a little progress. One of them is me at my heaviest of 246lbs the day I delivered my 11 lb 1 oz son via c-section, on down to about 3 weeks ago weighing in a 166lbs. I am 5'8" tall. Oh, and the one of my…
  • I love looking at these pictures!!! What wonderful progress!!! I wish I knew how to post a pic because I want to join in! Keep up the hard work!!
  • Ask a trainer at your gym. If you can afford 1 hour with a trainer to show you some good moves for what your goals are, then do your self the favor and buy the hour of their time!
  • Help a girl out....Why pants to deadlift or deadlift socks???
  • Damn! Thanks for the info! I don't play tennis at all. I play softball. I'm sure it is an over use injury. I have had issues with it previously in the summer but not this bad. One of the docs I work with has given me a number to a sports medicine physician to see if he can help at all. I bought one of those stupid arm…
  • I am currently 166lbs at 5ft 8. My goal is 150lbs. When I started in 2010 I was 193lbs. I would always quit working out in the summer because my kids were younger and home from school. Now, I am at the gym at least 3 days a week. I have outgrown our weights at home by leaps and bounds. I am smaller than I was before I got…
  • Thanks everyone. I know that it's got to be working because my thighs no longer rub together. I just wish that I saw my thighs smaller! I have lost inches, I have been measuring. I guess that I'm tired of being patient and want them smaller NOW! I swear that most of my inches have been lost from my boobs lately :(
  • Unfortunately, the only thing that works is good old fashioned eating right and working out hard. Believe me, if there was a way to NOT eat good, I would find it!
  • And of course I forgot to take before pictures! Anyway, I was shocked that my initial body fat measurement was only 19%. I honestly thought it would have been higher. To date, I have lost 4lbs of body fat. I go back in the next couple of weeks to be measured again. Keep in mind, I have had 2 trips since I started this. The…
  • Count me in as hypothyroid! I was diagnosed with post-partum thyroiditis after the birth of my daughter in 2005. I have struggled with my weight since then. I blame it on the fact that I am now in my mid 30's and have had two GIANT babies, and of course, bad habits and laziness. My doc has been uninterested in my thyroid…
  • If your doctor is saying 4 is an acceptable TSH by medical standard, then your doctor is not aware of the standards introduced in 2002 -- 3.0 is the top of the range for TSH, and many doctors argue is should be down to 2.5 or even 2.0. TSH is also not a thyroid hormone; your doctor should also be testing your free T3 and…
  • I have been hypo since the birth of my now 7 year old daughter. I spoke with my doc during my physical in December and told him that I can't loose weight, cold all the time, exercising, blah blah. You are all familiar with it. I am diligent with my food and exercise ad have only lost a couple of pounds. What is frustrating…
  • I'm doing the Shred too! I'm on Day 9 level 2. It's tough, and can get boring. I've started it so many times, but I do get bored of it. That's why I haven't completed it yet, I usually move onto something else. Add me as a buddy if you would like!
  • Hmm, guess I was doing well as far as a lot of processed foods.
  • First off, thank you everybody for the encouragement. I thought my diary was public, but I guess I was wrong! I changed it prior to posting this. No, I do not eat 1200 calories or less, I would be a raging beotch if I did, not to mention, unhealthy. I try really hard to not eat processed foods, however my sodium intake…
  • I'm on Day 14, level 2 of 30DS and gained 2lbs this week...I'm so frustrated!
  • I couldn't agree more! Wear those stretch marks as a badge of honor and courage! Funny thing is, I have them on my stomach from my pregnancies and they don't bother me, but the one's that I have on my hips/thighs/boobs from puberty, THOSE I hate. I am now encouraged to get that book and start doing that work out. I have…